DE/straight shavers?

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  • rickcharles606
    • Mar 2009
    • 2307

    Originally posted by precious007 View Post
    Slightly off-topic..

    But does anyone have face burn after shaving??
    I use gillete gel usually and gilette mach 3 as the razor... and can't see why my face is burning after shaving.

    If I first take a bath and moisten my beard first , I don't get the burning sensation...

    But if I don't it burns every single time....
    Yeah dude, the quality of your shave is determined by the prep work you put into your beard before hand, in my modest experience. I bought a fogless mirror for the shower years ago, and shaving in the shower after washing your face and neck with hot water is probably the easiest and least expensive fix for your razor burn. Now that being said, a simple DE setup can be relatively inexpensive. You can get a decent brush from your local CVS or other drug store, a pretty good shave soap and a pack of Wilkinson Sword blades from Wal-Mart. The razor however takes a bit more searching, or at least for me...there aren't stores around me that sell DE razors. The internet is chock full of them though, E-bay, Amazon..and shitloads of webstores like, and You can find a quality DE razor for around $40 plus shipping, and over will more than pay for it.

    I strongly suggest going to and reading...much like learning about snus and this place, BB has tons of info and tutorials. I also found several videos on how to wetshave on YouTube, so give it a shot. I used to hate shaving, and's one of the highlights of my day. Sad huh, LOL?


    • Owens187
      • Sep 2009
      • 1547

      Originally posted by rickcharles606 View Post
      I'm trying to narrow down the brushes before I purchase one, and from what I've read, it's the brush that makes the shave.
      Lol, you'll hear this alot. Just remember, in the shaving world, just because its expensive doesn't make it better. My absolute favorite brush is my Van Der Hagens Deluxe that I paid like $6.00 for. It works waaaay better than some badgers I've spent over $100 on.

      Originally posted by rickcharles606 View Post
      Regarding the Feathers...not sure whether I like them better yet. I've only used a Feather once, but I'll keep you posted.
      I don't get along with Feathers. They are almost too damn sharp. They will slice open any little pimple, scar, etc etc you have. On top of that, I can never get more than 2-3 shaves out of them, so they are very sharp, but go dull very fast. Derby's - I get at least 7-8 shaves before they start to dull, and thats with shaving my entire head.

      Originally posted by rickcharles606 View Post
      Side note, I was forced into a Bath and Body works . . . I figured while there I'll check out their "men's" section . . . Surprisingly they had a shaving cream in a tube that is made by Proaso from Italy.
      The Bigelow cream they have, made by Proraso, is some really good stuff for the price. Side note - it's almost always hidden in the back of the store, on the left side. I haven't seen a B&BW that didn't have it, although its more hidden in some than others.

      Originally posted by rickcharles606 View Post
      anyone have any luck with a glycerin based soap?
      Glycerins are great soaps...... for the experienced latherer. Tons of people have a really hard time getting them to lather. I'd stick to regular and tallow based soaps until you get your lather down perfect.

      Originally posted by piks101
      Witch Hazel as an after shave is one of the best kept secrets and all for about $1.25 a bottle.
      10000% true. I always use the WH before my balms. As a mild astringent, it both cleans and closes your pores after you shave - keeps your skin clear, and takes care of any razor burn or irritation almost instantly.

      Originally posted by precious007 View Post
      Slightly off-topic..

      But does anyone have face burn after shaving??
      I use gillete gel usually and gilette mach 3 as the razor... and can't see why my face is burning after shaving.
      The bold items are why you get irritation. Honestly, I know we sound like a bunch of shaving snobs, but I used to use the Mach 3 and got irritation daily. Once I started using straights and DE's, my skin cleared up, and I never get irritation, and I shave my face and head every single day. Once in a while, if I'm in a super rush, and I mean I really have to be pressed for time, I'll grab my Mach 3 and shave in the shower. And every single time I use it, I regret it. Irritation and razor-bump city. And the difference between real shaving soap and canned goo is like night and day. A good lather from a shaving soap or cream is slicker than snot, the first time you feel the diffence a little lightbulb goes off in your head, and you'll never use canned goo again.

