DE/straight shavers?

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  • justintempler
    • Nov 2008
    • 3090

    Originally posted by Owens187 View Post
    As far as a brush, just go to CVS Pharmacy, Walgreens, or Rite-Aid and pick up a Van Der Hagens Deluxe Brush. Seriously, for a 5 dollar brush it is one of my favorites now that its broken in, you can actually see it in the photo I posted above.

    As for soap, the VDH soap you can find at the places I mentioned, is a damn fine soap for the price. Way underpriced, even. I use it all the time.

    Just doing my web surfing..

    Van Der Hagen Shave Set 3 pcs $16.70 (Brush Soap and Bowl)


    • rickcharles606
      • Mar 2009
      • 2307

      I've tried that soap, don't care for it. I did however purchase some of the bay and clove soap, gonna give it a shot. Thanks bro


      • GoVegan
        • Oct 2009
        • 5603

        Originally posted by rickcharles606 View Post
        Update on my DE shaving experience; I LOVE IT,and so does my GoVegan sent me a variety of blades to try out and see which I liked the best. I'm almost certain that I prefer the Astra, and the Derby blades. Still haven't gone through all of them yet. The issue I'm having is I can't seem to find a soap that I like better than what I currently use. I've tried all the soaps from the local stores, and I'm going to start looking on the net for a good soap. Anyone have a recommendation of brands or places to look for the soap? Also a good place to buy blades would be great. I'm asking you guys first, because I trust that if you buy from a shop, then that means they're reputable.
        If you already have a soap you like, I would stick with that. My personal favorite is Aubrey Organics City Rhythms. It is scented with cedar, sandalwood and bergamot. I love using it in the morning. You can find it at Whole Foods. One I would like to try but haven't yet is Herban Cowboy and I have seen many good reviews on it. I think you blade selection so far sounds about right. Derby is my favorite but Astra isn't bad either. It looks like Justin Templer is getting into DE shaving now. Everything in this forum is addicting! LOL

        The Derby blades are dirt cheap on ebay and you can get 100 DE blades for under $15.00 with shipping. Just remember to get DE and not SE because they have both available.


        • GoVegan
          • Oct 2009
          • 5603

          Hey lxskllr - how about a new thread and a sticky for DE and Straight users?


          • bakerbarber
            • Jun 2008
            • 1947


            i can't wait to post my pics.

            I bought a stainless steel peg board with screwdriver racks and shelves. Put it up in my bathroom, and have a shave den wall. It's EPIC.


            • Owens187
              • Sep 2009
              • 1547

              Originally posted by rickcharles606 View Post
              I've tried that soap, don't care for it. I did however purchase some of the bay and clove soap, gonna give it a shot. Thanks bro
              Good Lawd, that Bay and Clove has got to be the best thing ever created! I got some not long ago, and aint ever looking back! Michael at The Well Honed Razor makes it, and pours it, by hand. Excellence!


              • rickcharles606
                • Mar 2009
                • 2307

                I love the Clove and Bay shave soap that I picked up from The Well Honed Razor...I recommend it to all.


                • GoVegan
                  • Oct 2009
                  • 5603

                  You know what odd? I bought this can of Barbasol about 3 months ago just to try. I keep trying to use it up as I would like to stick to more natural products but I just can't empty that can no matter how many times I use it to shave. Whatever they stick in that can must expand many times over when you use it. Funny thing is it cost less than $2.00 and rinses clean. If I wasn't worried about the crap they put in there, I would continue to buy it.


                  • rickcharles606
                    • Mar 2009
                    • 2307

                    I used to shave with Barbasol...loved the way it smells. It does last a long time.
                    There's a ton of shave soaps I'm going to buy and try. Will report back with details


                    • GoVegan
                      • Oct 2009
                      • 5603

                      Originally posted by rickcharles606 View Post
                      I used to shave with Barbasol...loved the way it smells. It does last a long time.
                      There's a ton of shave soaps I'm going to buy and try. Will report back with details
                      Please let me know if you find any vegetable oil based soaps that work well. I especially love the smell of very strong sandalwood. Mysore sandalwood soap is my favorite for bathing.


