Jesus Christ!!

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  • sgreger1
    • Mar 2009
    • 9451

    Originally posted by desirexe View Post
    That happened to my pup! He had a hole in his side the diameter of a quarter and inches deep with dead tissue around the wound. So I freak out if spiders are inside. At the same time, I researched wolfies and no worries, their bite will just hurt like hell! Jpono, I actually got brave today and pet the spiders backside. Well I 'poked' it for a split second! It jumped which of course caused me to jump and scream! I am not cured yet! Lol

    Yah wolf spiders aint gonna kill you but their bites hurt. When I would do various field training exercises in the army they would have us sleep out in the woods for a month at a time, and the worst part about it was the spider bites. Those wolf spiders would be EVERYWHERE, especially in the porta poty at night. And since everything is boused and tucked in on your uniform, the only place they really get in is behind your neck, then they crawl all around you back. I had so many hundreds of spider bites all over my back it got to the point where I would wake up at night and go to the bathroom in the porta potty and see wolf spiders scampering at my feet and just be too tired to care lol. They do hurt though, I had this one bite that left a lump the size of a golf ball on my back.

    One cool trick I learned was that we had these headlamp flashlights like you can buy at any wal mart, and if you adjust it to a certain angle towards the ground, it will reflect light off spiders eyes and you can see where every sider is in the dark. Their little eyes shine like little crystals and kinda sparkle, and there is nothing more horrifying than trying to pick your spot to lay down and realizing that there are thousands of little sparkling spider eyes all around you (and those are just the ones pointed in your direction!) If anyone ever goes camping you should try this, you'll be amazed at how many spiders are out at any given time in the woods.

    They never seemed too aggressive to me compared to other spiders, but if they get on you they definately will bite. I just don't like they because they're big.


    • kellindae
      • Jul 2010
      • 61

      Spiders don't bother me much anymore. My rule for them in the house is if I see them scurrying by somewhere, they're dead. If they stay out of sight in their web...well, either they die in the vacuum cleaner or else just have to build a new web every now and then. What really creeps me out and are totally KOS (Kill on Sight) for me are these nasty house centipedes. I killed one the other day on my wall that had to be about 2.5-3 inches long. They're predators of other bugs, but I'd rather have a random cricket than this thing roaming my house at night!



      • tom502
        • Feb 2009
        • 8985

        Ugh, yeah, I have those centipedes too. When you hit them, it's like they fall apart.


        • desirexe
          • Feb 2008
          • 1170

          Just an update: my spider had her babies this morning! YAY!!! I'll give her the rest of today to let her babies all settle in on her back and then tomorrow morning, she is being released into the woods! Last thing I want is wolf spider babies around my home and eventually find their way inside! YUCK!! Click on image to see it larger.
          Attached Files


          • CoderGuy
            • Jul 2009
            • 2679

            Originally posted by desirexe
            Just an update: my spider had her babies this morning! YAY!!! I'll give her the rest of today to let her babies all settle in on her back and then tomorrow morning, she is being released into the woods! Last thing I want is wolf spider babies around my home and eventually find their way inside! YUCK!! Click on image to see it larger.
            Congrats! Great photo! As much as I am not a fan of spiders they do serve an important role. My dad is a "kill all spiders you see" kind of guy, and then complains when we see other bugs around. Thanks for the update desirexe.


            • CoderGuy
              • Jul 2009
              • 2679

              Originally posted by Roo View Post
              I gotta chime in real quick because here in the Puget Sound area we have these huge fckrs called Tegeneria Gigantae (giant house spiders) that are the fastest spiders on earth, not counting the Sun Spider which aren't really spiders but somehow made it into the Guiness Book. Or something. And these bastards are big, up to the size of a silver dollar. Their sdmaller cousins are called Hobo Spiders and they have necrotizing venom like the recluse. Because of this, people around here get misdiagnosed as having been bit by a recluse. Reading sgreger's post, I realize it is a misconception everywhere. Google the range of the brown recluse and you will see that they are fairly confined to the Ozark/Missouri region of the US. What you are seeing aren't recluses. And these big bastards and Hobos I'm talking about came from a boat on Vancouver Island that came in from Europe in the 30's. For now they are confined to the Pac NW but they're coming for you. And they are fast.
              Yes we see them all the time (both of them). The giant house spiders actually kill the hobos so we try and leave them alone but we also buy the hobo traps and lay them around during July and August.

              There's a website dedicated just to them lol

     but it's out of date, here is a site about the hobo traps


              • lxskllr
                • Sep 2007
                • 13435

                Originally posted by desirexe
                Just an update: my spider had her babies this morning! YAY!!! I'll give her the rest of today to let her babies all settle in on her back and then tomorrow morning, she is being released into the woods! Last thing I want is wolf spider babies around my home and eventually find their way inside! YUCK!! Click on image to see it larger.
                They're so cute when they're young :^D

                I have a spider in my trashcan in the bathroom, that I've been trying to feed, but it's a very picky eater. It doesn't seem to like grain moths, and he was having issues with the stink bug I gave him. Maybe the shell's too hard or something.


                • CoderGuy
                  • Jul 2009
                  • 2679

                  Originally posted by lxskllr View Post
                  They're so cute when they're young :^D

                  I have a spider in my trashcan in the bathroom, that I've been trying to feed, but it's a very picky eater. It doesn't seem to like grain moths, and he was having issues with the stink bug I gave him. Maybe the shell's too hard or something.
                  Try giving him little pieces of raw meat. Maybe it will turn into a large carnivore and you can get some news coverage.

                  I was watching a garden spider in it's web a few weeks ago and these tiny flies would land in the web and it was eating the whole thing! I always thought they just liquified and sucked but he was gobbling down the entire tiny fly.


                  • Owens187
                    • Sep 2009
                    • 1547

                    You guys are nuts. :^/

                    All spiders must die on sight.



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