Post your ugly mug v1.0

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  • CaptNihil
    • Mar 2009
    • 62

    Originally posted by luckysealy
    i have been carrying a kershaw leek for a few years.
    How is the leek holding up after years of carrying and usage? I bought a 1660 leek straight blade all steel 6 months ago but hardly use it. It is so beautiful and delicate that I wonder how long it is going to last if I used it as EDC. I love the safespeed opening, man it's fast. My daily EDC for now is an old US made spyderco native which I'll sell to my buddies before leaving the states but will take the leek with me. I'll be going to Dubai pretty soon for some contract work. I've heard you can buy the best knives for a fraction of cost in Kuwait which is fairly close to were I'll be.


    • luckysealy
      • Dec 2008
      • 281

      mine is still holding up well. i don't use it for real rough tasks though. mostly cutting tape, opening packages full of snus. i am very careful with the tip. a friend of mine broke the tip on his shortly after he got it. one of the reasons i went with the tanto blade on my bm.


      • CaptNihil
        • Mar 2009
        • 62

        No wonder about the broken tip. Kershaw used 440A steel (very soft) in the old leeks. The new leeks apparently use a new Swedish steel called Sandvik 13c26 which a very strong steel and more expensive.

        It is good to hear it is still holding up. I was more worried about the safespeed opening (index opening by pulling on the little flipper)mechanism failing after couple of months of usage. Just saw a stonewashed leek tanto on ebay, looks really nice.


        • luckysealy
          • Dec 2008
          • 281

          the assisted opening works perfectly on mine. it has slowed down a bit, but i haven't cleaned or lubed it since i bought it. the date on my blade says it was made june '07. i think i bought it around sept or oct '07. it has been carried almost every day since then and has worked very well.


          • CaptNihil
            • Mar 2009
            • 62

            Thanks luckysealy. No vender or dealer could have told me what you just told me based on your real experience of having had the leak for couple of years. For some goofy reason (the leek doesn't seem to be extremely practical but it looks like a work of art) I like the leeks and especially now after what I heard from you I will keep buying different models of the leek whenever I see a good deal.


            • Sal1000us
              • Jan 2009
              • 384

              Lots of very good information here. I have a little onion-centofante Kershaw and didn't realize Leek was made by the same company. After some research realized it is a sweet knife and good for light duty and carry. Anyways just like lucky pulled the trigger and bought a Leek Tanto on ebay. There is one more left if you guys wanna buy one. The shipment for the second knife was like $1.50 so I bought a Spyderco Byrd Crossbill from the same seller. Hey lucky, you should post a picture when you get your bm and I do the same when mine is here.


              • luckysealy
                • Dec 2008
                • 281

                actually i bought a benchmade tanto and not from ebay. i did buy a fenix l2d with a difuser on ebay. an amazing amount of light for the size and money.



                • Sal1000us
                  • Jan 2009
                  • 384

                  That's pretty cool lucky. Does it use LED instead of a light bulb?


                  • luckysealy
                    • Dec 2008
                    • 281

                    yes it is led, i am becoming an edc/tactical geek. i have several items left on my list to get. i carry a backpack to work and i take the bus a lot. so i am trying to buy the best gear i can find to have with me everywhere i go. i also travel a bit so it is nice to have high quality yet compact items. i get things on my mind and can't rest until my passions have been satisfied. lol that is how i ended up with 90 plus cans of snus a month after i started.


                    • luckysealy
                      • Dec 2008
                      • 281

                      there we go to get back on topic. lol
                      i guess i need to start a new thread. what do you have in your pockets/pack?


                      • Sal1000us
                        • Jan 2009
                        • 384

                        Originally posted by luckysealy
                        i get things on my mind and can't rest until my passions have been satisfied.
                        LOL, I thought you were describing me. I've noticed most of my friends are also the same. BTW, this is an early christmas for you. Enjoy it.


                        • luckysealy
                          • Dec 2008
                          • 281

                          thank you, i am single without kids and a wife. every month feels like christmas for me. my family fusses about me being hard to buy for at christmas. lol


                          • Sal1000us
                            • Jan 2009
                            • 384

                            You can always give them a list of 100 tactical items in late Agust and tell them this is the list of presents that you'd like to have. I have been doing a version of that and it has worked very nicely for me. My wife always asks about my list in early september and then she gives copies to other relatives and now some of the relatives started doing the


                            • Sal1000us
                              • Jan 2009
                              • 384

                              Originally posted by CaptNihil
                              My daily EDC for now is an old US made spyderco native which I'll sell to my buddies before leaving
                              I am very interested in the Native. Please PM me if the deal doesn't go through with your friends.


                              • Thorsky
                                • Mar 2009
                                • 66

                                A fresh mug pic!


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