US Supreme court on guns

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  • sgreger1
    • Mar 2009
    • 9451

    US Supreme court on guns

    Judge Faust, I want to hear your take on this one. Whoever uses Judge Faust as their alt, please comment on this.

    For those who do not know, the supreme court just said it's unlawfull for states to ban gun ownership which is a pretty landmark decision.

    Responding to the Supreme Court gun decision, Chicago mayor Richard Daley said: "We are a country of laws not a nation of guns," as he prepared new anti-gun ordinances to skirt the law

    What do you feel about this ruling, and what kind of crazy gun-regulation do you think states like Chicago will come up with in order to continue banning law obiding citizens from owning guns. Maybe a new law that says you can only own a gun if you've never gottten a speeding ticket, or a law saying you have tobe over 85 years old to buy one?

    Your thoughts below.
  • TheJanitor
    • May 2010
    • 260

    ...the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

    Pretty black and white if you ask me.I can't believe cities actually waste time and money with these laws,they are all eventually ruled unconstitutional.


    • CivilizedRedneck
      • Jul 2009
      • 95

      I wouldnt say i am a gun nut by definition, but just ask Hitler, Stalin, Castro, or any of the other fascist crazies their opinion on the whole thing.....

      Until you can find a way to assure that nobody is able to obtain firearms (read criminals) then i have a hard time with all of these gun control laws... Like i have seen before, places such as chicago and L.A. continue to have crazy gun violence despite very restrictive laws...

      Tell ya what, find that magic miracle fix that instantly eliminates all guns of the face of the earth you got my vote. But until that happens, i remain comfortable knowing that i have the ability to defend myself when one of the criminals we are all so worried about walks in my front door


      • sgreger1
        • Mar 2009
        • 9451

        Yah LA is really strict on guns. I tried getting a CCW permit since we are a "shall issue" state and I got laughed at. They mean "shall issue to cops only" apparently. Meanwhile every thug in town has multiple firearms.


        • lxskllr
          • Sep 2007
          • 13435

          Guns are just the weapon of choice when you have access to them. Baseball bats, machetes, knives, and even rolled up magazines work well when guns are absent. The only way to stop violent crime is to put everyone in jail. Then the only criminals will be the jailers. Oh, wait....


          • danielan
            • Apr 2010
            • 1514

            I'm a "cold dead hands" style gun nut.

            If you want to ban guns - go for the Constitutional amendment. See how that works out for you.


            • Bigblue1
              Banned Users
              • Dec 2008
              • 3923

              Originally posted by lxskllr View Post
              Guns are just the weapon of choice when you have access to them. Baseball bats, machetes, knives, and even rolled up magazines work well when guns are absent. The only way to stop violent crime is to put everyone in jail. Then the only criminals will be the jailers. Oh, wait....
              But Lx, just think what the unemployment rate would be if we didn't have an industrial prison complex/


              • sgreger1
                • Mar 2009
                • 9451

                Originally posted by lxskllr View Post
                Guns are just the weapon of choice when you have access to them. Baseball bats, machetes, knives, and even rolled up magazines work well when guns are absent. The only way to stop violent crime is to put everyone in jail. Then the only criminals will be the jailers. Oh, wait....

                Exactly, criminals will be criminals. Crime will not stop. So given that fact, why should we ban law obiding citizens from owning weapons since we know it does nothing to stop crime?


                • CivilizedRedneck
                  • Jul 2009
                  • 95

                  Originally posted by lxskllr View Post
                  Guns are just the weapon of choice when you have access to them. Baseball bats, machetes, knives, and even rolled up magazines work well when guns are absent. The only way to stop violent crime is to put everyone in jail. Then the only criminals will be the jailers. Oh, wait....
                  As i was reading this i was like, "yes, yes, yes,...Oh no no no no".

