Police PUNCH

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  • truthwolf1
    • Oct 2008
    • 2696

    Police PUNCH

    My personal opinion is that a large part of officers use excessive force and torture but I do agree with what this officer did in the heat of the moment. He is clearly working on restraining one woman and the other comes in for a attack. He needs to control the situation as quickly as possible and although he fails, it does show how out of control a simple restraint of two women can be.

    What are your thoughts? If you were in that situation.

  • tom502
    • Feb 2009
    • 8985

    This is kinda old. The pro-crime extremists are all hollering race of course. It shows people do not know how to act, and the woman getting hit has a long rap sheet, and has attacked police before. He should have pepper sprayed or tazed her, it's more official than using one's hand. Try an interfere with an officer making an arrest, and push him, and see what happens regardless of your race or sex.


    • bipolarbear1968
      • Mar 2010
      • 1074

      The girls were way out of control. They could have handled that in a better manner. The cop wouldn't have hit her otherwise.


      • NonServiam
        • May 2010
        • 736

        I can't see the video right now, but if it is the one of a Seattle cop punching a woman in a pink shirt, I just watched this the other day. And yeah, it doesn't exactly look "tactical". In academies they teach all these fancy defensive tactics in perfect world scenarios, and while they are good for a foundation, they just don't work as well in the real world. Anyone who has taken martial arts will tell you that. Personally, he should have administered pepper spray or taser or something. Hell, could have been his first week on his own. Closed fist punches are authorized by many departments, but officers usually like to use control techniques that are a little less....unprofessional.

        But on the other hand, if you look around him he is clearly out numbered, no one is coming to his aid, and the natives are growing restless. Thugs tend to be like flies. If one gets on ya, they all start to swarm. People also don't seem to understand, that whether you are trying to handcuff a 7 foot 300 lb. man or a 5 foot 100 lb. woman, it is very difficult to position someone's wrists (without breaking something) into handcuffs when they're fighting you.

        It's also very easy to armchair quarterback something when you have time to think about it. He was having to make decisions in a split second, and was probably thinking that if he didn't get the situation under control someone was going to be pulling a gun on him. After he punched her, I think he realized it probably wasn't the best course of action because he seems to get his wits about him again after that and goes back to less aggressive control techniques.

        Sure, excessive force is a problem for some officers. These are usually guys who became cops just for the power, not to help/protect people or try to make things a little better around here. But this clearly isn't excessive.


        • tom502
          • Feb 2009
          • 8985

          He should have a partner out there. This ain't DPRK.


          • myuserid
            • Jun 2010
            • 1645

            Both of those ladies should have been tazed early in this video.


            • truthwolf1
              • Oct 2008
              • 2696

              Originally posted by NonServiam View Post
              I can't see the video right now, but if it is the one of a Seattle cop punching a woman in a pink shirt, I just watched this the other day. And yeah, it doesn't exactly look "tactical". In academies they teach all these fancy defensive tactics in perfect world scenarios, and while they are good for a foundation, they just don't work as well in the real world. Anyone who has taken martial arts will tell you that. Personally, he should have administered pepper spray or taser or something. Hell, could have been his first week on his own. Closed fist punches are authorized by many departments, but officers usually like to use control techniques that are a little less....unprofessional.

              But on the other hand, if you look around him he is clearly out numbered, no one is coming to his aid, and the natives are growing restless. Thugs tend to be like flies. If one gets on ya, they all start to swarm. People also don't seem to understand, that whether you are trying to handcuff a 7 foot 300 lb. man or a 5 foot 100 lb. woman, it is very difficult to position someone's wrists (without breaking something) into handcuffs when they're fighting you.

              It's also very easy to armchair quarterback something when you have time to think about it. He was having to make decisions in a split second, and was probably thinking that if he didn't get the situation under control someone was going to be pulling a gun on him. After he punched her, I think he realized it probably wasn't the best course of action because he seems to get his wits about him again after that and goes back to less aggressive control techniques.

