Christians got it wrong?(Don't get offended, If you do I won't give a F***) :D

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  • Snusdog
    • Jun 2008
    • 6752

    Originally posted by texasmade View Post
    Snusdog I just found it interesting, The title of my thread is pretty sarcastic though.

    This post you made is one of the reasons I hold so much respect for you.
    You know your stuff and you come at situations prepared and unashamed.
    I know that I have no knowledge whatsoever of any languages outside of the ones I know and am in no place to attempt any translations.

    I have nothing against anybody's beliefs.

    on a side note if I happened to offend anybody my apology is extended.
    Tex I took absolutely no offense at the title or the article ..................I'm from SC....................we tend to be ................well....................overly verbose in most everything we do

    I too have deep respect and admiration for the members of this forum and really enjoy our community

    Thus let me add that if the flamboyant and asinine tone of my post has caused any offence..................I apologies (without qualification or dramatic over the top verbiage)

    When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


    • wadetheblade
      • Jul 2009
      • 572

      nice read Tex, good thread.


      • f. bandersnatch
        • Mar 2010
        • 725

        calling faith-based belief systems "wrong" is...well, wrong. Stupid, detrimental, silly, misguided and retarded are all applicable adjectives.


        • f. bandersnatch
          • Mar 2010
          • 725

          And way to go snusdog on knowing six languages. That's a full four more (five if you don't count bad English) than I do.

          Seriously though, your careful responses are always refreshing and informative.


          • tom502
            • Feb 2009
            • 8985

            As a more philosophical spiritually minded person, mainly into the teachings of Buddha and Hinduism, I see Jesus as a rebel mystic. I don't think Jesus is the Jewish messiah of the Tanakh, as he doesn't live up to it's requirements, I don't anyone ever will.

            But my main disconnect with Christianity, is the core doctrine that Christians believe in, Jesus never taught, and actually taught opposite, based on his words, we have in the Bible.


            • sgreger1
              • Mar 2009
              • 9451

              Originally posted by tom502 View Post
              As a more philosophical spiritually minded person, mainly into the teachings of Buddha and Hinduism, I see Jesus as a rebel mystic. I don't think Jesus is the Jewish messiah of the Tanakh, as he doesn't live up to it's requirements, I don't anyone ever will.

              But my main disconnect with Christianity, is the core doctrine that Christians believe in, Jesus never taught, and actually taught opposite, based on his words, we have in the Bible.

              I too believe Jesus was more of a rebel mystic than anything. He broke all the rules that were in place, most notibly he began studying Kabalah when he was 12 or 13, when at the time it was forbidden to study it if you were under 40. He seemed to have a few tricks but he mainly seemed like a rebel mystic who went around spewing hippie rhetoric and the jews were pissed at him and didn't think he fulfilled the prophecy since he didn't meet any of the standards.

              At the end of the day, Jesus was a jew, he talked about some cool love thy neighbor hippie stuff for a while, then got nailed to the cross. I don't see anything there that would point to him being the son of God really. Plus the idea of a "son" of god or a holy trinity goes against my monotheistic beliefs. I don't believe in idol worship or worshipping anything other than one supreme creator, whatever that creator might be. Christians all pray to jesus, or they pray to mother teresa, or whoever they choose, but I rarely hear them pray to God. It's idol worship by their own standards.

              And at the end of the day, who can really know? The catholic church quite obviousely modified the bible several times to makes the words fit with the meme they were trying to create where the priest ran the state and had power even above that of a king.


              • truthwolf1
                • Oct 2008
                • 2696



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