and see.........I knew that whole big butt = smart chick thing would take its toll.....just look at you now......a mere shell of the man who was cheerfully posting just last night
For example...........Hey got a nice tight little ass............
see now what the hell is that supposed to I thumbing a ride on the Hershey highway......or did I just call you a dumb ass....
THERE IS NO WAY TO WIN with these new rules.........
of course there was no way to win with the old ones either.....but at least back then we knew why we were not going to win......long before the final tally was counted
When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers
and see.........I knew that whole big butt = smart chick thing would take its toll.....just look at you now......a mere shell of the man who was cheerfully posting just last night
For example...........Hey got a nice tight little ass............
see now what the hell is that supposed to I thumbing a ride on the Hershey highway......or did I just call you a dumb ass....
THERE IS NO WAY TO WIN with these new rules.........
of course there was no way to win with the old ones either.....but at least back then we knew why we were not going to win......long before the final tally was counted
It's true...I've completely come undone. As for your "advances" ....I shall turn you away, but thanks for noticing that I've been workin' out :-)
Great photo mate. Glad to have you back. Looks like the new mrs. got you cleaned up a bit...or was it your military service training? Anyway, for the newer members I suggest that you look to much earlier posts in this thread to see the xobeloot that we used to know. He looks a tad different.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.
I'm sittin' here watching TV, posting here and I start hearing screaming outside. I hit my mute button listen a bit, then go back to normal. The screaming...
Our design contest continues, thanks for everyone who participated! We should vote the best of the submitted designs and as promised the winner will...