Dick Cheney & Halliburton's Role In The Gulf Oil Spill
I agree that crappy excuse for a corporation Haliburton had a play in all this (the irony is thick here), but Dick Cheney is not running the company now, when this happened, or for many years prior to it happening. So not sure why this is getting blamed on mr Darth Vader, it's haliburton that screwed up here not Dick Cheney.
All this does is prove that Obama is in bed with haliburton as well. So Olbermann can suck it! There's a spot right next to O'reilly right there. Just ask Hannity and colmbs to slide over a little bit, Beware of Limbaugh and Beck tho cuz they like the cock a lil too much. F#cking ass hats each and ever One of em.
Can you believe we live in a world where everyone can see the blatant hypocrisy and bias in fox news but is completely oblivious to the fact that people like Keith Olberman are the same wolf in a different sheep's clothing. These people are so crooked they could swallow nails and shit out corkscrews.