Yes, I play as Xobeloot. I quit raiding shortly after we got going in Ulduar. I didn't take any gear other than a couple pieces from 10-man because I knew I was about to stop. I have cleared all of ulduar 10 & 25 man.
Nice septum piercing Xobe! I want one, but the wife won't go for it! Hell I got rid of the ninny rings, tongue barbell, and stepped down from a 4 guage and 2 guage in each ear to just a 10 guage in each ear, so I don't see the prob!
I'm sittin' here watching TV, posting here and I start hearing screaming outside. I hit my mute button listen a bit, then go back to normal. The screaming...
Our design contest continues, thanks for everyone who participated! We should vote the best of the submitted designs and as promised the winner will...