Last year my family went to the downtown Mpls. fireworks show.
It was heavily guarded with police everywhere directing and screaming at the flag waving citizens as we pulled in.
I drove up as close as I could to the public fenced off viewing area and dropped the family off. I was going to go park somewhere when the show suddenly started.
The road was a standstill and a large number of us pulled our cars onto the shoulder or wherever you could not blocking any traffic but just a place to stop and still get a view. Within seconds a group of cops came up foaming at the mouth and screaming at the top of their lungs to get back on the road and keep moving. "SCREAMING, YOU CANT PARK HERE! YOU CANT PARK HERE! GET BACK IN YOUR CAR AND ON THE FUC*#$G ROAD DAMNIT!
The anger in the police eye's was absolutely frightening and with a attitude of how dare you think you are above the traffic law. OBEY SHEEP, OBEY, OBEY, OBEY as the fireworks were blasting with echoes and sparks coming from the back of their big angry heads.
After, moving with the traffic snake around the block the show was missed, over, done and I was just raging with a thought of this is what it has come down to. This is the new freedom. This is what our vets died for. This is the tryranny that our fathers/mothers fought and now we have become. Of course a little of damnit I was late and this is what I deserve but beside that this is the one day where we can overlook a 14 minute violation of a few citizens watching a patriotic firework show.
So, I picked up the family with smiles other then the frowning wife who asked "where were you"? did you go to a bar? I did not answer but thought to myself, "NEVER EVER FU*CI#G AGAIN"!
When I saw this picture I could not believe how close it resembled my last 4th of July. May I say again last.
Just another long weekend from now on. Patriotism and Politics will take a holiday. Freedom is outside of the city. We will have our own fireworks show at a cabin outside of the security zone.
I wish all of you a fun filled family, friends, grilling, drinking, bonfire, napping, and snussing weekend!
It was heavily guarded with police everywhere directing and screaming at the flag waving citizens as we pulled in.
I drove up as close as I could to the public fenced off viewing area and dropped the family off. I was going to go park somewhere when the show suddenly started.
The road was a standstill and a large number of us pulled our cars onto the shoulder or wherever you could not blocking any traffic but just a place to stop and still get a view. Within seconds a group of cops came up foaming at the mouth and screaming at the top of their lungs to get back on the road and keep moving. "SCREAMING, YOU CANT PARK HERE! YOU CANT PARK HERE! GET BACK IN YOUR CAR AND ON THE FUC*#$G ROAD DAMNIT!
The anger in the police eye's was absolutely frightening and with a attitude of how dare you think you are above the traffic law. OBEY SHEEP, OBEY, OBEY, OBEY as the fireworks were blasting with echoes and sparks coming from the back of their big angry heads.
After, moving with the traffic snake around the block the show was missed, over, done and I was just raging with a thought of this is what it has come down to. This is the new freedom. This is what our vets died for. This is the tryranny that our fathers/mothers fought and now we have become. Of course a little of damnit I was late and this is what I deserve but beside that this is the one day where we can overlook a 14 minute violation of a few citizens watching a patriotic firework show.
So, I picked up the family with smiles other then the frowning wife who asked "where were you"? did you go to a bar? I did not answer but thought to myself, "NEVER EVER FU*CI#G AGAIN"!
When I saw this picture I could not believe how close it resembled my last 4th of July. May I say again last.
Just another long weekend from now on. Patriotism and Politics will take a holiday. Freedom is outside of the city. We will have our own fireworks show at a cabin outside of the security zone.
I wish all of you a fun filled family, friends, grilling, drinking, bonfire, napping, and snussing weekend!
