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  • truthwolf1
    • Oct 2008
    • 2696


    Last year my family went to the downtown Mpls. fireworks show.

    It was heavily guarded with police everywhere directing and screaming at the flag waving citizens as we pulled in.
    I drove up as close as I could to the public fenced off viewing area and dropped the family off. I was going to go park somewhere when the show suddenly started.

    The road was a standstill and a large number of us pulled our cars onto the shoulder or wherever you could not blocking any traffic but just a place to stop and still get a view. Within seconds a group of cops came up foaming at the mouth and screaming at the top of their lungs to get back on the road and keep moving. "SCREAMING, YOU CANT PARK HERE! YOU CANT PARK HERE! GET BACK IN YOUR CAR AND ON THE FUC*#$G ROAD DAMNIT!
    The anger in the police eye's was absolutely frightening and with a attitude of how dare you think you are above the traffic law. OBEY SHEEP, OBEY, OBEY, OBEY as the fireworks were blasting with echoes and sparks coming from the back of their big angry heads.

    After, moving with the traffic snake around the block the show was missed, over, done and I was just raging with a thought of this is what it has come down to. This is the new freedom. This is what our vets died for. This is the tryranny that our fathers/mothers fought and now we have become. Of course a little of damnit I was late and this is what I deserve but beside that this is the one day where we can overlook a 14 minute violation of a few citizens watching a patriotic firework show.

    So, I picked up the family with smiles other then the frowning wife who asked "where were you"? did you go to a bar? I did not answer but thought to myself, "NEVER EVER FU*CI#G AGAIN"!

    When I saw this picture I could not believe how close it resembled my last 4th of July. May I say again last.

    Just another long weekend from now on. Patriotism and Politics will take a holiday. Freedom is outside of the city. We will have our own fireworks show at a cabin outside of the security zone.

    I wish all of you a fun filled family, friends, grilling, drinking, bonfire, napping, and snussing weekend!

  • tom502
    • Feb 2009
    • 8985

    I hate big event type things anyway, we have this big thing called Thunder Over Louisville, it's just too crowded, and traffic, and that's from seeing it on the news, I just won't go. It doesn't interest me, and fireworks really just don't impress me.

    I'm not a patriot, it seems our fallen servicemen have done so just to empower system of failing national decline and corrupt greediness, all in the guise of "freedom".

    Yeah, it's just an extended weekend, but that's good, I need them.


    • Mr. Snuffleupagus
      • Dec 2008
      • 2781

      Yeah, I can't stand going to the shows anymore either. Too crowded and the traffic is crazy. Ever since I moved into Pacifica (suburb of SF), I don't have to go anywhere for a firework show. This town is off the hook for real with illegal fireworks. The safe and sane ones are legal and everyone does those. But there are a lot of people around here that must spend literally tens of thousands of dollars a year on illegal fireworks. Just go out front and you always get a 360 degree view of insanely large fireworks. It really is awesome. The cops try to control it and there are fines, but I know this place will seem like a war zone in a couple days


      • lxskllr
        • Sep 2007
        • 13435

        Well said truthwolf. I'm not celebrating anything. History's history, and there's no point in celebrating what used to be.


        • wadetheblade
          • Jul 2009
          • 572

          I am moving this weekend. Then going to see the band Islands sunday night! Way better than fireworks.


          • sgreger1
            • Mar 2009
            • 9451

            Originally posted by Mr. Snuffleupagus View Post
            Yeah, I can't stand going to the shows anymore either. Too crowded and the traffic is crazy. Ever since I moved into Pacifica (suburb of SF), I don't have to go anywhere for a firework show. This town is off the hook for real with illegal fireworks. The safe and sane ones are legal and everyone does those. But there are a lot of people around here that must spend literally tens of thousands of dollars a year on illegal fireworks. Just go out front and you always get a 360 degree view of insanely large fireworks. It really is awesome. The cops try to control it and there are fines, but I know this place will seem like a war zone in a couple days

            We leave the city come 4th of July, theres an amazing fireworks show in santa clara that is not as crowded. I hate crowded events. I'm like eric cartman when he goes to amusement parks, i'd rather buy the place out so only I can ride the rides with no lines lololol.

            @Truthwolf: Lol remind me to never live where you live man, they got air assault soldiers coming down blackhawks on ropes and shit too? Sounds like a sucky affair ahaha.


            • Roo
              • Jun 2008
              • 3446

              I'm going to celebrate America by driving up to my friend's cabin in the North Cascades to shoot skeet (and assorted targets with the Mini-14 and the 9), rally the quad, swim in a pool with chocolate labs, and play ping pong, all while drinking beer. Screw the crowds and the fireworks.


              • Curtisp
                • Jun 2010
                • 189

                Originally posted by Roo View Post
                I'm going to celebrate America by driving up to my friend's cabin in the North Cascades to shoot skeet (and assorted targets with the Mini-14 and the 9), rally the quad, swim in a pool with chocolate labs, and play ping pong, all while drinking beer. Screw the crowds and the fireworks.
                Will you marry me?...My dowry will include tracer ammo and grenade simulators..


                • NonServiam
                  • May 2010
                  • 736

                  Just picked up forty beers, enough fireworks to blast into Fort Knox, half a cow to throw on the grill, and a pouch of Redman chew. If I'm lucky, I'll also manage to set myself a blaze this year! Or at least end up in the nude waving sparklers (compliments of tequila).


                  • c.nash
                    Banned Users
                    • May 2010
                    • 3511

                    I hang out with family and friends, no crazy overpopulated "parties/events"


                    • foxb86
                      • Jun 2010
                      • 24

                      Originally posted by Mr. Snuffleupagus View Post
                      Yeah, I can't stand going to the shows anymore either. Too crowded and the traffic is crazy. Ever since I moved into Pacifica (suburb of SF), I don't have to go anywhere for a firework show. This town is off the hook for real with illegal fireworks. The safe and sane ones are legal and everyone does those. But there are a lot of people around here that must spend literally tens of thousands of dollars a year on illegal fireworks. Just go out front and you always get a 360 degree view of insanely large fireworks. It really is awesome. The cops try to control it and there are fines, but I know this place will seem like a war zone in a couple days
                      I am also thinking of moving to Pacifica. How do you like it?


                      • ChaoticGemini
                        • Jun 2010
                        • 564

                        It's been so many years since my husband was home and had this weekend off that I'm not sure what we will do for most of the weekend. Friday night we have an event to go to outside the city. But we'll be busy flying kites and giving away movie goodies. After that, I have no clue where we'll end up. It won't be fireworks. I never quite understood the thrill.


                        • jgrandmont
                          • Jun 2010
                          • 157

                          Got my own fireworks, grill, beer, Jack Daniels, music and SnuS ready for the 4th. If you see a big puff of smoke up east, thats probably me!

                          Have a fun and safe 4th Ya'll



                          • dEFinitionofEPIC
                            • Apr 2009
                            • 146

                            Great post truthwolf... well said. and that picture is quite apropo.


                            • NonServiam
                              • May 2010
                              • 736

                              Originally posted by ChaoticGemini View Post
                              It's been so many years since my husband was home and had this weekend off that I'm not sure what we will do for most of the weekend. Friday night we have an event to go to outside the city. But we'll be busy flying kites and giving away movie goodies. After that, I have no clue where we'll end up. It won't be fireworks. I never quite understood the thrill.
                              As far as understanding the thrill, I think you have to have a little pyromania in ya and just thoroughly enjoy blowin' sh*t up!


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