Originally posted by desirexe
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Yah wolf spiders aint gonna kill you but their bites hurt. When I would do various field training exercises in the army they would have us sleep out in the woods for a month at a time, and the worst part about it was the spider bites. Those wolf spiders would be EVERYWHERE, especially in the porta poty at night. And since everything is boused and tucked in on your uniform, the only place they really get in is behind your neck, then they crawl all around you back. I had so many hundreds of spider bites all over my back it got to the point where I would wake up at night and go to the bathroom in the porta potty and see wolf spiders scampering at my feet and just be too tired to care lol. They do hurt though, I had this one bite that left a lump the size of a golf ball on my back.
One cool trick I learned was that we had these headlamp flashlights like you can buy at any wal mart, and if you adjust it to a certain angle towards the ground, it will reflect light off spiders eyes and you can see where every sider is in the dark. Their little eyes shine like little crystals and kinda sparkle, and there is nothing more horrifying than trying to pick your spot to lay down and realizing that there are thousands of little sparkling spider eyes all around you (and those are just the ones pointed in your direction!) If anyone ever goes camping you should try this, you'll be amazed at how many spiders are out at any given time in the woods.
They never seemed too aggressive to me compared to other spiders, but if they get on you they definately will bite. I just don't like they because they're big.