      Originally posted by KarlvB
      My advice - ditch the mach 3 and the goo in a can and invest in a decent DE set-up. You'll never regret it. Ever.
      Sound advise.

      Originally posted by rickcharles606 View Post
      You can find a quality DE razor for around $40 plus shipping, and over will more than pay for it.
      Go to Badger and Blade's buy/sell/trade section and pick up a Gillette Superspeed, the twist-to open Flare-tipped are in my opinion the best. I use these more than any other, as they give a baby's-ass-smooth shave with zero irritation, and it's really pretty hard to cut yourself with them. And you can pick one up in great condition for $12-$15.

      THE best I've ever used is my '56 Gillette Fatboy. Its adjustable for aggressiveness, so can suit anyones individual means. Its basically a Flare-Tip TTO, but fatter and more comfortable in the hand, and adjustable. Though they command a higher price, because they are pretty much the most sought-after DE there is, thats how good they are.

      I've tried many, many, many razors, and the vintage Gillettes are far, far, far superior to anything currently made. Probably the best razors ever created. In my experience its always hard to talk someone into buying a vintage razor, but once they do, they never look back, even if they already own a newer model.


      • precious007
        Banned Users
        • Sep 2010
        • 5885

        Thanks a lot guys!

        I'll go buy a new DE razor today...

        And what would be the best razor blades to go with? Wilson ?

        @Owens... I've been using Gillete Gels for years and only in the past year has started to irritate and burn my face after shaving...

        What soap/gel should I use with the DE razor ?!

        (I had the burn for almost 4 hours yesterday, it annoying)


        • Owens187
          • Sep 2009
          • 1547

          You can use the Wilkinson's, but they are not as good as many others, and may also irritate your skin. The safest bet are Derby blades, most people get along fine with those. Though you will want to pick up a assortment of blades to find whats best for you.

          You can get them on Amazon, just be sure to view all they have available - the prices can vary greatly. For example I paid $6 for a box of 100 on Amazon, though I've seen them there also for $20. Even $20 is still a great deal compared to Mach 3 cartriges though, lol!

          As for soap, just pick up som Van Der Hagens shave soap from WalMart, Rite-Aid,CVS etc etc. Its like $1.95 a puck. And that puck will last you 3 months. You'll waste alot of learning how to lather, so its best to use the cheapos at first, and buy the fancy expensive soaps when you get your technique down.

          EDIT: Go back and read through this thread, there is alot of good info on what to use, and where to buy.


          • precious007
            Banned Users
            • Sep 2010
            • 5885

            Even $20 is still a great deal compared to Mach 3 cartriges
            Definitely, 2 blades of Mach 3 are $20 over here... and I only lasted for 5-6 shaves.

            I just went and got my self a DE set (gillete razors and nivea shaving cream) ... ;-)

            Nothing fancy.... though..


            • rickcharles606
              • Mar 2009
              • 2307

              I'm a huge fan of Derby blades, I get at least 5 good shaves from a Derby. I'm 3 shaves into a Feather and may need to change it today, we'll see. Derby's are inexpensive too, and pretty easily found. Have fun with your DE shaving journey!


              • KarlvB
                • Feb 2008
                • 681

                Originally posted by rickcharles606 View Post
                I'm a huge fan of Derby blades, I get at least 5 good shaves from a Derby. I'm 3 shaves into a Feather and may need to change it today, we'll see. Derby's are inexpensive too, and pretty easily found. Have fun with your DE shaving journey!
                One thing I have learned is that there is nothing that divides opinion like blades. It is almost on par with the lös vs portion debate.

                I have however come to the conclusion that it is not so much the blades that differ but rather it is about finding the right blade for your beard. Derby's unfortunately don't suit my beard at all.

                Personally love Feathers and have settled on using Feathers, Iridiums (I bought a couple of hundred before they disappeared for good), Astra's and Gillette 7 O'Clocks (Yellow) after trying more blades than I can count.

