DE/straight shavers?

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  • rickcharles606
    • Mar 2009
    • 2307

    The people on this forum are amazing. I have witnessed time after time, one or many members pitching in to help another member with a problem or to just lend an ear. I want to personally thank GoVegan and Bakerbarber. GoVegan sent me one of his backup DE's to shave with after breaking my Grand-father's DE razor, and not a day later I received a package from Bakerbarber with two razors and a pack of the sharpest damned blades (Feather) that I've ever used. I owe you both a debt of gratitude, and respect. Check your mail

    Side note, I was forced into a Bath and Body works the other day by my So I figured while there I'll check out their "men's" section to see if they had shave soap or creams. Surprisingly they had a shaving cream in a tube that is made by Proaso from Italy. Eucalyptus base and super creamy, great lather and it was a nice coooool shave, I'm guessing because of the eucalyptus. Give it a try, not too bad for only $10.


    • f. bandersnatch
      • Mar 2010
      • 725

      Originally posted by rickcharles606 View Post
      Side note, I was forced into a Bath and Body works the other day by my So I figured while there I'll check out their "men's" section to see if they had shave soap or creams. Surprisingly they had a shaving cream in a tube that is made by Proaso from Italy. Eucalyptus base and super creamy, great lather and it was a nice coooool shave, I'm guessing because of the eucalyptus. Give it a try, not too bad for only $10.
      That stuff is really good. I am pretty sure it is just relabeled Proaso sold at high volume to B&BW. It's a really convenient way to get a good shaving cream. Soaps seem to be widely available, but it is harder to find creams in retail stores (I am of course discounting anything that comes in a pressurized can with the words 'extreme', 'for men' or 'gel' on it).


      • GoVegan
        • Oct 2009
        • 5603

        Originally posted by rickcharles606 View Post
        The people on this forum are amazing. I have witnessed time after time, one or many members pitching in to help another member with a problem or to just lend an ear. I want to personally thank GoVegan and Bakerbarber. GoVegan sent me one of his backup DE's to shave with after breaking my Grand-father's DE razor, and not a day later I received a package from Bakerbarber with two razors and a pack of the sharpest damned blades (Feather) that I've ever used. I owe you both a debt of gratitude, and respect. Check your mail

        Side note, I was forced into a Bath and Body works the other day by my So I figured while there I'll check out their "men's" section to see if they had shave soap or creams. Surprisingly they had a shaving cream in a tube that is made by Proaso from Italy. Eucalyptus base and super creamy, great lather and it was a nice coooool shave, I'm guessing because of the eucalyptus. Give it a try, not too bad for only $10.
        Glad I could help! Do you think the Feathers are better than Derby's? I tried a Feather blade and got about 3 good shaves from it but I know sometimes you can just get a bad blade so I might try it again. I am almost ashamed to say this but I keep going back to Barbasol. Yes I know it is like using Camel for snus when the Swedish stuff is available but it is soooo easy to rinse from my razor. The Aubrey City Rhythms is still my favorite for smell and feel but I need something that I can use fast in the morning.


        • rickcharles606
          • Mar 2009
          • 2307

          I love the smell of Barbasol, guess it reminds me of when I was a kid and I'd watch my Dad shave. He'd always put some on my face too...ahhh memories, lol. I'm about to order some MWF and give it a try, and a few others. I'm trying to narrow down the brushes before I purchase one, and from what I've read, it's the brush that makes the shave. So I may actually spring for a pricey one...we'll see. My wife loves the super close shaves, and is now making fun of me. She says, "Now that snus is your just had to find another hobby, didn't you?" ahahaha, I guess she's right, but at least she get's to enjoy this hobby too

          Regarding the Feathers...not sure whether I like them better yet. I've only used a Feather once, but I'll keep you posted.


          • GoVegan
            • Oct 2009
            • 5603

            Originally posted by rickcharles606 View Post
            I love the smell of Barbasol, guess it reminds me of when I was a kid and I'd watch my Dad shave. He'd always put some on my face too...ahhh memories, lol. I'm about to order some MWF and give it a try, and a few others. I'm trying to narrow down the brushes before I purchase one, and from what I've read, it's the brush that makes the shave. So I may actually spring for a pricey one...we'll see. My wife loves the super close shaves, and is now making fun of me. She says, "Now that snus is your just had to find another hobby, didn't you?" ahahaha, I guess she's right, but at least she get's to enjoy this hobby too
            I love it! You can be our snus and DE razor distributor. I went to a tobacco shop in Sacramento that also carried shaving supplies to include straights and DE's. Somehow, that just seems like the perfect combination. If they had coffee in there I would be in heaven!


            • rickcharles606
              • Mar 2009
              • 2307

              Tomorrow I'm going to meet with a few "high end" smoke shops, that I know carry shaving supplies too. It would be nice to find a nice brush while there, then I wouldn't have to wait for one to be shipped after purchasing online. Don't know if I could handle shaving supplies AND snus, lol.


