Orrin Hatch Calls For Drug Testing Unemployment Benefits-Welfare Recipients

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  • StuKlu
    • Feb 2010
    • 1192

    Originally posted by sgreger1 View Post
    Really no one else will say it?

    Okay. This is dumb because we pay into unemployment. It means you have been employed and is based off your previous salary.

    Joe, drug testing is not bad. Businesses have a choice how to run their businesses. I would not want to employ a crackhead. Obviousely weed needs to be legal but that's another debate.

    Drug testing unemployment is stupid. It's like drug testing social security. Who the fark cares, they paid into it. I support drug testing for those on welfare because I wish someday we could break the cycle of multi generation families living off the gov. Both whites and minorities live off the gov and it is sickening.

    In reality it may benefit society to drug test unemployment people but not until we legalize weed. No one should be arrested or denied employment for smoking pot. Obviousely you can't show up to work high but I just don't feel it should be in the same category as narcotics.

    Anyways, this is just republicans being dicks again. They protest big gov then introduce big gov. Surprise surprise.

    "You're right Joe234, welfare recipients should not be drug tested, that's just a waste of the real working man's dollar. Welfare and all state-aid should be abolished completely. But until it is abolished, test the piss out of em' (literally). The money spent on drug testing and eliminating recipient eligibility would be far less than continuing to fill their lazy pockets with our hard earned dollars.

    As far as drug testing in the workplace being fascism...hardly. The workplace is a private sector, owned by private individuals with no government ties. Drug testing fees are coming from the owner's pockets, not tax dollars. Unless you are employed by the government, everything from a mail carrier to an FBI agent.

    If you don't like the fact that a business drug tests employees, then don't apply there. Personally, I've never known a drug addict, or alcoholic for that matter, that could maintain acceptable attendance, punctuality, and quality of work. I claim no political affiliation, because they're all full of sh#t, however here is the libertarian stance on poverty and welfare which I do agree with:


    By the way Joe234, while we're on the topic of piss testing, I don't know who pissed in your post toasties lately, but you seem to have some real unresolved issues . Either that, or I think you just like to stoke the fire, push buttons, and watch others react. Or as they say in these parts...Sh*t-Stirrer"

    And what he said too


    • StuKlu
      • Feb 2010
      • 1192

      Originally posted by Bigblue1 View Post
      Stop feeding the troll! I will not even waste my time searching,downloading, and uploading a clever troll picture for this guy.
      And this too


      • Joe234
        • Apr 2010
        • 1948

        Originally posted by Bigblue1 View Post
        Stop feeding the troll! I will not even waste my time searching,downloading, and uploading a clever troll picture for this guy.
        Now I see why.

        This nut BigBlue1 follows Alex Jones.

        Wouldn't you agree sgreger1 that Alex Jones was one of the more extreme nuts
        on Matthews show? I agree Matthews does tend to stereotype.

        BigBlue1 uses an Alex Jones Signature. Alex Jones said on the show tonight that,
        the New World Order is planning to round up 80%, some say 99% and put us all
        in interment camps. Jones also believes the government blew up The World Trade

        Now who would you rather have represent snusers? A nut posting Alex Jones trailers
        or a so-called lefty as me?

        That's why he's called me a troll. I'm part of the New World Order.

        Why does snuson allow such trash here to be used as a trailer?

        I'll defend your right to post sgreger.



        • WickedKitchen
          • Nov 2009
          • 2528

          If there is testing required for unemployment crime will rise sharply, IMO. This would subside but it would take a terribly long time and I don't think the media or the populous would have the patience. It would be a TON of money wasted to boot.

          The screwy thing is that one side is trying to expand benefits and the other side is trying to figure out a way not to pay them. Go figure.

          The thing I can agree w/ Joe on is that performance testing should be the way to go.


          • tom502
            • Feb 2009
            • 8985

            I do think politicians, even the President should be tested, because they are servants of the people, and paid with tax money. I do think testing the unemployed is not a good idea. But I do think testing those on government welfare, and various aid programs, and those in government housing and section 8, is a good idea, they should also have random searches of their homes, and have a cleanliness requirement.


            • Joe234
              • Apr 2010
              • 1948

              Originally posted by WickedKitchen View Post

              The thing I can agree w/ Joe on is that performance testing should be the way to go.
              Right. I doubt most Libertarians would support any kind of urine testing.

              Performance testing is done by a video game type device that measures impairment
              rather than taking one's body fluid.

              What's the good of urine testing anyway? Countless people pass the test daily in
              this country by simply using someone elses urine. I've heard of it being done
              many times, including a nurse. The only place I know of that one can't pass by
              substituting urine is the criminal justice system where they strip search.

              All urine testing is a violation of personal liberty.



              • truthwolf1
                • Oct 2008
                • 2696

                I think the Lefty thing to do is get them jobs and put the pack of kids in a government sponsored indoctrination daycare. If they are illegals they get the bus/ship/plane back to country of origin.


                • MrSnusNSnuff
                  • Jun 2009
                  • 280

                  Originally posted by tom502 View Post
                  I do think politicians, even the President should be tested, because they are servants of the people, and paid with tax money. I do think testing the unemployed is not a good idea. But I do think testing those on government welfare, and various aid programs, and those in government housing and section 8, is a good idea, they should also have random searches of their homes, and have a cleanliness requirement.
                  Good luck with that one. The hypocrisy of politicians is perpetual. They get to act like puppet masters, tweaking with society to no end, while they stay exempt (and even benefit financially) from all of their own "reforms."

