Everyone knows only commies would say that one TV. Next thing I know, you'll be saying you want more fluoride in the drinking water...
Keith Olbermann To Rick Barber: "You're A Goddamned Liar"
Originally posted by Joe234 View PostThere's still hope here yet.
I'd love some examples from you about how Glenn Beck is not fair. He backs up just about everything he says about the radicals in the current administration by playing their own words. He was pretty hard on the Bush administration too. I love Glenn Beck.
Originally posted by StuKlu View PostI was saying there is at least one, being you. Definitely not me.
I'd love some examples from you about how Glenn Beck is not fair. He backs up just about everything he says about the radicals in the current administration by playing their own words. He was pretty hard on the Bush administration too. I love Glenn Beck.
At least with Beck you get what you see and he backs it up albeit a bit crazy and over the top most of the time, the message is real unlike Olbermann and "Obama nutsac dweller - Matthews" All they end up accomplishing is coming across like complete asses and a smear campaign to attempt to cutdown anything that isn't on "The Left Side" no matter how stupid it makes them look. Honestly, if these two jerk-offs can have daily segments on a cable news network, I ought a be able to go PrimeTime on all 3 major networks with my own sideshow.
Originally posted by Joe234 View PostThey need someone to counter Glenn Beck. O'Reilly is a bit more fair than some on FOX.
He liked Obama's speech better than Krauthhammer.
I agree there needs to be balance, and i'm glad blowhards exist on both sides. They serve a vital function in politics: to dig up dirt on the other side. This makes them serve as watchdogs and in theory by listening to both, we can be more informed. I just don't get how fox is called "faux" news or why the white house tries to say they are not a news organization at all when the left has it's versions as well. Why the prejudice? I mean really they should be embracing it, it's good to have both sides of the story. I read huffington post, salon.com, CNN and MSNBC's websites all the time just so I can see what their "rebuttal" is to what I hear on talk radio. In the end I think it works out for the best, I wouldn't have it any other way.