It is the secret of a century. He had those towers he was building wich could pull free energy from the sky. Have you never heard of the lightbulbs on the hill deal?
"The difference between a current that can be used to run, say, a sewing machine and a current used as a method of destruction, however, is a matter of timing. If the amount of electricity used to run a sewing machine for an hour is released in a millionth of a second, it would have a very different, and negative, effect on the sewing machine.
Tesla said his transmitter could produce 100 million volts of pressure with currents up to 1000 amperes which is a power level of 100 billion watts.
If it was resonating at a radio frequency of 2 MHz, then the energy released during one period of its oscillation would be 100,000,000,000,000,000 joules of energy, or roughly the amount of energy released by the explosion of 10 megatons of TNT.
Such a transmitter, would be capable of projecting the energy of a nuclear warhead by radio. Any location in the world could be vapororized at the speed of light" (Smith, HAARP, p. 43).
"The difference between a current that can be used to run, say, a sewing machine and a current used as a method of destruction, however, is a matter of timing. If the amount of electricity used to run a sewing machine for an hour is released in a millionth of a second, it would have a very different, and negative, effect on the sewing machine.
Tesla said his transmitter could produce 100 million volts of pressure with currents up to 1000 amperes which is a power level of 100 billion watts.
If it was resonating at a radio frequency of 2 MHz, then the energy released during one period of its oscillation would be 100,000,000,000,000,000 joules of energy, or roughly the amount of energy released by the explosion of 10 megatons of TNT.
Such a transmitter, would be capable of projecting the energy of a nuclear warhead by radio. Any location in the world could be vapororized at the speed of light" (Smith, HAARP, p. 43).