Who do you think is lying in this obvious info war:

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  • tom502
    • Feb 2009
    • 8985

    It's Israel's fault.


    • sgreger1
      • Mar 2009
      • 9451

      Originally posted by shikitohno View Post
      I think everyone is lying as well, to a certain extant. Each side has things they would rather not have become public knowledge, and their each going to try and use the other guys dirty deeds to discredit him. Aside from that, this looks like it's about to spill over into a debate on torture. Oversight or no, I can't support it simply because so often the information gathered is unreliable. You torture an innocent guy long enough, most of them will name someone, or spill secrets on some sort of plan. That information tends to be fairly unreliable, though, because the guy's just saying it to get you to let up on him. This leads to time and money wasted trying to track down and prevent things from happening based on false info, aside from the damage done to the guy himself.

      I would disagree, (since we have sufficiently derailed this convo into one about torture) I would say that torture is a tried and true method, which is why it is one of the oldest methods of obtaining information. Everyone does it because it works. If someone is guilty they will eventually spill the beans, you can then verify if that info was correct or not. If it was incorrect, than more torture, and if correct then shoot them upon verification. <--- This tried and true technique is likely older the prostitution. Its survived so long because it works.

      Either way, if someone kidnapped your kid, you would torture them if given the oppertunity. It all depends on the person, if they have something to lose they will splill the beans in hope for freedom (or at least hoping the pain will stop). Most people who would kidnap your child don't want to die, and many terrorists work for Al Quaeda for the money and are not as hardcore or prepared to take their job to the grave.


      • shikitohno
        • Jul 2009
        • 1156

        Tom, you forgot to mention a little known secret. All Israeli people are vampire muppets.


        Edit:Actually, I'm not sure who that is now, since it wasn't anything like who I thought it was. Still, gives me a chuckle, and anyone who recognizes him, feel free to attach a name to the guy. Clearly a muppet vampire, possibly related to Count Chocula.
        Edit2: Turns out, that's the President of Egypt, Mohamed Hosni Sayyid Mubarak. For now, it's just their allies that are muppet vampires, it seems.


        • tom502
          • Feb 2009
          • 8985

          I did read somewhere they drink baby's blood and make bread with it.


          • bsd777
            • Nov 2009
            • 261

            No offense, but some of us like conspiracy theories a little too much. First, the US doesn't torture as a policy. That doesn't mean it has never happened. But it is not standard practice. I know you heard somewhere on the Internet....We used to water board, which I understand is very effective. No need for anything else, usually. Second option, rendition. Drop them off, or threaten to drop them off in their native country, where they will torture the crap out of them. Why would we bother with rendition, if we tortured people ourselves? Think people!

            I wonder if this guy has any family in Iran? Seems like if I were him and I wanted to defect (not sure why anyone would want to leave the paradise that is Iran, but lets assume for a minute) I probably wouldn't want to make the Mullahs mad. I'd probably prefer if they thought I had been drugged, kidnapped and tortured.


            • sgreger1
              • Mar 2009
              • 9451

              Originally posted by tom502 View Post
              I did read somewhere they drink baby's blood and make bread with it.
              tom, stop reading whatever it is you have been reading. You have it all wrong, they are actually reverse vampires.


              • shikitohno
                • Jul 2009
                • 1156

                Reverse vampires? So they're all blood donors then? Now all the Zionist conspiracy theories make sense! By taking advantage of low levels of blood being donated, they're slowly making it so that everyone is part Israeli and unable to hurt the country without destroying a part of themselves. I see...


                • sgreger1
                  • Mar 2009
                  • 9451

                  Originally posted by shikitohno View Post
                  Reverse vampires? So they're all blood donors then? Now all the Zionist conspiracy theories make sense! By taking advantage of low levels of blood being donated, they're slowly making it so that everyone is part Israeli and unable to hurt the country without destroying a part of themselves. I see...

                  It's even more sinister:

                  The Reverse vampire: When a girl stands over a person and periods into his/her mouth, effectively adding blood to their throat.

                  Dirty jews.


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