If it was a man teacher, and girl students, would we be saying, wow, I wish I was that teacher.
ZRM Newswire for the Week of June 05, 2010
Kagan Has Saudi, Bin Laden Money Ties
Judicial Watch ^ | May, 2010
Posted on Wednesday, June 02, 2010 4:29:07 PM
In a disturbing revelation for a Supreme Court nominee, Elena Kagan took millions of dollars from the Saudis as dean of Harvard Law School and a chunk of the money reportedly came from 9/11 mastermind Osama bin Laden. When Kagan took over as dean in 2003, she launched an aggressive and unprecedented fundraising campaign that raked in a whopping $476.5 million, the most lucrative in the law school's history. In fact, Harvard has accepted so much cash from the bin Ladens that the Cambridge City Council passed a resolution calling upon the university to donate compensation money for the victims of the 2001 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. Harvard officials refused. Another skeleton in Kagan's closet is her financial ties to Goldman Sachs. For four years she worked as an "advisor" at the Wall Street titan that donated heavily to Democrats. She received a $10,000 annual "stipend" for her advice even though she was occupied at the time raising money for Harvard and serving as dean of its law school.If you have any problems with my posts or signature
In a Welfare State, How Much Is ‘Enough’?
National Review ^ | June 2, 2010 | Jonah Goldberg
Posted on Wednesday, June 02, 2010 5:06:25 PM
That’s a question Democrats don’t tend to ask.
The flames from Greece’s debt-crisis protests have cast new light on the perils of our own overspending and overborrowing. You know the litany. California is imploding. Public-sector unions there, and across the country, are swallowing budgets. In California alone, pension costs have gone up 2,000 percent in a decade. At the national level, Obamacare has done little to fix — and much to hurt — America’s long-term entitlement mess. Already, America’s structural deficit has tripled since 2007. Economist Price Fishback has just published a paper finding that America spends more on social welfare than socialist Sweden (though we spend it differently).
According to USA Today, “paychecks from private business shrank to their smallest share of personal income in U.S. history during the first quarter of this year,” while government benefits rose to a record high. In fact, government employment is becoming a method of redistributing wealth. In 2009, the federal payroll grew and the number of federal jobs paying over $100,000 a year doubled.
The average federal worker earns over 70 percent more than the average private-sector worker, writes Arthur Brooks in his new book, The Battle: “To find this acceptable, you must agree that the average federal worker is much more productive or deserving than the average person in the private sector.”
Show of hands: Who thinks that’s true?
Yet the Democrats want more. More what? More everything. Even as the economy is starting to grow and many experts think we should trim debt and spending, Democrats want yet another stimulus bill, to extend jobless benefits. (They call them “jobs bills” now.) It turns out that all of that talk of a “temporary” stimulus was just that: temporary talk.
Indeed, the mess we have today is merely the natural result of a century-long battle over the size of government. When it comes to the welfare state, liberals want more, conservatives want less. It seems that nobody ever talks about “enough.”
Except that’s not entirely true. Rep. Paul Ryan (R., Wis.) offered an alternative vision of government in his famous “Roadmap.” It was, in the words of New York Times columnist Ross Douthat, a blueprint for a “conservative welfare state.” The idea was that the truly needy would be taken care of because they are truly needy, but middle-class entitlements would be scaled back for two simple reasons: 1) We cannot afford them, and 2) excessive government meddling in areas such as health care increases costs and wastes money.
Ryan’s blueprint was denounced by liberals as too stingy and largely ignored by much of the Republican leadership, who were happy to just say no to Obama’s plans without offering voters anything serious to say yes to.
William Voegeli, a scholar of impeccable conservative credentials, has joined Ryan’s battle in his book Never Enough, a searing indictment of what he calls the Hundred Years’ War between the party of more and the party of less. Voegeli argues that American voters (including most Republicans) will never fully eradicate the welfare state, because they don’t want to. Therefore, conservatives should make peace with the idea that the federal government should help the truly needy, while rejecting both the sorts of middle- and upper-class entitlements that are bankrupting the country and the kind of government “dole” that breeds bad habits among the poor and able-bodied.
