Jesus Christ!!

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  • c.nash
    Banned Users
    • May 2010
    • 3511

    Damn. That's nuts.

    Hopefully he will calm down eventually.
    I haven't had time to take him out a lot in the last couple months, so it's not helping. :/


    • sheilalynn
      • May 2009
      • 1103

      Originally posted by c.nash View Post
      Damn. That's nuts.

      Hopefully he will calm down eventually.
      I haven't had time to take him out a lot in the last couple months, so it's not helping. :/
      Yeah, snakes need to be taken out and handled at least once a week minimum.


      • Joe234
        • Apr 2010
        • 1948

        I usually don't kill a spider. Sometimes I do.
        Often I trap one with a paper cup and a piece
        of paper and release them outside. Remember
        they are not insects.

        Depending on where you like be concerned about this
        Brown Recluse Spider


        • danielan
          • Apr 2010
          • 1514

          Originally posted by sheilalynn View Post
          Yeah, snakes need to be taken out and handled at least once a week minimum.
          Whoa! Deja vu!

          I was just explaining this very thing to my wife the other day.


          • snusgetter
            • May 2010
            • 10903

            originally posted by sheilalynn
            yeah, snakes need to be taken out and handled at least once a week minimum.
            Originally posted by danielan View Post
            whoa! Deja vu!

            I was just explaining this very thing to my wife the other day.


            • rickcharles606
              • Mar 2009
              • 2307

              OMG I hate em, all sizes and shapes. If it has eight legs, it's my enemy. I killed a Wolf spider in my bathroom about a month was as big as my hand with legs outstretched. I got out of the shower and BAM there is was, and it tried to no avail. Haven't slept well since, lol


              • Owens187
                • Sep 2009
                • 1547

                Sgreger1, as far as I know, we dont have true recluses here in CA, 'cept for the odd "hitchhiker" that took a ride on someones luggage - just not the right climate for them. Though we do have a cousin of the recluse, looks pretty close, just nowhere near as poisonous, and not as "reclusive". A true recluse, you'll pretty much never see untill you get in a dark closet or something, and your bitten before you even know its there.

                As I for one, am straight out arachnophobic, you cant even comprehend the amount of hatred I have for spiders, I also like to keep them the fu*k outta my house. And since I have 10 acres of prime forest land - aka spider central - it can be difficult.

                I use Ortho home defense Max. When I use it I wont see a single bug for 2-3 months. Just spray around doors/windows/vents, under cupboards, along all baseboards, and along all ceiling to wall junctions, and all corners. Works really good.

                I hate the chemicals-in-the-house aspect of it, but I hate spiders more.....

                Just my 2 cents.


                • LaZeR
                  • Oct 2009
                  • 3994

                  Originally posted by sheilalynn View Post
                  Yeah, snakes need to be taken out and handled at least once a week minimum.
                  INORITE? Why do you think I'm always messing with mine?...


                  • NonServiam
                    • May 2010
                    • 736

                    Originally posted by LaZeR View Post
                    INORITE? Why do you think I'm always messing with mine?...
                    I guess you found a new sig. Appropriate. I like it!


                    • Roo
                      • Jun 2008
                      • 3446

                      I gotta chime in real quick because here in the Puget Sound area we have these huge fckrs called Tegeneria Gigantae (giant house spiders) that are the fastest spiders on earth, not counting the Sun Spider which aren't really spiders but somehow made it into the Guiness Book. Or something. And these bastards are big, up to the size of a silver dollar. Their sdmaller cousins are called Hobo Spiders and they have necrotizing venom like the recluse. Because of this, people around here get misdiagnosed as having been bit by a recluse. Reading sgreger's post, I realize it is a misconception everywhere. Google the range of the brown recluse and you will see that they are fairly confined to the Ozark/Missouri region of the US. What you are seeing aren't recluses. And these big bastards and Hobos I'm talking about came from a boat on Vancouver Island that came in from Europe in the 30's. For now they are confined to the Pac NW but they're coming for you. And they are fast.


                      • victoryredchevy
                        • Jan 2008
                        • 303

                        Ha, glad I saw this subject! I got home from work yesterday and went to take a piss and right next to the bathtub was a MASSIVE, what we call, grass spider. I don't mind these little dudes as they are great bug eating spiders, but this dude was just way too big to let go. So, I blasted him with some Comet cleaning spray and the little guy just would not crap out! He suffered a long excrutiating death and I felt bad. We have many spiders here in Arkansas, due to the humidity. Unfortunately, one of the more prominent types we have is the Brown Recluse. They are pretty elusive, but you will see them. We call them fiddlebacks because of their body's shape. I have some cool Cobweb spiders in some corners of my apartment that will actually catch Recluses in their webs and eat them. We have quite a population of Black Widows as well. They are such a beautiful spider. We have tons of wolf spiders, too. Those are some vicious and awnry little devils too. Their fangs are huge and they will literally come after you. BUT my favorite we have is the Golden Garden Spider. They like to make beautiful huge webs with cool looking zigzags in the middle between rows of corn. They're pretty big spiders and have a largely black body with yellow spotches on their back to blend in with the sun and a grey head. I'm not a spider person, at all. But I appreciate their purpose and they and I seem to have an understanding with one another. Stay away from me and I'll stay away from you.


