Do you ever have fun with the job? Like, in the spirit of your avatar, putting on a faux german accent and freaking out your clientèle by saying things like "Does you ssink vee are kidding und making viss da funny stuff? Vee could do ssings you only dreamed of!" :lol: :lol:
" vee are neelist, vee beeleve in noting!" (ferrit scampers by...) :lol:
Every once in a while I have the opritunity. It depends on the patient and their sense of humor (most of them can take a little psudo-witty banter). The hospitol will let us dress up for Holoween, but not as vampiers. This is exeptionaly ironic because I get called one at least 10 times a day by people who think they are being original. They mean well and as long as I'm not having bedpans thrown at me, It's a good day!
Some more recent pics... Note the rapid beard growth! :lol:
A few months ago:
Last Night:
Warning: Excessive use of Snus & Alcohol may lead to lost nipple rings and other forms of asshattery!
I wont post the image of the Bar bathroom after I accidentally swallowed an entire pris of Los along with a shot of Jagermeister. I am sure you can imagine what happened.
I'm sittin' here watching TV, posting here and I start hearing screaming outside. I hit my mute button listen a bit, then go back to normal. The screaming...
Our design contest continues, thanks for everyone who participated! We should vote the best of the submitted designs and as promised the winner will...