DE/straight shavers?

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  • KarlvB
    • Feb 2008
    • 681

    DE/straight shavers?

    I started using a DE razor three weeks ago in a attempt to finally get rid of ingrown hair. Not only has it solved the ingrown hair problem but I find that my shaves last twice as long and my wife keeps on commenting on how soft my beard is even when I have a couple of days growth.

    So who else here uses a DE or straight razor? I know luckysealy and ShaulWolf do. lxskllr is a straight razor man if I remember correctly?

    Currently I use a Mühle R89, Derby Extra's, Mühle stainless steel shaving bowl, TOB Avocado or DR Harris Arlington shaving cream and a TOB Medium Silver Tip brush

    On the verge of buying some Castle Forbes and Fitjar shaving creams and waiting on some Feather blades.

    Also tempted to attend a straight razor course at Truefitt & Hill as soon as my diary allows
  • RedMacGregor
    • Dec 2009
    • 554

    I alternate use between Dovo straight razor and the Dovo "Shavette" straight razor that uses safety razors snapped in half.. keeping up stropping on the straight razor is kinda a hassle, i prefer the disposable nature of the shavette safety razors, still get the straight razor shave without having to worry about maintenance. plus a pack of safety razors is $1.50 and lasts for months.


    • daruckis
      • Jul 2009
      • 2277

      i feel like this is something i have to get into.

      gotta say i did discover the finest of all shaving creams. its called cremo and it is the shit.


      • kreigle
        • Sep 2009
        • 144

        DE and straight user here.


        • Monkey
          Senior Member
          • Mar 2009
          • 3290

          I use a Merkur heavy weight SS safety razor and a Badger Silver tip brush. Merkur blades.

          I shave my face and my bald head with this bad boy.
          Attached Files


          • Roo
            • Jun 2008
            • 3446

            What's the advantage Mike? I shave my head too, but use a mach3. I like the idea of a safety razor, and that thing looks pretty sweet... shaving my head with a straight razor, although I've never used one, seems like it would end in a bloody, painful mess. I'll have to look into this. Also, have any of you bald dudes found an electric razor that works well on your head? I've never used an electric razor in my life, as I have only shaved my face once since age 17, but it seems like it would be convenient.

            Edit: Lol I just found a forum for bald guys:


            • Monkey
              Senior Member
              • Mar 2009
              • 3290

              The advantage is strictly price related.

              One mach three blade lasts me one shave. I have thick, course and wiry hair (what's left of it) and it dulls the hell out of the mach three. A Merkur blade in the safety razor will last three to five shaves and get it pretty good even by the fifth shave (I flip it over after every shave). My hair grows fast too, I can get pretty much a full beard in 4-5 days. Sometimes I have to shave twice a day, especially if I shave really early in the morning and then have to be presentable in the evening.

              I also have a Norelco electric that I use on my head after I shave with the safety razor. (The one with the three spinny circular blades). It also has a trimmer for my moustache.

              If I ever hit the lotto, the first thing I'm doing is getting lazer hair removal on the scalp and neck beard.

              I use the art of shaving unscented after shave for moistureizing and sometimes I use a pre-shave oil. I really need to find a good shaving soap.


              • danielan
                • Apr 2010
                • 1514

                Originally posted by Monkey View Post
                My hair grows fast too, I can get pretty much a full beard in 4-5 days. Sometimes I have to shave twice a day, especially if I shave really early in the morning and then have to be presentable in the evening.
                So, this "Monkey" thing... It's not just a nick for you is it?


                • Monkey
                  Senior Member
                  • Mar 2009
                  • 3290

                  Originally posted by danielan View Post
                  So, this "Monkey" thing... It's not just a nick for you is it?
                  Haha. It's kinda how I got the nickname. I've haven't been around the group that gave me that nick for a couple years but I still turn my head and look when someone says "Monkey".

                  I'm a really hairy dude.


                  • lxskllr
                    • Sep 2007
                    • 13435

                    I've used a straight razor for about 20 years now. I love it :^)


                    • Norwester
                      • Dec 2008
                      • 178

                      I've been using a Merkur HD and Chrystal blades for a year or so now. I've been meaning to try the Feathers.