                  Do away with welfare and the "war on drugs" altogether, and make people responsible for their own lives.

                  You will not see any of this bullsh*t end until our binary political system is toppled by other parties.


                  • NonServiam
                    • May 2010
                    • 736

                    Originally posted by WickedKitchen View Post
                    If there is testing required for unemployment crime will rise sharply, IMO. This would subside but it would take a terribly long time and I don't think the media or the populous would have the patience. It would be a TON of money wasted to boot.

                    The screwy thing is that one side is trying to expand benefits and the other side is trying to figure out a way not to pay them. Go figure.

                    The thing I can agree w/ Joe on is that performance testing should be the way to go.
                    I don't agree with testing those on unemployment as long as they mandate that candidates show proof of submitted job applications and interviews while claiming unemployment. As far as a spike in crime due to people being drug tested, it's possible. Honest people who are down on their luck and not addicted to drugs are not going to become a criminal overnight just because of the inconvenience of drug testing. The drug using welfare recipients will be the ones that start committing the crimes when they can no longer receive aid, but that is no change from their usual ways. They're committing crimes anyways. Heavy drug use of crack, coke, meth, etc.. and committing crimes go hand and hand. It's just a part of the lifestyle.

                    Perhaps I've been watching too many Clint Eastwood westerns, but personally I think we should go back to the days of the old west. You steal my bottle of whiskey, you get shot. You steal my livestock, you get shot. You touch my woman, you get......well, actually you can have her. The laws of natural selection were more at play in the old days. If you didn't have drive, motivation, or skills, you were culled out or just didn't survive because of your lack of being unable to sustain yourself. However, these days we continue to intervene when nature begins to take it's course. I don't mind if my tax dollars go to help children who didn't ask to be brought into this world by people who are parasites, but I can't stand giving my money to those that refuse to work, play video games all day, drink, dope up, etc...


                    • sgreger1
                      • Mar 2009
                      • 9451

                      1)Drug testing is okay if it's done by a corporation or private business for employment reason, they are a business and therefore can do as they please. You have the right to not choose to work there.

                      2)Drug testing is not okay in a situation where you already paid into it, like social security or unemployment for example. That would be like drug tes

                      3)Drug testing is okay for welfare recipients. They have the right to not ask for free money, but if they want free money, it is not unlawfull to set requirements for them to meet in order to get that free money. This is good for crime actually because it will cut off hundreds of millions of dollars that go from welfare recipients to drug cartels. Though short term all the ghettos would riot and ask for their government subsidized crack addiction money.


                      • truthwolf1
                        • Oct 2008
                        • 2696

                        I still say put them to work with minimum wage government checks mopping up subway stations or cleaning hospital beds until they can find better employment.
                        More kids should mean less money! This reward for having another welfare baby is beyond ridiculous and cruel to the child. Fully agree these people should be drug tested for handouts.
                        When they fail the tests they can move into a cardboard house.


                        • Joe234
                          • Apr 2010
                          • 1948

                          This is absurd!

                          I just heard on TV today that one state tried testing over 300 welfare
                          recipients. They result was that some 20 people tested positive for
                          illegal substances and that of those all but 3 were for marijuana.

                          The person on TV said this would only catch pot smokers as the
                          hard drug users can flush the drugs out of their system in 3-4 days.

                          I say test Orrin Hatch for Caffeine. ( Mormon)


                          • sgreger1
                            • Mar 2009
                            • 9451

                            Originally posted by Joe234 View Post
                            This is absurd!

                            I just heard on TV today that one state tried testing over 300 welfare
                            recipients. They result was that some 20 people tested positive for
                            illegal substances and that of those all but 3 were for marijuana.

                            The person on TV said this would only catch pot smokers as the
                            hard drug users can flush the drugs out of their system in 3-4 days.

                            I say test Orrin Hatch for Caffeine. ( Mormon)

                            As always government does everything backwards. It is a waste of time effort, and a LOT of money to start drug testing while weed is still illegal. And furthermore, we should not start drug testing on the unemployed (meaning they were recently employed), we should start with the welfare crowd first. If you goto Los Angeles and issue a random drug test 1 time, you'll find that 80-90% of the people on welfare will test positive for a hard drug. The only reason I say 80% is because the other 20% managed to get it out of their system before the test.


                            • tom502
                              • Feb 2009
                              • 8985

                              Yep, the welfare and government aid, and housing projects and section 8 people, random tests. Unemployed is totally different. Only unless they can get you a job, does the idea of being tested at all even enter the realm of maybe. Most unemployed people are not that way by choice. Most people on welfare, well, sadly, they are, and it doesn't help them either, when all the government aid equals more than actually working a job, so there is no incentive to seek work and move into one's own home. Just lay back and chill, collect that free money, let some boyfriends live there too, and take in some extra dope money. Hey, it's the American way.


                              • Joe234
                                • Apr 2010
                                • 1948

                                All Drug Testing is Bullshit!

                                I say bring it on Hatch. I'd like to see the mess with medical marijuana users
                                when they test positive while the Feds don't recognize medical marijuana.
                                Let the lawsuits begin! More time wasted and cash for Shysters.

                                This nation is a joke of hypocrisy. I like how you want to test everyone but
                                yourself on unemployment.

                                All Drug Testing is Bullshit! Unconstitutional fascism.

                                I'd join a new Weather Underground to stop it by any means necessary.


