Jesus Christ!!

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  • NonServiam
    • May 2010
    • 736

    Originally posted by danielan View Post
    I do that too.

    It's weird. I don't even particularly hate spiders. But when I see one... WHAM! Hey look a spider!
    Same here. I think it's just the stigma attached to them. Really, at least in these parts, there is only two spiders you don't want to mess with: A Fiddleback (brown recluse) will give you necrosis of the skin. A Black Widow (just wicked lookin') is extremely painful and can be fatal. Tarantulas are intimidating, but you really got to be mean to them to provoke a bite. Although I hear they can jump about 3 feet.

    Sh*t, why do I keep perpetuating and coming back to this thread. Lxskllr's baby spider nest pic is about to send me over the edge.


    • lxskllr
      • Sep 2007
      • 13435

      Originally posted by bakerbarber View Post

      monkey balls keep spiders away

      Osage orange. They grow around here.

      People put them in there basements. You have to toss them when they start to rot. Usually 3-4 months later.
      Interesting. They grow around here a bit, but I can't remember when I saw one last. We always called them monkey balls too. Never heard of them being spider repellent. I'll have to keep my eyes open for a tree.


      • sgreger1
        • Mar 2009
        • 9451

        They look like oranges rolled in boogers. I would stay away from them too lol


        • Mr. Snuffleupagus
          • Dec 2008
          • 2781

          I keep most of them because they eat the bugs with wings, but the scary ones die fast

          There's one in my shower I've been saving every day by putting him out of there first LOL


          • c.nash
            Banned Users
            • May 2010
            • 3511

            Originally posted by sheilalynn View Post
            Spiders suck! I can have all 5 of my snakes crawling on me and I won't bat an eyelash, but get a spider near me and it's one DEAD spider about a nanosecond later

            Speaking of snakes, it's feeding night, yeah! :-p

            What type of snakes do you have right now. I'm down to only one at the moment again.


            • Frosted
              • Mar 2010
              • 5798

              When I first stayed at my parents house in France I woke up in the mornings with itchy as hell whelts on me. I couldn't figure out what would cause this. One night it was especially hot so I was finding it hard to sleep - I heard plop - then another plop and another. I switched on the light and there were three decent sized spiders on the bed. As soon as they thought it was safe they'd just drop from the beams above the bed and help themselves to supper.


              • f. bandersnatch
                • Mar 2010
                • 725

                Spiders are alright, but I have a dog, and a bite from certain large types of spiders can make a dog blind, so I kill them all.

                And sgreger, you should really figure out if they are recluses. I doubt they are because, as the name suggests, they are less likely to infest and swarm (or so I have been told), but I got bit by a recluse when I was living in a bombed out house under construction and it sucked really bad.


                • NonServiam
                  • May 2010
                  • 736

                  Originally posted by f. bandersnatch View Post
                  Spiders are alright, but I have a dog, and a bite from certain large types of spiders can make a dog blind, so I kill them all.

                  And sgreger, you should really figure out if they are recluses. I doubt they are because, as the name suggests, they are less likely to infest and swarm (or so I have been told), but I got bit by a recluse when I was living in a bombed out house under construction and it sucked really bad.
                  Yeah, recluses are just that...recluses. They do infest my shed though. Dozens of those in there and the occasional black widow. I even spray regularly and treat my perimeter with Sevin Dust granules. I'd hate to see their population if I didn't. Recluses will only come out to feed when you kill the lights. That reminds me, I really shouldn't be sitting here in the dark typing.


                  • sheilalynn
                    • May 2009
                    • 1103

                    Originally posted by c.nash View Post

                    What type of snakes do you have right now. I'm down to only one at the moment again.
                    I have 2 corn snakes (one is all white, one is 2 shades of orange), a ball python, a brazilian rainbow boa (black and orange, wicked pretty), and a dumerils boa. The 2 boas are about 4 1/2 feet long right now so they still have a couple of feet to go I've raised them all from babies except the orange cornsnake which was given to me by someone who couldn't take care of it any more.


                    • sheilalynn
                      • May 2009
                      • 1103

                      Originally posted by danielan View Post
                      I do that too.

                      It's weird. I don't even particularly hate spiders. But when I see one... WHAM! Hey look a spider!
                      Or what USED to be a spider :-p


                      • LaZeR
                        • Oct 2009
                        • 3994

                        I have spotted some of the bigger furry ones in my house from time to time but the ones I seem to have constantly just about anywhere are those friggen little wiry like sorta miniature daddy long legs. How to get rid of them?


                        • sheilalynn
                          • May 2009
                          • 1103

                          Originally posted by LaZeR View Post
                          Now seriously, that is something I could not do. Just the thought of it freaks me out more than a spider on me. I'm so afraid of snakes, I have to close my eyes to pee.
                          They're little sweeties...except for the one time I got nipped, hehe

                          I hope you at least aim first before you pee :-p


                          • c.nash
                            Banned Users
                            • May 2010
                            • 3511

                            Originally posted by sheilalynn View Post
                            I have 2 corn snakes (one is all white, one is 2 shades of orange), a ball python, a brazilian rainbow boa (black and orange, wicked pretty), and a dumerils boa. The 2 boas are about 4 1/2 feet long right now so they still have a couple of feet to go I've raised them all from babies except the orange cornsnake which was given to me by someone who couldn't take care of it any more.
                            Nice. The only one I have right now is a Colombian Red Tail Boa, He's about 5 feet long and about a year and a half old. Got him when he was about 8" long lol. He's really bipolar lol. Some days he will just chill with me, other days he will strike at anything walking by, and hiss for hours.


                            • desirexe
                              • Feb 2008
                              • 1170

                              lxs - the spider that you described sounds like our wolf spiders that run rampant down here. I've seen several in my house, only 1 'tarantula' sized one though which prompted me to get an exterminator. I can't handle any bug or spider anywhere, but especially in the house!! BTW - I knew I should have stopped reading this thread with your initial post but I kept reading and will probably have nightmares now! I have learned that a great way to keep these spiders away is to keep all outside entrances clear and clean, I don't give them any hiding spots outside around the house.


                              • sheilalynn
                                • May 2009
                                • 1103

                                Originally posted by c.nash View Post
                                Nice. The only one I have right now is a Colombian Red Tail Boa, He's about 5 feet long and about a year and a half old. Got him when he was about 8" long lol. He's really bipolar lol. Some days he will just chill with me, other days he will strike at anything walking by, and hiss for hours.
                                I thought of getting a red tail, but decided on the dumerils cuz I liked the pattern, they're really mellow, and don't get quite as big as a red tail. And since the hubby doesn't help with them, I had to get ones that I could handle alone. That's weird that yours does the striking and tails are usually pretty mellow too! Maybe it's related to the red tail that killed it's owner recently. ;-) It was the first time any red tail has killed a person...really sad that it happened.


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