                      • AllanH
                        • Mar 2010
                        • 213

                        I never learned to shave with safety razor, I still have one inherited from my father, and usually go for the latest Gillette or Wilkinson. Five blade Gillette Fusion with weird electronic function was kind of dud so I got discount store blades from Aldi and they perform well. Stick shaving soap from Booths and shaving brush and Nivea Aftershave balm are other accoutrements in use. I get proper hot towel shave from barbershop occasionally.


                        • Ringer
                          • Jun 2010
                          • 23

                          Originally posted by Monkey View Post
                          The advantage is strictly price related.

                          One mach three blade lasts me one shave. I have thick, course and wiry hair (what's left of it) and it dulls the hell out of the mach three. A Merkur blade in the safety razor will last three to five shaves and get it pretty good even by the fifth shave (I flip it over after every shave). My hair grows fast too, I can get pretty much a full beard in 4-5 days. Sometimes I have to shave twice a day, especially if I shave really early in the morning and then have to be presentable in the evening.

                          I also have a Norelco electric that I use on my head after I shave with the safety razor. (The one with the three spinny circular blades). It also has a trimmer for my moustache.

                          If I ever hit the lotto, the first thing I'm doing is getting lazer hair removal on the scalp and neck beard.

                          I use the art of shaving unscented after shave for moistureizing and sometimes I use a pre-shave oil. I really need to find a good shaving soap.
                          DE shaving has been my thing for a while. There are many different shave soaps out there and it's hard to say which one people will like more. However, there seem to be two camps as far as shave soaps are concerned: glycerine and tallow based.

                          Tallow based soaps are not as common, but the consensus is that it provides superior lubrication and a thicker lather. A very good product that is the rave in the DE shaving world is Tabac, that is, if you don't mind the smell. I personally like the smell, but there are many who don't. I'm assuming you have a badger hair brush if you're looking into getting a shave soap?


                          • KarlvB
                            • Feb 2008
                            • 681

                            Originally posted by Ringer View Post
                            DE shaving has been my thing for a while. There are many different shave soaps out there and it's hard to say which one people will like more. However, there seem to be two camps as far as shave soaps are concerned: glycerine and tallow based.

                            Tallow based soaps are not as common, but the consensus is that it provides superior lubrication and a thicker lather. A very good product that is the rave in the DE shaving world is Tabac, that is, if you don't mind the smell. I personally like the smell, but there are many who don't. I'm assuming you have a badger hair brush if you're looking into getting a shave soap?
                            I found it interesting that so many people on Badger & Blade are raving about Tabac. My dad has shaved with Tabac for as long as I can remember and even now just smelling it brings back memories. Personally I like the fragrance and will definitely be ordering some soon. Guess what they say about becoming more like your father as you get older is true....

                            Only problem I see with DE shaving is that (like with snus) acquisition disorder sets in. To make matters worse I work literally around the corner from the 3 Ts (Trumper, Truefitt, Taylors) in St. James and walk past their shops every day. Taylors is getting my vote at the moment but I am enjoying the DR Harris products as well.

                            I haven't tried any of the tallow based soaps. I am considering the Mitchell's Wool Far shaving soap though. Looks like it offers a great shave. What is your opinion on the tallow based soaps?

                            @Norwester I am waiting for my Feathers and will let you know what they are like when I get them. Apparently they are exceptionally sharp but my Mühle (which is similar to an Edwin Jagger) isn't aggressive at all so looking forward to an even closer shave.

                            I would suggest that anyone interested in getting a truly great shave explores the DE world. The difference it has made to my shaving routine is immense and it has gone from being a PITA to being a part of my day that I look forward to.

                            If you are based in the UK PM me for a recommendation on my favourite online suppliers. You can get a pretty decent set of kit for less than £50.


                            • tom502
                              • Feb 2009
                              • 8985

                              I've been curious to get one of those older shavers where you drop the double edged blade into it and turn the handle. I used to have one way way back, and I guess it got thrown away, but now a day you can't find these are the stores anymore. I just use a cheap generic bag of disposables, but each one lasts me a very long time. Though I am growing out my beard now, and only use it for the neck line.


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