Read this article, it's long but makes many good points that sound solid to me as a layman.
Synopsis: There is structural damage below the BOP, that's why the "top kill" thing failed. The shit all leaked out from below the BOP. This means that haliburton's crappy cementing job has lead to damage below the surface which cannot be fixed. This is why before the top kill plan they used the diamond saws to open up the well more, because by opening up the well, it allows pressure to come out of the top and not through the smaller cracks that are now present down well under the bop.
Bottom line: This cannot be contained, this is why BY has switched it's efforts from capping it to collecting wheat's already come out. Any attempts to fix it will result in more structural damage, and ultimately this thing will soon blow wide open since the casing is broken.
Result: The oil well may never be capped once this well collapses. BP must be aware of this, they are mapping the sea floor sonically and that is not a mere exercise. Our Gov't must be well aware too, they just are not telling us.
A must read article for anyone wondering why BP isn't taking the obviouse steps necessary to fix this. It's just too late and this could turn out to be the worst man-made disaster of all time.
Read this article, it's long but makes many good points that sound solid to me as a layman.
Synopsis: There is structural damage below the BOP, that's why the "top kill" thing failed. The shit all leaked out from below the BOP. This means that haliburton's crappy cementing job has lead to damage below the surface which cannot be fixed. This is why before the top kill plan they used the diamond saws to open up the well more, because by opening up the well, it allows pressure to come out of the top and not through the smaller cracks that are now present down well under the bop.
Bottom line: This cannot be contained, this is why BY has switched it's efforts from capping it to collecting wheat's already come out. Any attempts to fix it will result in more structural damage, and ultimately this thing will soon blow wide open since the casing is broken.
Result: The oil well may never be capped once this well collapses. BP must be aware of this, they are mapping the sea floor sonically and that is not a mere exercise. Our Gov't must be well aware too, they just are not telling us.
A must read article for anyone wondering why BP isn't taking the obviouse steps necessary to fix this. It's just too late and this could turn out to be the worst man-made disaster of all time.