The general consensus with trolls seems to be that if you ignore them long enough, they'll go away or reform into decent posters. With that idea in mind, I've created the troll control group. The idea being, create a list by democratic, majority vote to identify trolls, with methods in place to remove people from the list when they change their ways. It serves the same purpose as banning them, but I think aside from saving the mods time reading all the reports of trolling, it could have the added benefit of creating productive members out of some of them when they realize they are being ignored on the forum. This only works well if the group is a large one, consisting of our big posters like sgreger1, and chad. Some of you have already received invites, but everyone can join. Those voted as trolls can present their case, but will be kicked if the vote stays. If you're interested in cleaning up the forum a bit, join on.
The Troll Control Group
Sometimes you are better off calling out troll behavior.
The problem I have is people posting and starting a half a dozen threads each day about political subjects and then not participating in the threads they start.
It doesn't not make a difference whether it's democrat, republican, libertarian, anarchist.
wa3zrm after being called out stopped his barage of daily posts. Now we've got Joe234 doing the liberal version.
I welcome wa3zrm and Joe234 (and anybody else) to post as many threads as they like, as long as they participate in the threads they start
So far, I think everyone that is on this forum, is here because they have a genuine interest in snus and smokeless tobacco. Although, some appear to post threads based solely on their shock value in an attempt to "pick a fight".
But everyone here is free to voice their opinions as long as it does not violate the terms of the forum. Should a troll appear, or a current member adopt troll like qualities that become nothing more than inflammatory threads/posts without any substance, then I trust (and hope) the mods will address it appropriately.
But, as has been said previously, until a mod intervenes, the best weapon at this point is probably neglect. When those threads are posted, just let them slowly get bumped further down the list due to a lack of replies. If they can't get their rocks off anymore, they will either move on, or escalate their behavior to a point that will meet the criteria for the mods to set them straight.
Personally, I think the name "Troll Control" had a cool ring to it and I really liked the avatar. My other choice would have been a pic of the Domino's Noid guy.