              Sure, excessive force is a problem for some officers. These are usually guys who became cops just for the power, not to help/protect people or try to make things a little better around here. But this clearly isn't excessive.
              Thanks for your professional opinion/explanation on this scene. I think a lot of people even myself dont realize that every situation is different and can turn out as chaotic as this scene. It could of been much worse if this crowd would of turned on him.

              Pepper spray I am fully in agreement with as long as once the person is restrained they are given something to clear the eye's immediately. This was a perfect example where it should of been used.

              I however dont agree to the use of tazers in any form and think they should be banned. There have been too many documented deaths and they are way over used in my opinion where a officer could of used a little muscle for restraint.


              • KCOLLINS18
                • May 2010
                • 165

                The officer is lucky the way I see it. When he punched the girl in the face the other girl was right behing him. She could have easily taken his gun and shot him. I think the officer would have punched anybody after being pushed like that rather than the suspects being white or black. So its not a matter of race, it how you go about the situation either your going to follow his instruction or you not. I don't understand what is so hard about people following directions from LAW ENFORCEMENTS! If they would have complied with the officers orders, they probably wouldn't be hualed off to jail, with felonies. Another thing I don't get the thugs in the background recording the action, they are just incriminating these girls. I would have gone with the pepper spray but you have to treat that as if your life is in danger. He had to act fast, and I believe that he did what came natural to him. This officer was doing his job and I saw nothing wrong with the way he handled the situation.


                • NorSnuser
                  • Sep 2009
                  • 153

                  It's never a good idea to resist arrest. These two women are stupid. However, the arrest and physical tactics used need to be put into context. He was arresting them for jaywalking. If I ever see a cop jaywalking or driving like an idiot do I have the right to make a citizen's arrest and use the same tactics if resisted?


                  • sgreger1
                    • Mar 2009
                    • 9451

                    Nonserviam, why don't cops use the zip-tie handcuffs like we did in the army? They are infinitely quicker and easier to restrain someone with. I'da had both of those chick hogtied in like 5 seconds with some of those!

                    And I can't see the video right now but if I were a cop, and I was outnumbered and surrounded by thugs, and one was attacking me? I'm gonna start handing out punishment and I don't give a **** whos videotaping it. Ive seen the shit these people do to cops if they get the chance, it's just pure survival in some of these bad neighborhoods.

                    Edit: Tom, no it's not showing.


                    • tom502
                      • Feb 2009
                      • 8985

                      It should be now.

                      Yeah, in the ghettos there is a large pro-crime element, sorta like the Islamist radicals.


                      • Simplysnus
                        • May 2010
                        • 481


                        She's lucky she didn't meet the pavement face first to be controlled.


                        • NorSnuser
                          • Sep 2009
                          • 153

                          Originally posted by sgreger1 View Post
                          ...Why don't cops use the zip-tie handcuffs like we did in the army? They are infinitely quicker and easier to restrain someone with. I'da had both of those chick hogtied in like 5 seconds with some of those!
                          Yeah, it would work on those two idiots. However, I don't think zip ties are anywhere near as secure as handcuffs. They are pretty easy to get out of. Like this:



                          • NorSnuser
                            • Sep 2009
                            • 153

                            Originally posted by Simplysnus View Post
                            [url]She's lucky she didn't meet the pavement face first to be controlled.
                            Thanks for the link. Apparently this is an ongoing problem. The following article sums up my stance as well.


                            Here is a quote from the article:

                            'In a 2006 report, Pflaumer wrote that she found it "distressing to see how many of the excessive force complaints begin with minor street confrontations: Over jay walking, possible impounding of a car, or even, in one case, refusal to show an officer a 'receptacle' for disposing of dog waste."

                            Pflaumer noted that citizens "often do not show officers respect or attention" when confronted over minor offenses.

                            "When they verbally challenge or disregard orders given, it often leads officers to respond more harshly than warranted," she wrote.

                            Even before Monday's incident, the department was under fire over the April 17 videotaped kicking of a prone Latino man by two officers who used ethnically inflammatory language before realizing they had the wrong person in a robbery."


                            • Roo
                              • Jun 2008
                              • 3446

                              Don't touch cops. That is how not to get punched in the face or worse. Just don't touch 'em! Pretty simple.

