Police PUNCH

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  • wadetheblade
    • Jul 2009
    • 572

    Originally posted by Roo View Post
    Don't touch cops. That is how not to get punched in the face or worse. Just don't touch 'em! Pretty simple.

    I was at a mardi gras ball one time and was outside the building in a little cigarette smoking area having a smoke, when a drunk woman started to get into a little argument with a cop. She was in her fifties I'd say. The argument wasn't anything to serious and certainly not heated, but when she put her hand on the cops shoulder, "Sweetie let me tell you" I think she said, that cop had her hemmed up and arrested so quick it wasn't even funny. Never touch a cop.
    Acually it was funny.


    • NonServiam
      • May 2010
      • 736

      Originally posted by sgreger1 View Post
      Nonserviam, why don't cops use the zip-tie handcuffs like we did in the army? They are infinitely quicker and easier to restrain someone with. I'da had both of those chick hogtied in like 5 seconds with some of those!

      And I can't see the video right now but if I were a cop, and I was outnumbered and surrounded by thugs, and one was attacking me? I'm gonna start handing out punishment and I don't give a **** whos videotaping it. Ive seen the shit these people do to cops if they get the chance, it's just pure survival in some of these bad neighborhoods.

      Edit: Tom, no it's not showing.
      They're usually used with large numbers of out of control protesters or soccer hooligans. Pretty much like Norsnuser said, they're not as secure. They will work on most people, but those that know a little something about them can defeat them. I personally, carry a few sets in the car for situations where there's more people than handcuffs. A set of good handcuffs will cost you like forty bucks, whereas zip-ties are much cheaper. But, they're just not feasible to carry on a belt all the time. Plus they're not as functional. You can adjust the tightness of handcuffs. Or if you need them to sign paperwork you can just undo one, let them sign, and re-cuff. Zip-ties you have to cut and then you would have to break out a whole new zip-tie.

      I have never stopped anyone for jaywalking or any other B.S. minor infraction. I don't know many that do around here. But apparently that's a pet peeve with this Seattle cop. In fact most the time, unless you just get a real arse of a cop, honesty and common courtesy will go a long way and you'll probably be on your way.


      • Bigblue1
        Banned Users
        • Dec 2008
        • 3923

        Respect my authoritie


        • NonServiam
          • May 2010
          • 736

          Originally posted by NorSnuser View Post
          It's never a good idea to resist arrest. These two women are stupid. However, the arrest and physical tactics used need to be put into context. He was arresting them for jaywalking. If I ever see a cop jaywalking or driving like an idiot do I have the right to make a citizen's arrest and use the same tactics if resisted?
          Unless Seattle got some really jacked up laws, he wouldn't be arresting them for jaywalking. These videos never tell the whole story. They always start at about chapter 2. He was probably just going to make contact with them and give them a warning and make sure they didn't have any outstanding warrants. The struggle to arrest them probably began when they told him to go fark himself and they refused to give their names.

          There is times that I have to stop people for minor B.S., and it's not because I want to. Usually it's because I happen to be close by when someone does something stupid and other drivers are looking at me like "didn't you see them make that u-turn, aren't you gonna do something?" I kind of feel obligated at that point. Could have very well been the same situation here. Given their attitude, they probably just walked right out into traffic causing people to brake or swerve which gives him little choice in just turning his head and going about his way.

          But I won't defend every video of police brutality. There is plenty of videos out there that I look at and just cringe because the cops are blatantly out of line and are a disgrace to this line of work.


          • Roo
            • Jun 2008
            • 3446

            No you just get a ticket in Seattle for Jaywalking, but I only know that from hearing about it once from a former co-worker who got stopped for it. People jaywalk ALL the time here, all over the place. I jaywalk in front of cops all the time, almost every day. There is a huge police presence in the neighborhood I work in due to all of the crack selling/smoking and public drunkeness that is the result of the biggest homeless shelter in town around the corner. 1 block north is the original "skid row", named because 100 years ago there was a mill on the waterfront and they would roll or "skid" the logs down Yesler Ave down to the mill. Christ I talk about Seattle too much on this forum. All that is to say: Around here, lots of cops. Lots of jaywalking. No confrontations. Then again, I've never jaywalked as a black person. I suspect both the cop and the girl were barking up the wrong tree. He shouldn't have fckd with her for jaywalking, she shouldn't have fckd with him BECAUSE HE'S A COP lol. I am so polite to cops, I rarely get tickets. Like NonServium said, honesty and good manners go a long, long way.


            • NonServiam
              • May 2010
              • 736

              Not to be a post whore, but I've had this funny video stashed away for sometime just waiting for an appropriate thread to post it in. Now is my opportunity.


              • Mr. Snuffleupagus
                • Dec 2008
                • 2781

                Originally posted by nonserviam View Post
                not to be a post whore, but i've had this funny video stashed away for sometime just waiting for an appropriate thread to post it in. Now is my opportunity.



                • sgreger1
                  • Mar 2009
                  • 9451

                  Originally posted by NorSnuser View Post
                  Yeah, it would work on those two idiots. However, I don't think zip ties are anywhere near as secure as handcuffs. They are pretty easy to get out of. Like this:


                  No, zip cuffs are hard to get out of (for the average person anyways), reusable, one-hand deployable, double locking and cheap restraint devices.

                  Wrap that onto someones hands, pull the tie, then make them get on their kneese, cross their feet and then sit on the crossed feet. After about 5 minutes the feet fall asleep and even if they wanted to run they will be unable to.

                  If I were a cop and had these however, I would have used them to pimp slap this chick instead.