Purist libertarians who see in this argument merely a surrender to liberalism should at least acknowledge that liberals would denounce any suggestion of means testing America’s safety net as cruel cutbacks and a violation of FDR’s “vision,” and that many voters would agree with them. Moreover, the current strategy hasn’t worked. We’ve had a century of nearly uninterrupted growth in the welfare state, even under Ronald Reagan. That alone recommends a new strategy.
Consider Social Security. Liberals are absolutely committed to the idea that everybody should be in the same creaky retirement system. They insist that middle- and upper-class voters must be bribed to support the poor. Warren Buffett gets a Social Security check to ensure everyone does. In fairness, some liberals also claim that a universal entitlement binds us together as a nation. The former claim is cynical, the latter poetic nonsense.
Governments do not generate wealth; they can merely distribute it. The challenge for both liberals and conservatives is simply to define how much distribution is “enough.” What would an acceptable safety net look like? Who should be taken care of by taxpayers and for how long? Paul Ryan offered an answer to that question, and liberals scoffed because they reject the question. There’s no such thing as enough, as far as they’re concerned. That’s what the Greeks thought.If you have any problems with my posts or signature
Largest weapons cache in years seized in Laredo
AP via Houston Chronicle ^ | June 2, 2010, 2:20PM | CHRISTOPHER SHERMAN
Posted on Wednesday, June 02, 2010 4:58:59 PM
Laredo police say they made one of their largest weapons seizures in years after pulling over a truck laden with brand new assault rifles, bayonets and ammunition that they believe was headed to Mexico.
The seizure Saturday afternoon came less then two weeks after Mexican President Felipe Calderon asked Congress to help stem the flow of guns from the U.S. into Mexico.
Acting on a tip from the Webb County Sheriff's Office, Laredo police stopped a vehicle containing 175 brand-new, boxed assault rifles, 200 high-capacity magazines, 53 bayonets and 10,000 rounds of ammunition. One of the two men in the vehicle tried to flee, but was apprehended, said Laredo Police Investigator Joe Baeza...
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives are investigating the seizure, but Baeza said the presumption is the vehicle was heading to Mexico.
"Two Joe Blows aren't going to buy a bunch of weapons and it stops there," Baeza said. "We're pretty positive it was headed to Mexico." He declined to release the names of the two men in custody...
Baeza said the seizure hit home in the context of Calderon's recent visit to Washington, during which he suggested the U.S. reinstate its ban on the sale of assault rifles.
Mexico has long complained that its violent drug war was fueled in large part by weapons smuggled across the border...
"I fully respect, I admire the American Constitution and I understand that the purpose of the Second Amendment is to guarantee good American citizens the ability to defend themselves and their nation," Calderon said to a joint session of Congress during his May visit. "But believe me, many of these guns are not going to honest American hands."...If you have any problems with my posts or signature
Father arrested in cemetery thefts
Yakima Herald-Republic ^ | June 02, 2010 | Adriana Janovich
Posted on Wednesday, June 02, 2010 4:50:49 PM
YAKIMA, Wash. -- A man was arrested Memorial Day after authorities said he told 9-year-old daughter to take flowers from graves at West Hills Cemetery.
According to a news release from the Yakima County Sheriff’s Office, a patrol deputy spotted the girl carrying several flower arrangements around 9 p.m. Monday.
She ran to a car parked on cemetery property. Inside, the deputy discovered approximately 22 flower arrangements and potted plants as well as three American flags and a Marine Corps flag, according to the release.
Three other children were also in the car, ranging in age from 5 to 8.
Authorities said the girl’s parents had instructed their daughter to take the flowers so they could later re-plant them at their home.
The father, 55, was arrested and booked into jail on theft charges. The mother, 33, was cited and released. All the stolen items were returned to the cemetery staff.If you have any problems with my posts or signature