Nev. GOP Winner Sharron Angle: Bring Back Alcohol Prohibition

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  • Joe234
    • Apr 2010
    • 1948

    Nev. GOP Winner Sharron Angle: Bring Back Alcohol Prohibition

    Nev. GOP Winner Sharron Angle: Bring Back Alcohol Prohibition
  • sgreger1
    • Mar 2009
    • 9451

    LOLOLO, good luck with that one Sharon, you twat.

    "The Las Vegas I knew is really changing. Now they want to pay their doctors with chickens, according to Sue Lowden (she ran for senate as well and was part of the casino industry as well), keep booze from being legal, and begin practicing celibacy (according to the Governor, that is the best way for leaders to avoid controversy, it has apparently worked for him). Wow!"

    What planet are these people living on? Is there no good American who will run for office? Is there an embargo on brains each election year? Who in their right minds would call for prohibition... IN VEGAS. Idiots.


    • PipenSnus
      • Apr 2010
      • 1038

      Originally posted by sgreger1 View Post
      Who in their right minds would call for prohibition... IN VEGAS. Idiots.
      The Mormons who own three-quarters of Vegas. Including several major casinos. Go figure.


      • sgreger1
        • Mar 2009
        • 9451

        Originally posted by PipenSnus View Post
        The Mormons who own three-quarters of Vegas. Including several major casinos. Go figure.
        Even scientologists can drink alcohol, right? That means that scientology is less extremist than mormons, islam, and the GOP. Go figure.


        • NonServiam
          • May 2010
          • 736

          WHAT!!!!????? Was she ever dropped on her head? Has she been sitting in the garage with the car running and the windows down?

          You know, I bet she is just the type that you if ever gave her a sip of whiskey, she would down the whole bottle, get naked, dance on the table, and screw everyguy (and gal) in the joint! Not that I have some strange fantasy about that.....I'm just sayin'


          • sgreger1
            • Mar 2009
            • 9451

            Originally posted by NonServiam View Post
            WHAT!!!!????? Was she ever dropped on her head? Has she been sitting in the garage with car running and the windows down? You know, I bet she is just the type that you if ever gave her a sip of whiskey, she would down the whole bottle, get naked, dance on the table, and screw everyguy (and gal) in the joint! Not that I have some strange fantasy about that.....I'm just sayin'
            You lose 1 internets for having fantasy about this:


            • NonServiam
              • May 2010
              • 736

              Originally posted by sgreger1 View Post
              You lose 1 internets for having fantasy about this:

              HaHaHaHaHaHa! I did that just for you. I threw it right over homeplate so you could knock it out of the park. Her eyes are too close together, now Martha Stewart on the other hand.....


              • Joe234
                • Apr 2010
                • 1948

                Originally posted by sgreger1 View Post
                Even scientologists can drink alcohol, right? That means that scientology is less extremist than mormons, islam, and the GOP. Go figure.
                Coffee is a drug. The Mormons don't use it or Pepsi.
                Perhaps she'll prohibit coffee and soda next.
                Better stock up on the Mountain Dew.

                Now Sharron Angle says she would not make alcohol illegal.
                This is a flip-flop because she knows she is toast.


                Sharron Angle: The 5 Reasons Everyone's Talking About the New Tea Party Darling


                Carl Franzen


                Newly minted Nevada Republican Senatorial candidate Sharron Angle, backed by the Tea Party, is very much the lightning rod. A former school teacher and member of the Nevada Assembly, her insurgent primary win last night has been embraced by both conservative and liberal political observers, the latter because they believe she will make for an easily-defeatable opponent to unpopular incumbent Nevada Senator and Senate Majority leader Harry Reid. What has Angle done to earn such staunch supporters and mocking detractors, aside from being the enduring "no" vote on the Nevada state assembly? Surge Desk rounds up the most noteworthy bullet points from her unconventional bio:

                1. She publishes her own newspaper.

                As Surge Desk's Paul Wachter mentioned earlier this morning (via Salon), the pugnacious Tea Party candidate has subverted the traditional media cycle by creating her own self-published, tabloid newspaper, "the Angle Examiner," which features attacks on her opponent -- incumbent Dem. Senator Harry Reid -- in the form of news article. "Reid Waterboarding The Economy," reads one headline of the 4-page spread she distributes on the campaign trail.

                Salon elaborates: "The pamphlet is full of pictures of Angle: receiving a medal named after Ronald Reagan (six years ago) from the conservative Claremont Institute, for defending the Nevada state constitution; sitting in her pickup truck in the desert..."

                2. She packs heat.

                Numerous interested parties, both in support of or opposition to Angle, have seized on the fact that she is not only a strong proponent of gun rights, but packs her own cinematic piece: A .44 Magnum revolver, which she carries with her "as she travels the state campaigning in her 1989 GMC pickup," reports the Las Vegas Review Journal. The paper goes on to note that she has a concealed weapons permit and quotes her as follows: "Whether I'm carrying or not is up to me to know and for the bad guys to find out."