                  • sgreger1
                    • Mar 2009
                    • 9451

                    Originally posted by Roo View Post
                    Then again, I've never jaywalked as a black person.
                    You should try it sometime. Feels great. (Carries double the fine though since your hard to see at nightime on the roads)


                    • NonServiam
                      • May 2010
                      • 736

                      Originally posted by sgreger1 View Post
                      No, zip cuffs are hard to get out of (for the average person anyways), reusable, one-hand deployable, double locking and cheap restraint devices.

                      Wrap that onto someones hands, pull the tie, then make them get on their kneese, cross their feet and then sit on the crossed feet. After about 5 minutes the feet fall asleep and even if they wanted to run they will be unable to.

                      If I were a cop and had these however, I would have used them to pimp slap this chick instead.
                      Yes. There is a difference in the zip-tie style and the zip-cuff style. Zip-cuffs are much better and I carry those as well. Just not on me, those big loops really like to snag on things and I can't imagine trying to get in and out of the car with them on. You'd probably finding hanging precariously from something.


                      • sgreger1
                        • Mar 2009
                        • 9451

                        Originally posted by NonServiam View Post
                        Yes. There is a difference in the zip-tie style and the zip-cuff style. Zip-cuffs are much better and I carry those as well. Just not on me, those big loops really like to snag on things and I can't imagine trying to get in and out of the car with them on. You'd probably finding hanging precariously from something.

                        Yah I could see how this might not be great for cops to have on hand all the time. Like you said, you only have your belt to suspend them from and as a cop you have to take the cuffs off sometimes to do paperwork etc.

                        I am just thinking army status, but we have backpacks and weight matters, aren't restrained to a belt and we never have to take em off .

                        In a related but off-topic subject: I am considering joining the police force here in San Francisco. Do you like being a cop, and are you in a large city or a small town?


                        • Roo
                          • Jun 2008
                          • 3446

                          Originally posted by sgreger1 View Post
                          In a related but off-topic subject: I am considering joining the police force here in San Francisco. Do you like being a cop, and are you in a large city or a small town?
                          I was thinking about this last night after you mentioned it in the chatbox. Someday I'll get pulled over in SFO for doing something REALLY naughty, and just as you are reaching for the cuffs or zip ties or whatever, I will breathe a huge sigh of relief and say: "Stu Greger? THE S. Greger?? Remember your pal ol' Roo from snuson? May I offer you a Thunder Frosted? What'dya say we go grab a beer and figure out how you and I can take advantage of all these drugs, weapons, and illegals you just bagged as evidence? How 'bout it ol' pal?" At which point we walk away joyfully, whistling, musing on life's unexpected and sometimes fortunate turns, and suddenly all of the time I've spent here will be worth it. SO worth it.


                          • NonServiam
                            • May 2010
                            • 736

                            Originally posted by sgreger1 View Post
                            Yah I could see how this might not be great for cops to have on hand all the time. Like you said, you only have your belt to suspend them from and as a cop you have to take the cuffs off sometimes to do paperwork etc.

                            I am just thinking army status, but we have backpacks and weight matters, aren't restrained to a belt and we never have to take em off .

                            In a related but off-topic subject: I am considering joining the police force here in San Francisco. Do you like being a cop, and are you in a large city or a small town?
                            I'm in a moderately sized city of about 40,000 that is considered a suburb of Tulsa. It's also a business hub for this area so I end up having to deal with more than 40,000. Of course, to San Francisco standards, a city of 40,000 is like a speck of dust I'm sure. Tulsa is the largest city in NE Okla. and their population is about 400,000.

                            As far as if I like my job. Well, it's like any job. It has it's up and downs. Pay is decent. Benefits/Insurance are great and I can retire when I'm 46. About 85% of the job is paperwork. Lots of typing and lots of reports. The other 15% is the fun stuff. They say this job is long periods of boredom interrupted by moments of sheer terror. You sometimes find yourself exhausted at the end of the day after dealing with people who have created their own problems due to immaturity, irresponsibility, and poor decision making. The real rewards are when you can help those who are truly innocent. I look to move to the detective division after a few more years on the streets so I can get a small break from the everyday reminder of just how farked up people really are.

                            With all that said, I probably wouldn't do anything else. My childhood dream of being a rockstar never materialized, so here I am. If interested, I recommend doing some ride alongs, or spending sometime as a reserve officer to see if it's to your liking. Of course, every day when you kiss your wife and child goodbye before heading out the door, the thought crosses your mind....was it the last time, am I coming back.


                            • sgreger1
                              • Mar 2009
                              • 9451

                              Originally posted by Roo View Post
                              I was thinking about this last night after you mentioned it in the chatbox. Someday I'll get pulled over in SFO for doing something REALLY naughty, and just as you are reaching for the cuffs or zip ties or whatever, I will breathe a huge sigh of relief and say: "Stu Greger? THE S. Greger?? Remember your pal ol' Roo from snuson? May I offer you a Thunder Frosted? What'dya say we go grab a beer and figure out how you and I can take advantage of all these drugs, weapons, and illegals you just bagged as evidence? How 'bout it ol' pal?" At which point we walk away joyfully, whistling, musing on life's unexpected and sometimes fortunate turns, and suddenly all of the time I've spent here will be worth it. SO worth it.

                              That's a nice fantasy Roo, but if I was arresting some joe for jaywalking, and it turned out to be you, i would instead plant drugs on you and then claim you resisted arrest and taze you. Then steal your snus.


                              • danielan
                                • Apr 2010
                                • 1514

                                Originally posted by sgreger1 View Post
                                That's a nice fantasy Roo, but if I was arresting some joe for jaywalking, and it turned out to be you, i would instead plant drugs on you and then claim you resisted arrest and taze you. Then steal your snus.
                                It's good to see a man with a plan.

