Good to see you post Rob. LOL don't get me wrong bud, that comment about cutting the fangs off the mice was to get a reaction. I personally think its would be a cruel thing to do.
Well, that's precisely why you shouldn't put (very bad) ideas into people's heads... more than you realize they might just run with 'em (excepting, of course the wonderful & intelligent folks here).
Definitely not into snakes though a few friends were. Many years ago, I almost bought one but didn't. Years later, saw a show on TV (Nat Geo, or Discovery Ch. I think), where a guy raised this constrictor from a baby... it grew to about 10 to 12ft long... he went to feed it one day (a chicken I think), turned his back for a moment, and the snake... who must've gotten confused, hit on him... almost took his face off in the process of constricting him. His screams brought a nearby friend who fortunately cut the reptiles head off to save the guy. Yeah, they can be pretty to look at, and I guess to some folks, cool to handle - but reptiles have no heart, and as far as I'm concerned - to a big enough snake - we're just food. No thanks... JMO & No offense to you snake lovers and herpetologists. I know these creatures have their place in nature. I'll just stick with mammals & birds.
That is what the herp world calls an SFE...Stupid Feeding Error :shock: If you smell like their food, they'll strike and ask questions later!! That's also why you don't handle their food and then stick a bare hand into their cage...unless you want to get bitten. :P I always use the feeding tongs, which are about a foot SFE's here yet. :wink:
not a picture but some music i used to play back in the day. was recorded at the catalyst in santa cruz ca. live. everyone in the band was a blood brother, there were 4 of us, i'm the bass player. can post it here because there's no way you people can throw eggs at me from this far away. :twisted:
The Catalyst!!! OMG. I used to go there like 20 years ago when I still lived in Cali. My bud and I would spend the day on one of the various nude beaches in Santa Cruz, then go hang out at the Catalyst. I was sleeping in a van that summer, so we would just stagger out and go crash in my van.
Damn, haven't thought about that in a long, long time.
I'm sittin' here watching TV, posting here and I start hearing screaming outside. I hit my mute button listen a bit, then go back to normal. The screaming...
Our design contest continues, thanks for everyone who participated! We should vote the best of the submitted designs and as promised the winner will...