Can they, no, WILL they go for the hat trick? 3 in a row?
Check out the incredible fail that just happened:
Republican candidate suggests landmines at US-Mexico border — The Republican nominee for a New Mexico congressional seat suggested during a radio interview that the United States could place land mines along the Mexican border to secure the international boundary.

AZ school demands non-white faces on mural changed to white
An Arizona elementary school mural featuring the faces of kids who attend the school has been the subject of racist screaming to remove the black student’s face, and now the school principal has ordered the faces of the Latino and Black students to be changed to Caucasian skin.
PRESCOTT, Ariz. – Steve Blair, a Prescott city council member who also hosts a local radio talk show on KCYA AM 1490, was fired from his radio show Friday night. Blair's firing was in response to comments he made about a mural at the Miller Valley Elementary School in Prescott.
During his radio show, Blair called the mural "pathetic" and said he does not understand why there is "a black guy" painted on the building. He went on to say, “I disagree with the whole perspective that you would have a black guy painted on two sides of that building when the history of Prescott never had a culture issue."
The mural's artist, R.E. Wall, said he was forced to "lighten the skin" of one of the children on the mural. Wall says school officials told him to make the kids look like they were "radiating with happiness,” which meant fixing some of the smiles to make them more pronounced and lightening their skin.
BUT WAIT, the fail train hasn't quite left the station yet, let's see what else we can pack in before it departs:
Right Wing freakout of the day: African-American school children mention Obama in a motivational chant. Bonus: This is like "regimes" that "slaughter" "innocent people" for "political expediency"
Conservatives are puzzled over why one of their own, a stalwart supporter of Saint Reagan, a patriot who helped stop the Florida recount, now wants to ruin marriage and open slide down that inevitable slope that ends in man/turtle unions
Jim Sensenbrenner (R-WI) thinks threatening to prosecute BP in court could keep it from cooperating, so we shouldn't do it. Also, please ignore his thousands of shares of BP stock
So about that Hawaiian elections clerk who claims there is no Obama birth certificate - he first made that claim on a "pro-white" radio program broadcasted at a white supremacist conference
Republicans: But how are we gonna pay that $1 trillion healthcare price tag? Barney Frank: How about these $1 trillion in defense cuts? Republicans: LOL SOCIALISM JERBS SOLDIERS DERP DERP DERP
It's an all out FAILAPALOOZA!
God how do these people come to power? Really, are these our best and brightest? Please, for the love of God, vote 3rd party this next election.
Check out the incredible fail that just happened:
Republican candidate suggests landmines at US-Mexico border — The Republican nominee for a New Mexico congressional seat suggested during a radio interview that the United States could place land mines along the Mexican border to secure the international boundary.

AZ school demands non-white faces on mural changed to white
An Arizona elementary school mural featuring the faces of kids who attend the school has been the subject of racist screaming to remove the black student’s face, and now the school principal has ordered the faces of the Latino and Black students to be changed to Caucasian skin.
PRESCOTT, Ariz. – Steve Blair, a Prescott city council member who also hosts a local radio talk show on KCYA AM 1490, was fired from his radio show Friday night. Blair's firing was in response to comments he made about a mural at the Miller Valley Elementary School in Prescott.
During his radio show, Blair called the mural "pathetic" and said he does not understand why there is "a black guy" painted on the building. He went on to say, “I disagree with the whole perspective that you would have a black guy painted on two sides of that building when the history of Prescott never had a culture issue."
The mural's artist, R.E. Wall, said he was forced to "lighten the skin" of one of the children on the mural. Wall says school officials told him to make the kids look like they were "radiating with happiness,” which meant fixing some of the smiles to make them more pronounced and lightening their skin.
BUT WAIT, the fail train hasn't quite left the station yet, let's see what else we can pack in before it departs:
Right Wing freakout of the day: African-American school children mention Obama in a motivational chant. Bonus: This is like "regimes" that "slaughter" "innocent people" for "political expediency"
Conservatives are puzzled over why one of their own, a stalwart supporter of Saint Reagan, a patriot who helped stop the Florida recount, now wants to ruin marriage and open slide down that inevitable slope that ends in man/turtle unions
Jim Sensenbrenner (R-WI) thinks threatening to prosecute BP in court could keep it from cooperating, so we shouldn't do it. Also, please ignore his thousands of shares of BP stock
So about that Hawaiian elections clerk who claims there is no Obama birth certificate - he first made that claim on a "pro-white" radio program broadcasted at a white supremacist conference
Republicans: But how are we gonna pay that $1 trillion healthcare price tag? Barney Frank: How about these $1 trillion in defense cuts? Republicans: LOL SOCIALISM JERBS SOLDIERS DERP DERP DERP
It's an all out FAILAPALOOZA!
God how do these people come to power? Really, are these our best and brightest? Please, for the love of God, vote 3rd party this next election.