                      • rickcharles606
                        • Mar 2009
                        • 2307

                        Totally bummed tonight. I dropped and broke my Grandfathers Gillette DE razor while changing blades. Broke the threads off in the handle. Now need to buy a new DE razor, any suggestions? I've had my eye on a Parker anyone shave with one, and what are your thoughts? Thanks


                        • KarlvB
                          • Feb 2008
                          • 681

                          Originally posted by rickcharles606 View Post
                          Totally bummed tonight. I dropped and broke my Grandfathers Gillette DE razor while changing blades. Broke the threads off in the handle. Now need to buy a new DE razor, any suggestions? I've had my eye on a Parker anyone shave with one, and what are your thoughts? Thanks
                          The general consensus on Parker's are that they are pretty shoddily made. The QC is just not there and you will really notice it if you are used to a vintage Gillette.

                          Personally my vote will go towards the Mühle R89 as I've been shaving with one for the last 6 months or so and I love it to the point of not even considering another razor - with the exception of a Feather Stainless and a Mergress (both of which I have my eye on).

                          In essence it is very similar to the Edwin Jagger DE razor (as far as I know Mühle manufacturers them for EJ). Mühle also manufactures the DR Harris razors. If you are looking for a review there is a pretty good one on Shaving101.


                          • ratcheer
                            • Jul 2010
                            • 621

                            I had a great shave this weekend. I put a new Feather blade in my Merkur Classic. Used QED Wild Orange soap with my biggest badger brush. Finished off with witch hazel lotion.



                            • bakerbarber
                              • Jun 2008
                              • 1947

                              Originally posted by rickcharles606 View Post
                              Totally bummed tonight. I dropped and broke my Grandfathers Gillette DE razor while changing blades. Broke the threads off in the handle. Now need to buy a new DE razor, any suggestions? I've had my eye on a Parker anyone shave with one, and what are your thoughts? Thanks
                              Sorry to hear about your loss. A razor with personal history is worth more than any fancy new or vintage model can ever be valued.

                              eBay is flush with antique gillettes.

                              I can personally recommend superspeed and adjustable versions. No worry about "breaking" the head off the handle as you described. You can definitely break them if you were to drop them though. I prefer the way they twist to open. It makes handling a blade much easier, replacing especially.

                              I have some three piece razors that are very nice. Particularly the open comb ones. I have a twist to open open comb. I think it's called a 'senator' that gives me absolutely fantastic shaves.

                              I would recommend any of the new Merkurs, Edwin Jagger, or several vintage varieties. I have read that newer Parkers are much improved over models produced a year or more ago. I have read Weishi razors aren't terribly bad, but have a very narrow range of acceptable shaving angle. I have also read that some of the other Chinese and Indian safety razor models are quite adequate, especially for their low price. Much of China and India is dominated by double edge razors. They must be doing something right, or even their own native customers would refuse to buy their products.

                              If looking for vintage Gillette some New Old Stock can be found. At a premium....

                              Amazon has good options for new Muhle and Merkur variants.

                              I have had great shaves with Schick Injectors also. Good modern injector blades are hard to come by at reasonable prices.

                              If you can describe, or post pics of what you broke, I most likely have odds and ends laying around that you could swap out to keep your grandfather's razor in commission. Especially if you can get the broken post out of the handle.

                              I'd be happy to drop a cap or baseplate in the mail for you.


                              • rickcharles606
                                • Mar 2009
                                • 2307

                                It is a 1964 Gillette Ball-End Tech. I posted a pic back on page six. Using phone to post right now, or I would repost a pic...LOL. the only piece I need is the top piece with the threaded post on it. If you have one I'll pay you for it bro.


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