                        • sheilalynn
                          • May 2009
                          • 1103

                          Originally posted by danielan View Post
                          Whoa! Deja vu!

                          I was just explaining this very thing to my wife the other day.
                          Originally posted by LaZeR View Post
                          INORITE? Why do you think I'm always messing with mine?...
                          I should've seen this more tired postings for me! hehe :-p


                          • sheilalynn
                            • May 2009
                            • 1103

                            Originally posted by victoryredchevy View Post
                            Ha, glad I saw this subject! I got home from work yesterday and went to take a piss and right next to the bathtub was a MASSIVE, what we call, grass spider. I don't mind these little dudes as they are great bug eating spiders, but this dude was just way too big to let go. So, I blasted him with some Comet cleaning spray and the little guy just would not crap out! He suffered a long excrutiating death and I felt bad. We have many spiders here in Arkansas, due to the humidity. Unfortunately, one of the more prominent types we have is the Brown Recluse. They are pretty elusive, but you will see them. We call them fiddlebacks because of their body's shape. I have some cool Cobweb spiders in some corners of my apartment that will actually catch Recluses in their webs and eat them. We have quite a population of Black Widows as well. They are such a beautiful spider. We have tons of wolf spiders, too. Those are some vicious and awnry little devils too. Their fangs are huge and they will literally come after you. BUT my favorite we have is the Golden Garden Spider. They like to make beautiful huge webs with cool looking zigzags in the middle between rows of corn. They're pretty big spiders and have a largely black body with yellow spotches on their back to blend in with the sun and a grey head. I'm not a spider person, at all. But I appreciate their purpose and they and I seem to have an understanding with one another. Stay away from me and I'll stay away from you.
                            Another reason I stay up here in the northern section of the country...brown recluses are more of a "hitchhiker" type of spider and are very rare up here, and the same goes for black widows. Although, there is a documented case of a man in the town next to me being bitten by a brown recluse that got into his cellar. I'll stay away from that town too I guess :-p


                            • NonServiam
                              • May 2010
                              • 736

                              Originally posted by victoryredchevy View Post
                              Ha, glad I saw this subject! I got home from work yesterday and went to take a piss and right next to the bathtub was a MASSIVE, what we call, grass spider. I don't mind these little dudes as they are great bug eating spiders, but this dude was just way too big to let go. So, I blasted him with some Comet cleaning spray and the little guy just would not crap out! He suffered a long excrutiating death and I felt bad. We have many spiders here in Arkansas, due to the humidity. Unfortunately, one of the more prominent types we have is the Brown Recluse. They are pretty elusive, but you will see them. We call them fiddlebacks because of their body's shape. I have some cool Cobweb spiders in some corners of my apartment that will actually catch Recluses in their webs and eat them. We have quite a population of Black Widows as well. They are such a beautiful spider. We have tons of wolf spiders, too. Those are some vicious and awnry little devils too. Their fangs are huge and they will literally come after you. BUT my favorite we have is the Golden Garden Spider. They like to make beautiful huge webs with cool looking zigzags in the middle between rows of corn. They're pretty big spiders and have a largely black body with yellow spotches on their back to blend in with the sun and a grey head. I'm not a spider person, at all. But I appreciate their purpose and they and I seem to have an understanding with one another. Stay away from me and I'll stay away from you.
                              Just across the border here in Oklahoma we have the same. Was your grass spider the ones with the brown/yellow length wise stripes? That's like the one I stepped on and 100 babies went scurrying.

                              I know all about the Golden Garden spider. I was walking out to the shed one day and walked right into the web. I saw that big bastard and I screamed liked a little girl. I think they're also called an Argiope spider, and they are very beneficial but I wouldn't want one down my pants!

                              Click image for larger version

Name:	2072_dtl_400x315_s&.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	15.8 KB
ID:	599618
                              Golden Garden (argiope)

                              Click image for larger version

Name:	2073_dtl_400x323_s&.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	19.0 KB
ID:	599619
                              Is this what your grass spider looked like?


                              • texasmade
                                • Jan 2009
                                • 4159


                                welcome to half of the spiders I have found in my house....except the third one(i don't think it is a spider but everytime i see one in my house i want to fcking stomp it).. i dont know what that is I just typed in cricket spider in google because that's what it looks like to me.


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