                Ps: The Shark Super Stainless blade produced by Lord is also surprisingly good and can be had for very little money (about $16 for 100). I believe there is a forum member on B&B that sells them and they are also available from most of the major online vendors.


                • bakerbarber
                  • Jun 2008
                  • 1947

                  I JUST won a razor lot on the bay with a ****ING toggle in it!!!



                  • lxskllr
                    • Sep 2007
                    • 13435

                    I had to Google that, but it looks like a sweet score. What else came with it?


                    • bakerbarber
                      • Jun 2008
                      • 1947


                      Lot of 9 Schick and Gillette Adjustable Safety Razors!

                      All Used ~Good Working Condition~Need a good cleaning

                      1) Gillette silver short with black tip Pat Off 3 Made in USA
                      2) Gillette Gold Plated (this one needs cleaning)

                      3) Gillette Adjustable Black (needs cleaning)

                      4) Schick Black with silver tip has the letters 3 5 2 M

                      5) Gillette Silver L I

                      6) Gillette Silver 0 4 ( a little rust inside)

                      7) Gillette Silver Z 4

                      8) Schick Krona 2 3 0 M Black

                      9) Gillette Gold Razor F 4

                      I tried describing as much as I could. Please know what you are buying. I am not an expert. All Sales Final.

                      Note: I am not a collector please make sure you know what you are buying! Thank You

                      Sorry no international
                      ! "

                      Looks like;
                      a black tip
                      a blue tip
                      a flair tip
                      a milord
                      an old bent DE krona
                      the toggle
                      another flair tip
                      another krona
                      and, a black super adjustable..

                      I'm STOKED!!


                      • lxskllr
                        • Sep 2007
                        • 13435

                        Very nice. That'll be fun going through 'em, and trying them all out :^)


                        • justintempler
                          • Nov 2008
                          • 3090

                          Originally posted by rickcharles606 View Post
                          I'm a huge fan of Derby blades, I get at least 5 good shaves from a Derby. I'm 3 shaves into a Feather and may need to change it today, we'll see. Derby's are inexpensive too, and pretty easily found. Have fun with your DE shaving journey!
                          I like my Derby Extra blades, they do a good job with my Parker 96R.

                          When I finish a shave, I wash the blade, pat it dry, then put a drop of vegtable oil on each side. This will keep the blade edges from oxidizing and getting dull prematurely. I change blades once a week.

                          I am not impressed with the Van Der Hagens soap, atleast not yet. It could be my brush isn't broken in yet.


                          • GoVegan
                            • Oct 2009
                            • 5603

                            Nice job on that purchase Bakerbarber! You are now a collector. For my next razor I want to get a Gillette Pocket Edition with a floral handle. The pocket editions are cool and can sometimes be found for under $30.00. I wouldn't mind having a Gillette Khaki Edition either.


                            • rickcharles606
                              • Mar 2009
                              • 2307

                              Originally posted by justintempler View Post
                              I like my Derby Extra blades, they do a good job with my Parker 96R.

                              When I finish a shave, I wash the blade, pat it dry, then put a drop of vegtable oil on each side. This will keep the blade edges from oxidizing and getting dull prematurely. I change blades once a week.

                              I am not impressed with the Van Der Hagens soap, atleast not yet. It could be my brush isn't broken in yet.
                              Wow dude, that's some serious blade maintenance, lol. Makes sense though, maybe I'll give it a try. As for Van Der Hagens soap...I'm not a fan, but I'm sure there are some people that love that stuff.

                              @Bakerbarber....dude, nice haul. You'll have to post some pics when you get the package. I almost bought a Merkur Future the other day, held it in my hand and loved it. Nice heft and balance. I may pull the trigger after Christmas cuz I've got a wife and 5 kids to buy gifts for, lol


                              • Owens187
                                • Sep 2009
                                • 1547

                                Sweet-ass score right there! I recently won a lot of 18 straights over there. And every one is either Solingen, or Sheffield. Three of them have freakin' ivory scales! Gonna be some sweet razors when I'm done with 'em.


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