Originally posted by WickedKitchen
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Even in the army it is (well sort of) performance rules. Crappy soldiers do not gain rank quickly. They will eventually if they stay long enough but there are plenty of people that retire after 20 years as an E-6 (Staff Sgt), yet people like my brother who are shit hot at their job get to E-7 in less than 9 years like he did. If you are an asset, you will gain rank quickly. I got in trouble when I first got to my unit and lost all my rank, back to e-1, not even a rank on my chest but just the fuzzy velcro where rank WOULD go if one had some. After I served my punishment I made myself the best in my team and was promptly given a waiver to skip 2 ranks to E-3. So even in the military it is somewhat performance based (you mess up they take your pay and demote you, you do good you get a raise immediately), and I imagine a similar system is in place with police or anyone with a rank structure.