Star Wars > Star Trek.

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  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    TNG is one of my all time favorite shows. TOS was good, but I like TNG better.


    • Roo
      • Jun 2008
      • 3446

      The final scene in the latest star wars movies where anakin becomes darth vader and becomes evil over a silly bitch was one of the dumbest things I've ever seen. On top of that kind of scriptwork, the acting is so poor its kind of insulting. C'mon Lucas, make me give a shit. Those movies were abismal. It also sucks that he hacked up the first ones with 90's computer software and that's all they show on tv anymore, not the originals. The light saber duel between darth and luke from back in the day is one of the best things you can watch on a television though. Until Mark Hamel opens his stupid mouth and cries like a baby at the scene's conclusion. Luke was kind of a boob.


      • Darwin
        • Mar 2010
        • 1372

        TOS, being new and only on for three years simply did not run long enough, even counting the movies, to have had all the interesting creative juice squeezed from it as most of the other Trek spin-offs did.


        • daruckis
          • Jul 2009
          • 2277

          dude. this is the only thread i care about right now.

          TOS is wonderful. every episode, simply a delight. i am a huge fan. that said. i agree with darwin. tng ran for so long and theres just so many great things introduced to the trek canon from tng. like the borg man. you cant even **** with the borg. ferengi?! awesome. both are great. ds9 was good but a step down from the other 2. never watched voyager, cant tolerate a woman captain and a stupid looking ship. caught like 5 minutes of an enterprise episode and didnt understand it.

          star wars sucks. i loved it as a child, but thats like the way i loved the land before time when i was a child. i cant watch it today and be mentally stimulated. in fact i probably could more from land before time than any star wars movie, except empire strikes back, if only for its brief appearance of bossk. i do love the star wars books, video games, comics, and extended universe, but its movies suck the ass of the star trek movies. wrath of khan, search for spock, voyage home, some of the coolest shit ive ever seen. that jj abrams reboot though, that was a pile of shit until leonard nimoy showed up. then i was kind of like into it, but still think i hated it.

          p.s. shmi skywalker got what was coming to her. she sucked and was the first in a long line of pussies. i always hated luke skywalker and when we played star wars as kids i had to be han solo. a true man to be admired. then the new trilogy came out and it turned out anakin, who for years i had respected loved as the coolest god damn guy in the galaxy far far away as darth vader, was an even bigger idiot than his son! i hated episode 3 more than anything, even more than the phantom menace. and i thought attack of the clones was the best of the new trilogy by far.


          • sgreger1
            • Mar 2009
            • 9451

            I refuse to read any of the posts on this thread since it is quite obvious that star trek > star wars.


            • AtreyuKun
              • Aug 2009
              • 1223

              All I know is is that i have the original versions of Star Wars that I remember from my childhood on DVD. That's the only versions I watch and that's that. Personally I can't compare the 2 at all. Star Trek appeals to me in that I can believe that some of the tech. could actually exists one day. Star Wars just has a great story. To me, it's like comparing apples to coffee tables.