                  I loved it all except for the put everyone in jail part... But like you said, access is key.. My guns are kept locked up. My home defense weapon (which i doubt will ever be used other than plinking and i am PERFECTLY FINE WITH THAT) is kept in an electronic safe which i am the sole person that knows the combo... My guns are staying put.

                  I always get a chuckle out of googling "knife crime" along with the word "europe"... Demonstrates your point exactly...

                  @sgre- Of all the crazy shit we have to put up with in utah, i thank god everyday that the mormons love their firearms!!! Its easier to get an assault rifle than it is to get a bottle of wine on a sunday


                  • Curtisp
                    • Jun 2010
                    • 189

                    I have had a CCP (concealed carry permit) for over twenty years. I don't go anywhere without a firearm on my person or in my vehicle, I am practiced and skilled in the art of "defensive" pistol tactics. I am a law abiding, tax paying citizen, and a proud life member of the NRA. My government has infringed upon many of mine, and my fellow Americans constitutional rights for generations. They will not take away this one..(Daley is an a//hole by genetic pre-disposition anyway) Make guns illegal and only criminals will have them. I was a victim once, and i will never be again.


                    • KCOLLINS18
                      • May 2010
                      • 165

                      As a gun owner and a CCW liscense holder, I think we should be more strick on individuals that break the laws. I know we already have the felons under disability but they still carry. So instead of punishing and objecting the law abiding citizen through tests so they are able to own a gun, the state should up the ante on the law. When cops find a felon with a fully loaded gun, they should automatically charge him/her with attempted premeditated murder. Don't get me wrong, I think that when somebody is purchasing their first firearm they need to be subjected to a basic firearm class just to get them familar (but not to familar to the firearm), how to safely unload them, and store them.


                      • sgreger1
                        • Mar 2009
                        • 9451

                        Originally posted by KCOLLINS18 View Post
                        As a gun owner and a CCW liscense holder, I think we should be more strick on individuals that break the laws. I know we already have the felons under disability but they still carry. So instead of punishing and objecting the law abiding citizen through tests so they are able to own a gun, the state should up the ante on the law. When cops find a felon with a fully loaded gun, they should automatically charge him/her with attempted premeditated murder. Don't get me wrong, I think that when somebody is purchasing their first firearm they need to be subjected to a basic firearm class just to get them familar (but not to familar to the firearm), how to safely unload them, and store them.

                        In CA that already is the law. If you have unregistered weapons or are a felon illegally carrying a firearm, you get 10 years for the weapon and another 10 years or something for each bullet loaded in it. It's an EXTREMELY heavy sentence. The problem is that our jails are too packed, so even if they get a 40 year sentence they will do 5 or less. This is why tougher laws don't work, once the jails fill up the sentences mean next to nothing.


                        • victoryredchevy
                          • Jan 2008
                          • 303

                          I'm a gun guy and I have a CCW permit, as well. Guns are the great equalizer. In the words of Uncle Ted, " I don't like repeat offenders. I like dead offenders." Weather you're a gun person or not, You should fear the day our government makes it the law of the land that no man shall keep and bear arms any longer. This is one subject, among many, I have a revolutionary train of thought on.


                          • texasmade
                            • Jan 2009
                            • 4159

                            take away guns you get bombs on your doorstep. nuff said


                            • ChaoticGemini
                              • Jun 2010
                              • 564

                              I'm not a gun nut, but I'm all for this decision. When my sis came to visit last fall, I was given one more reason to hate IL. She and her husband have CCWs and MO didn't care it was issued by MI as long as she had her license on her when her gun was. IL required her to stop at the border and place it in a locked case. She found that even in the rare case of getting a CCW in IL, it has to be carried in a special case and unloaded. WTF purpose does that serve?!! To me that just gives more power to the criminal. When a gun is pulled on you, if you are legal in IL, you have to say "hold on a minute let me get my gun out of my fanny-pack, oh, and I need to load." I will never own a gun, but no one in MO would ever know whether I do or not and hell, you get out of the city and there is open carry everywhere.


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