Rupert Murdoch Is A Traitor To His Own Network! - Calls For Immigration Reform
- I don't understand why Murdock's opinions must/should be aligned with the editorial policy of a company he owns.
- I think "illegal" or "undocumented" seems like semantics more then anything else.
- Doesn't everyone want immigration reform in some way? There are differences in what that means to be sure, but I don't think anyone thinks the status quo is ok.
Rupert Murdoch is not some conservative extremist, he is actually extremely liberal in MANY ways, and he is into the green/global warming thing, especially in europe. He said it himself, he owns Fox to make money. If liberal views and editorials made the most money, Fox would be a liberal station. Simple as that, in his own words. He is doing what businessmen do, finding what people want and selling it to them.
I agree Danielan, everyone wants immegration reform. Some say amnesty, THEN close down the borders, some say close down the borders THEN amnesty, and some say amnesty and make it easier to come here legally but make the borders airtight for any unwanteds. But everyone wants immegration reform.