                Angle's newspaper calls the gun a "Dirty Harry Hand Cannon," presumably in reference to the Smith & Wesson Model 29 that Clinton Eastwood's character calls the "most powerful handgun" in the world in the famed movie of the same name, and not as an allusion to her opponent.

                3. She 'simply does not like fluoride.'

                In 1951, the U.S. Public Health Service began advocating adding fluoride to U.S. water supplies to help prevent tooth decay. By the 1960's, with Cold War paranoia racketing up, some Americans, especially on the far right, began denouncing the practice as a Communist plot to poison Americans. (An anti-fluoridation stance is also the butt of a running joke in Stanley Kubrick's 1964 satire "Dr Strangelove").

                In the 1990's, Angle, then a Nevada state assemblywoman, made her stance on the matter known by voting against bill that would have required fluoridation in two counties. Talking Points Memo reports: "While another member of the Assembly suggested opponents of the measure were worried about the financial implications of fluoridation, the Review-Journal reported: 'Angle said she simply does not like fluoride.' Angle added she believed most fluoride used in water supplies could contain 'lead, arsenic, [or] mercury.'"

                4. She supported a Scientology massage program for prisoners.

                In 2003, while still serving as a state assemblywoman, Sharron Angle was reported to be "championing a program developed by Scientology founder L. Ron unproven drug treatment program that uses sauna and massage treatments." On May 26, 2010, the Las Vegas Sun noticed that all mentions of prominent Scientology members been scrubbed from Angle's website, which the paper interpreted as Angle "trying to head off that theme."

                At the same time, the Sun caught the fact that Angle had also removed "a claim that she, along with actresses Kelly Preston and Jenna Elfman, approached Sen. John Ensign to sponsor legislation prohibiting school employees from requiring students to take psychotropic drugs, such as anti-depressants." Still, word got out: Two days later, one of Angle's opponents in the Republican primary, Sue Lowden, began airing an ad attacking Angle's scientology stance (which clearly did not have the desired effect):

                5. She's not a fan of the hooch.

                In voicing her disapproval of medical marijuana back in 2006, Assemblywoman Angle admitted in a (now-defunct) Liberty Watch magazine that she felt the same way about "legalizing alcohol." As Slash Politics writer Steve Sebelius put it:

                Wait, what? Alcohol -- which is currently legal -- should be treated the same as marijuana - which is currently not legal? Is she serious? A candidate from the state of Nevada, which is practically sponsored by booze companies, is not a proponent of legal alcohol?

                Angle's spokesman Jerry Stacy responded to Sebelius's question:

                "Sharron doesn't want to make alcohol illegal," he said, noting that Angle has never introduced legislation along those lines, and even voted against taxes on booze. "Alcohol is a legal substance, and adults can choose to imbibe," Stacy said.

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                • bsd777
                  • Nov 2009
                  • 261

                  In my experience, Later Day Saints tend to be very tolerant of the vices of others. They tell you what they think, what they do and why, but they don't expect you to do the same. Relax.

                  "Sharron doesn't want to make alcohol illegal," he said, noting that Angle has never introduced legislation along those lines, and even voted against taxes on booze. "Alcohol is a legal substance, and adults can choose to imbibe," Stacy said.

                  They also tend to be honest, which is why casinos like to hire them. With a few exceptions cough, cough, Harry Reid cough

                  Bottom line. She is running against Harry Reid. A fecal head, if their ever was one.


                  • sgreger1
                    • Mar 2009
                    • 9451

                    I still can't get over that in SC they hate the dem in power so bad right now that they chose an unemployed guy who is currently charged with felony obscenity who ran no campaign, had no official website, and spent no money, over the incumbent. LOL

                    They pretty much just voted for someone who was not the incumbent, regardless lol.


                    • shikitohno
                      • Jul 2009
                      • 1156

                      Originally posted by bsd777 View Post
                      In my experience, Later Day Saints tend to be very tolerant of the vices of others. They tell you what they think, what they do and why, but they don't expect you to do the same. Relax.

                      "Sharron doesn't want to make alcohol illegal," he said, noting that Angle has never introduced legislation along those lines, and even voted against taxes on booze. "Alcohol is a legal substance, and adults can choose to imbibe," Stacy said.

                      They also tend to be honest, which is why casinos like to hire them. With a few exceptions cough, cough, Harry Reid cough

                      Bottom line. She is running against Harry Reid. A fecal head, if their ever was one.
                      Perhaps they do so when in the minority, but even non-Mormons can't buy beer over 3.2% alcohol in Utah, which you'll note is most beer. Of course, you can still buy liquor, and they are repealing some of the more draconian measures now. Still, there's really nothing to worry about here. Even if she did want to make it illegal, she'd need to convince an awful lot of people that it should be that way, and you can bet the casinos would fight any legislation like that tooth and nail. They make a living off of people making bad decisions, and alcohol is one of the easiest ways to get people to do stupid things with their money. Vegas is safe from the return of prohibition any time soon


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