              • bakerbarber
                • Jun 2008
                • 1947

                I got some Made in USA medical grade Personnas.

                Longest lasting blade I've ever tried so far. I only got five of them from a guy who went in on a big order to get them.

                So far I'm on my 9th shave, going on 10th, with the same blade. I shave every day. Usually pitch a blade on Saturday, use a new one on Sunday.

                Generally by Friday I'm stretching the shave-worthyness of any other blade.

                I haven't got to this point yet with the medical prep blades. No bur or rough spot, and first shave wasn't a 'burner' like some others.

                I'd buy a box of 100 if I didn't pick up so many blades over the past few months....

                Good score on the BBW shave soap. Our local one doesn't carry it. I asked, but didn't look too hard. I could hardly breathe in that store....
                Need a good local snus/ shave/ coffee/ pub food, store 'round these parts for sure!


                • rickcharles606
                  • Mar 2009
                  • 2307

                  Picked up some Col. Conk shave soaps today; Bayrum and the Amber. Both are glycerin based soaps, anyone have any luck with a glycerin based soap?


                  • GoVegan
                    • Oct 2009
                    • 5603

                    I use glycerin based soaps to shower with but never tried shaving with them.


                    • Maher
                      • Sep 2010
                      • 242

                      I use a DE and a feather as str8. Also use a shave brush and cream to lather up, best thing ever. As a matter of fact I was introduced to Snus and this forum at a shaving forum, another good thing


                      • piks101
                        • Sep 2010
                        • 691

                        Originally posted by ratcheer View Post
                        I had a great shave this weekend. I put a new Feather blade in my Merkur Classic. Used QED Wild Orange soap with my biggest badger brush. Finished off with witch hazel lotion.

                        Witch Hazel as an after shave is one of the best kept secrets and all for about $1.25 a bottle.


                        • precious007
                          Banned Users
                          • Sep 2010
                          • 5885

                          Slightly off-topic..

                          But does anyone have face burn after shaving??
                          I use gillete gel usually and gilette mach 3 as the razor... and can't see why my face is burning after shaving.

                          If I first take a bath and moisten my beard first , I don't get the burning sensation...

                          But if I don't it burns every single time....


                          • KarlvB
                            • Feb 2008
                            • 681

                            Originally posted by precious007 View Post
                            Slightly off-topic..

                            But does anyone have face burn after shaving??
                            I use gillete gel usually and gilette mach 3 as the razor... and can't see why my face is burning after shaving.

                            If I first take a bath and moisten my beard first , I don't get the burning sensation...

                            But if I don't it burns every single time....
                            You've pretty much answered your own question there. A shave is much more comfortable if your beard is waterlogged. I will always wash my face with hot water before a shave (and usually only shave after a shower).

                            This is where using a brush and soap (or cream) also works really well. The brush lifts the hair and prepares it for the shave. You can also use a pre-shave like Castle Forbes (which I have), but to be honest I haven't seen a marked difference between using a pre-shave and not using one.

                            My advice - ditch the mach 3 and the goo in a can and invest in a decent DE set-up. You'll never regret it. Ever.

                            Ps: I used to find Mach3 blades to be pretty much useless after a couple of shaves so maybe you need to change your blades as well - just a thought


                            • precious007
                              Banned Users
                              • Sep 2010
                              • 5885

                              Originally posted by KarlvB
                              You've pretty much answered your own question there. A shave is much more comfortable if your beard is waterlogged. I will always wash my face with hot water before a shave (and usually only shave after a shower).

                              This is where using a brush and soap (or cream) also works really well. The brush lifts the hair and prepares it for the shave. You can also use a pre-shave like Castle Forbes (which I have), but to be honest I haven't seen a marked difference between using a pre-shave and not using one.

                              My advice - ditch the mach 3 and the goo in a can and invest in a decent DE set-up. You'll never regret it. Ever.

                              Ps: I used to find Mach3 blades to be pretty much useless after a couple of shaves so maybe you need to change your blades as well - just a thought
                              Though so, thanks..

                              Will only shave after a shower..

                              Where can I can a DE set-up ? (are those classic blades?)


                              • Maher
                                • Sep 2010
                                • 242

                                Originally posted by precious007 View Post
                                Though so, thanks..

                                Will only shave after a shower..

                                Where can I can a DE set-up ? (are those classic blades?)
                                You don't need to shave in the shower, you can if you want to, but shaving after a hot shower helps and/or a proper prep will also help. buying a DE wet shave setup is a relative issue, you can spend from a few $$$ to hundreds of $$$ and both will work properly for you. Wally world carry a nice assortment of items for a few dollars. You can also indulge in wet shaving, this forum is dedicated to wet shaving and a lot of good people there that help.

                                enjoy, but be warned this can be very costly


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