BP Morons? Maybe...

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  • danielan
    • Apr 2010
    • 1514

    BP Morons? Maybe...

    So, I'm on my lunch hour, watching the BP leak cam.


    Earlier today James Cameron basically said, "Those morons don't know what they are doing".


    Normally, IMO Hollywood types should stick to whatever they know.

    And I'm usually a bit on the side of the oil companies because we need them as much as we need farmers and we get all romantic about farmers and constantly MF oil companies.

    However... He might be right.

    They're trying to cut this square block off of the side of the pipe. It is pretty apparent that the person doing the cutting has never cut anything in their lives. They keep getting the saw caught in the cut. Then they pull it out. They they stick it back in. Then they start it spinning.

    If you've ever used a saw... You get it spinning and then stick it into the cut, or it binds.

    Then every 5 minutes, they stop cutting and spend 15-20 minutes grabbing it with the robot arm and trying to pull it off. THIS IS IRON!!! Even a little bit of IRON is tough to break. It is even more tough to break it from a floating ROV - even if your arm is really strong - you are floating!

    It is painful to watch. So - check it out! :-)
  • Veganpunk
    • Jun 2009
    • 5381

    This whole mess is horrible. I live on the Gulf Coast. The first hurricane we get and this crap is gonna be everywhere.


    • AtreyuKun
      • Aug 2009
      • 1223

      And they're saying we're shaping up to have a rather active hurricane season this year too.
      What a sad state of affairs.


      • LaZeR
        • Oct 2009
        • 3994

        I'm confused... All the major 'news' sources where reporting like 4 hours ago today that they had successfully made the cut and were proceeding to attempt the cap.


        ... not that I'm suddenly believing what's said in the news or anything..


        • sgreger1
          • Mar 2009
          • 9451

          Yah I have a feeling that for some reason unbenounced to me, they are trying to be slow about this. I couldnt imagine why, but it doesn't seem like they have their best guys working to fix this lol.


          • danielan
            • Apr 2010
            • 1514

            Yeah, the main pipe is cut. This is a little block underneath the cut. They'd want this off to help it seal better.


            • LaZeR
              • Oct 2009
              • 3994

              Originally posted by danielan View Post
              Yeah, the main pipe is cut. This is a little block underneath the cut. They'd want this off to help it seal better.
              Oh ok, my bad. I didn't even click into THE BIG HEADLINES proclaiming damn near viCtOrY!!!! Since the story is usually followed by:

              "Oops, something went wrong BUT Obama's got our backs and is in charge of the situation in governance over the big bad OiL CoMpaNieS...."

              ----We're Moving on to plan X... Y.... Z.... ----.


              • sgreger1
                • Mar 2009
                • 9451

                DAY 45: Oil Leak May Last 'Until Christmas'...

                Fisherman's wife breaks the silence... (Fishermen getting sick from chemicals)

                BP Gas Station Boycotts Spread...


                • danielan
                  • Apr 2010
                  • 1514

                  Gas station boycotts seem a bit silly. I'd think you'd want BP to have enough money to pay for clean up. It's not like making them go broke will fix anything.


                  • wadetheblade
                    • Jul 2009
                    • 572

                    It all scares the hell out of me. When a hurricane enters the gulf, which it will, we're ****ed. The oil is about 8 miles out from the mouth of Mobile bay, where I live. The whole situation is painful to watch and think about.


                    • timholian
                      • Apr 2010
                      • 1448

                      I live on the Gulf Coast also(Texas coast) and can't believe these assholes.

                      You come and shit in my pool, then when I tell you to clean it up, you poke at it with the skimmer and say "I am doing the best I can.". These guys make billions a year and can't do a little R&D on what to do if the worst happens?
                      BP had more safety violations than any other oil company, in the 700's.
                      You know how many Exxon had(at this time)...... 1

                      Drill all you want..... but you better make damn sure you dont put profits before human lives.

                      CLEAN IT UP!
                      I live in Houston.... If I knew where this guys lived I may be inclined to go shit on there lawn or porch.


                      • timholian
                        • Apr 2010
                        • 1448

                        Originally posted by danielan View Post
                        Gas station boycotts seem a bit silly. I'd think you'd want BP to have enough money to pay for clean up. It's not like making them go broke will fix anything.
                        Daniel, please tell me you dont really think a boycott of BP would break them, thats just silly. Plus, you know how hard it is to get anyone to do anything, come on. LOL


                        • sgreger1
                          • Mar 2009
                          • 9451

                          Originally posted by danielan View Post
                          Gas station boycotts seem a bit silly. I'd think you'd want BP to have enough money to pay for clean up. It's not like making them go broke will fix anything.

                          I understand people's "hatred" of big oil, but people must realize that destroying the oil companies is not in ANYONE's intirest, and they are largely the backbone of our economy. Sad as it is, by bankrupting oil companies, you are only bankrupting yourselfes, your retirement, and your pensions:
                          1. Almost 43 percent of oil and natural gas company shares are owned by mutual funds and asset management companies that have mutual funds. Mutual funds manage accounts for 55 million U.S. households with a median income of $68,700.

                          2. Twenty seven percent of shares are owned by other institutional investors like pension funds. In 2004, more than 2,600 pension funds run by federal, state and local governments held almost $64 billion in shares of U.S. oil and natural gas companies. These funds represent the major retirement security for the nation’s current and retired soldiers, teachers, and police and fire personnel at every level of government.

                          3. Fourteen percent of shares are held in IRA and other personal retirement accounts. Forty five million U.S. households have IRA and other personal retirement accounts, with an average account value of just over $22,000.

                          In reality, across the oil and natural gas industry only 1.5 percent of shares of public companies are owned by company executives,” said study author Robert J. Shapiro, undersecretary of commerce for economic affairs under President Bill Clinton. “The data show that ownership of industry shares is broadly middle class, with the majority of industry shares held by institutional investors, often on behalf of millions of Americans through mutual funds, pension funds and individual retirement accounts.”

                          Bite the hand that feeds you much?

                          Aside from the fact that it would destroy our 401k's, I hope these BP turds rot. For my rationale, please see the following incidents caused directly by BP:

                          1993–1995: Hazardous substance dumping
                          2005: Texas City Refinery explosion
                          2006–2007: Prudhoe Bay
                          2006-2008: Texas City refinery fatalities
                          2007: Propane price manipulation
                          2008: Oil price manipulation
                          2009: North Sea helicopter accident
                          2010: Deepwater Horizon oil spill

                          BP was named by Mother Jones Magazine as one of the "ten worst corporations" in both 2001 and 2005 based on its environmental and human rights records.[71][72] In 1991 BP was cited as the most polluting company in the US based on EPA toxic release data. BP has been charged with burning polluted gases at its Ohio refinery (for which it was fined $1.7 million), and in July 2000 BP paid a $10 million fine to the EPA for its management of its US refineries.[73] According to PIRG research, between January 1997 and March 1998, BP was responsible for 104 oil spills.[74] [75]

                          These people know the oil selling days are limited, which is why they fully endorse the global warming theory and are pushing for cap-and-trade. Like always these bastards are playing both sides of the fence to see what is more profitable, it seems they have decided promoting the global warming aspect is where the profit is.


                          • Veganpunk
                            • Jun 2009
                            • 5381

                            They should have had measurements in place to fix the situation by now. There just dicking around. They don't care.


                            • Bigblue1
                              Banned Users
                              • Dec 2008
                              • 3923

                              Without oil, We starve. That being said I say screw em as well!


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