Double Whammy Super Republican Ultra Fail

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  • sgreger1
    • Mar 2009
    • 9451

    Double Whammy Super Republican Ultra Fail

    Can they, no, WILL they go for the hat trick? 3 in a row?

    Check out the incredible fail that just happened:

    Republican candidate suggests landmines at US-Mexico border The Republican nominee for a New Mexico congressional seat suggested during a radio interview that the United States could place land mines along the Mexican border to secure the international boundary.

    AZ school demands non-white faces on mural changed to white
    An Arizona elementary school mural featuring the faces of kids who attend the school has been the subject of racist screaming to remove the black student’s face, and now the school principal has ordered the faces of the Latino and Black students to be changed to Caucasian skin.

    PRESCOTT, Ariz. – Steve Blair, a Prescott city council member who also hosts a local radio talk show on KCYA AM 1490, was fired from his radio show Friday night. Blair's firing was in response to comments he made about a mural at the Miller Valley Elementary School in Prescott.

    During his radio show, Blair called the mural "pathetic" and said he does not understand why there is "a black guy" painted on the building. He went on to say, “I disagree with the whole perspective that you would have a black guy painted on two sides of that building when the history of Prescott never had a culture issue."

    The mural's artist, R.E. Wall, said he was forced to "lighten the skin" of one of the children on the mural. Wall says school officials told him to make the kids look like they were "radiating with happiness,” which meant fixing some of the smiles to make them more pronounced and lightening their skin.

    BUT WAIT, the fail train hasn't quite left the station yet, let's see what else we can pack in before it departs:

    Right Wing freakout of the day: African-American school children mention Obama in a motivational chant. Bonus: This is like "regimes" that "slaughter" "innocent people" for "political expediency"

    Conservatives are puzzled over why one of their own, a stalwart supporter of Saint Reagan, a patriot who helped stop the Florida recount, now wants to ruin marriage and open slide down that inevitable slope that ends in man/turtle unions

    Jim Sensenbrenner (R-WI) thinks threatening to prosecute BP in court could keep it from cooperating, so we shouldn't do it. Also, please ignore his thousands of shares of BP stock

    So about that Hawaiian elections clerk who claims there is no Obama birth certificate - he first made that claim on a "pro-white" radio program broadcasted at a white supremacist conference

    Republicans: But how are we gonna pay that $1 trillion healthcare price tag? Barney Frank: How about these $1 trillion in defense cuts? Republicans: LOL SOCIALISM JERBS SOLDIERS DERP DERP DERP

    It's an all out FAILAPALOOZA!

    God how do these people come to power? Really, are these our best and brightest? Please, for the love of God, vote 3rd party this next election.
  • Premium Parrots
    Super Moderators
    • Feb 2008
    • 9759

    wait a minute. Its not just the republicans......How bout that alvin green, S. carolinas new senator? The guy can't even think or speak. He was on welfare but somehow managed ot get the $10,000 together to file so he could run for senator. Beside he was arrested for showing porno of a university student.

    Its the whole government thats f*cked up.......not just one political party.
    Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

    I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


    • truthwolf1
      • Oct 2008
      • 2696

      I think they should create a taser landmine. It would not kill you but take you out long enough for a border agent to come by and throw you in the truck.


      • sgreger1
        • Mar 2009
        • 9451

        Originally posted by Premium Parrots View Post
        wait a minute. Its not just the republicans......How bout that alvin green, S. carolinas new senator? The guy can't even think or speak. He was on welfare but somehow managed ot get the $10,000 together to file so he could run for senator. Beside he was arrested for showing porno of a university student.

        Its the whole government thats f*cked up.......not just on political party.

        I know Both parties are bad, but I spend the majority of time pointing out the gaffes of the party I hate the most, the democratic party, and figured for once I would point out some absolute failworthy material provided ala the republicans.

        The rule should be that any mexican drug runners caught at the border have to consume any drugs they brought with them all on the spot, if they are still able to walk across the border, than automatic amnesty for them kicking so much ass. Short of that, landmines would be hilarious as soon as we had an earthquake, they'd be like mexican jumping beans... that explode.


        • tom502
          • Feb 2009
          • 8985

          I think the land mine idea is a good one.


          • cstokes4
            • Nov 2009
            • 41

            It would be funnier if it wasn't true.


            Alvin Greene is not SC's senator, he simply won a primary. Plus, he might be a republican plant. Oh the irony.


            • sgreger1
              • Mar 2009
              • 9451

              Originally posted by cstokes4 View Post
              It would be funnier if it wasn't true.


