Jesus Christ!!
I've only seen 1 black widow around here, I'm sure I'd see more, but I don't go out looking for them. Anyway, the black widow was hanging out eating a mole cricket on the Bank of America ATM machine. I went inside and told an employee and her response was, "yea, we know." <--Another thing to add to the "I hate BOA" thread???
Originally posted by desirexe View PostI've only seen 1 black widow around here, I'm sure I'd see more, but I don't go out looking for them. Anyway, the black widow was hanging out eating a mole cricket on the Bank of America ATM machine. I went inside and told an employee and her response was, "yea, we know." <--Another thing to add to the "I hate BOA" thread???
Originally posted by lxskllrI think the top one is a common house spider. .
This spider is considered huge here.
I caught the SOB, and threw him outside. I was taking some snus back to the fridge, and I saw it scuttle under the edge of a shoe. I used an empty peanut tin, capped him, then slid a piece of paper under it so I could flip it over. I thought about getting a picture for you guys, but I didn't want to push my luck. That thing moved too fast, and I could see myself losing it again, or even worse, it jumping on my face :^D
The spider's healthy and happy OUTSIDE, and I don't have a vague sense of concern when I sit in front of the computer :^D
Rejuvenating an older thread but just wanted to share my story. Appx. 1 month ago I found a fairly big wolf spider in the garage and I wanted to move it outdoors. My son came running with a cup, willing and ready to capture it. During the trapping process he accidentally cut off 2 of its legs. I felt so bad for that spider I had my son put it into his bug aquarium and planned on just keeping it long enough to fatten it up a bit and release it. Anyway, a week after we had it, she laid eggs! In case you didn't know, wolf spiders carry their egg sac under their abdomen until the babies emerge. Of course I couldn't release an injured, expectant mama into the wild so we still have her! Just today we noticed something interesting, either she ditched her egg sac or it fell off because she is no longer carrying it around. She has acquired a new "egg sac" instead - she has been carrying around a huge, dry sea sponge that we placed into the cage and had been saturating with water for her. I just snapped the picture of her - you can see her newly acquired sponge sac and she's inside a halved coconut shell which should give you an idea of her size:
Originally posted by desirexe View PostRejuvenating an older thread but just wanted to share my story. Appx. 1 month ago I found a fairly big wolf spider in the garage and I wanted to move it outdoors. My son came running with a cup, willing and ready to capture it. During the trapping process he accidentally cut off 2 of its legs. I felt so bad for that spider I had my son put it into his bug aquarium and planned on just keeping it long enough to fatten it up a bit and release it. Anyway, a week after we had it, she laid eggs! In case you didn't know, wolf spiders carry their egg sac under their abdomen until the babies emerge. Of course I couldn't release an injured, expectant mama into the wild so we still have her! Just today we noticed something interesting, either she ditched her egg sac or it fell off because she is no longer carrying it around. She has acquired a new "egg sac" instead - she has been carrying around a huge, dry sea sponge that we placed into the cage and had been saturating with water for her. I just snapped the picture of her - you can see her newly acquired sponge sac and she's inside a halved coconut shell which should give you an idea of her size:
Yah those suckers can get big. How are the legs doing? Are you going to still release her or no?
And I read "She ditched her egg sac or it fell off" as, there is 1,000 baby wolf spiders somewhere in my house. lol
I didn't read the whole thing but these are the bad boys I see around my house. I almost had one tamed a while back but it got pissed when I kept asking it to get a beer from the fridge for me.
Sgreg - the spider is doing great, it is aggressive as hell and does not seem to be affected by the missing legs. I am now waiting for the babies to hatch so I can release all of them together. Spiders actually freak me out, I've been known to jump up on chairs when I spot a spider roaming through my house, so with that said, the caged spider is outside, away from my house! I think she would survive if I released her today, but now I am oddly enjoying observing her and I think it's helping me overcome my irrational fear of bugs and spiders. Free arachnophobia therapy!
I kill spiders on sight, even if I have to do it with my bare feet or hands. Now, if I can just kill that sucker who torments me in my Subaru while I'm trying to drive... Been bitten by spiders, survived being bitten, but will kill them on sight from here on in. Nothing worse than being bitten by a spider. A co-worker's husband is going through this right now. He's been to the hospital numerous times and has drains in his chest due to a spider bite. Kill those suckers!
Spiders don't bother me as long as they are outside. The kind we have here, is those fat jumping spiders, they usually get the shoe or whatever if I see them in the house. Then we have these brown spiders, I believe they common house spider, usually they are way up on the angle of the wall and ceiling, they usually get left alone. If I see a daddy long legs, I will try to throw him out the door.
Originally posted by dreed2 View PostI kill spiders on sight, even if I have to do it with my bare feet or hands. Now, if I can just kill that sucker who torments me in my Subaru while I'm trying to drive... Been bitten by spiders, survived being bitten, but will kill them on sight from here on in. Nothing worse than being bitten by a spider. A co-worker's husband is going through this right now. He's been to the hospital numerous times and has drains in his chest due to a spider bite. Kill those suckers!Jpono, I actually got brave today and pet the spiders backside. Well I 'poked' it for a split second! It jumped which of course caused me to jump and scream! I am not cured yet! Lol
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