              Alvin Greene is not SC's senator, he simply won a primary. Plus, he might be a republican plant. Oh the irony.

              Yah what's the deal with people saying he might be a plant? Is there any evidence for it or is it simply all conjecture? He had a lot of money from some stllement he won or something like that and Mike Tyson knows but that's all I know about him.


              • CultLeaderLettuce
                • Nov 2009
                • 97

                Originally posted by sgreger1
                Conservatives are puzzled over why one of their own, a stalwart supporter of Saint Reagan, a patriot who helped stop the Florida recount, now wants to ruin marriage and open slide down that inevitable slope that ends in man/turtle unions.
                Yeah, I will never understand some "republicans." A conservative is supposed to be against more laws, and b.s. laws, but some complain when "big government for the church" is criticized. They seem to forget that the Christ in Christian was the guy who died on the cross for the sins of everybody, not just those who they deem to be "worthy."

                Originally posted by sgreger1 View Post
                The rule should be that any mexican drug runners caught at the border have to consume any drugs they brought with them all on the spot, if they are still able to walk across the border, than automatic amnesty for them kicking so much ass. Short of that, landmines would be hilarious as soon as we had an earthquake, they'd be like mexican jumping beans... that explode.
                Haha, that's a funny idea! I honestly would pay to see these drug runners being forced to eat their cargo. All of it.


                • cstokes4
                  • Nov 2009
                  • 41

                  Originally posted by sgreger1 View Post
                  Yah what's the deal with people saying he might be a plant? Is there any evidence for it or is it simply all conjecture? He had a lot of money from some stllement he won or something like that and Mike Tyson knows but that's all I know about him.
                  Well, word is that he was unemployed. Plus in his interview with Keith Olbermann, if you can call it an interview, the guy could barely talk. And of course people are wondering how this guy won with 60% of the vote when nobody had ever heard of the guy, and he could hardly articulate how he got his name out. Strange for sure.

                  I'm just happy I don't live in SC, although Florida is pretty bad itself.


                  • sgreger1
                    • Mar 2009
                    • 9451

                    Originally posted by cstokes4
                    Well, word is that he was unemployed. Plus in his interview with Keith Olbermann, if you can call it an interview, the guy could barely talk. And of course people are wondering how this guy won with 60% of the vote when nobody had ever heard of the guy, and he could hardly articulate how he got his name out. Strange for sure.

                    I'm just happy I don't live in SC, although Florida is pretty bad itself.
                    Yah he was ex military and now is unemployed living in mom's basement lol. He ran almost no campaign and got the vote just for being a name on the ballot that wasn't the incumbent. Instead of their being a conspiracy by republicans to all register as democrats and vote for him, I am guessing people just HATE the incumbent, which seems to be the trend. I hope not 1 single republican or democrat incumbent get's re-elected this year. As far as i'm concerned, they'r all plants.


                    • Darwin
                      • Mar 2010
                      • 1372

                      We have a number of articulate politicians and fat lot of good it does them if people don't like what they are saying. I would vote for Larry the Cable Guy if he said things that I would like to hear and it's likely that such simpletons as he (the character, not the comic) would be rather more honest than those whose slick and "nuanced" words inspiringly ring, resonate, and resound--with artfully disguised agendas.


                      • MasterGuns
                        • Jun 2009
                        • 312


                        Not so much a gaffe, really just plain badass/maybe not the best thing to say.


                        • sgreger1
                          • Mar 2009
                          • 9451

                          Originally posted by MasterGuns View Post

                          Not so much a gaffe, really just plain badass/maybe not the best thing to say.

                          No I like this guy. He's like "In my culture we would have just given you a knife and told you to do the right thing..." That's what we need, no bullshit Obama "I know this is complex, we are doing everything we can" bullshit. Tell it like it is: "Umm.. Mr BP Ceo, my constituents want you dead, and I plan on representing my constituents VERY well, if you catch my drift. When can we expect your resignation", followed by "Oh, and where can we send the $1 trillion bill for cleanup costs, kthxbai"


                          • socal70xr7
                            • Dec 2009
                            • 83

                            Originally posted by Premium Parrots View Post
                            wait a minute. Its not just the republicans......How bout that alvin green, S. carolinas new senator? The guy can't even think or speak. He was on welfare but somehow managed ot get the $10,000 together to file so he could run for senator. Beside he was arrested for showing porno of a university student.

                            Its the whole government thats f*cked up.......not just one political party.

                            He only won the Dumbocratic primary. He still has to run for the position in November.


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