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  • sgreger1
    • Mar 2009
    • 9451


    You know what, screw this, I wanna play too.

    From now on, all of Joe's posts containing olbermans worst person in the world schtik will be countered by Sgreger1's worst person in the world schtik.


    Because if he would have spent the $830 billion in stimulis money on windmills instead of giving it to rich ceo's and bankers, we could be producing 29.9 trillion kilowatts of green energy, according to Edison's cost per kilowatt from building windmills figures.

    Obama, for giving out more corporate welfare than anyone in history, for lining the pockets of rich ceo's with billions in bonuses, for slashing proposed taxes on big financial institutions in his wallstreet reform bill, and for continuing to prop up oil companies even after a major natural disaster gets today's "worst person in the world" award.
  • danielan
    • Apr 2010
    • 1514


    I was just going to suggest this needed it's own thread.


    • dxh
      • Jun 2010
      • 340

      I go with Reagan. He started the trend.


      • sgreger1
        • Mar 2009
        • 9451

        Originally posted by dxh View Post
        I go with Reagan. He started the trend.
        Yah reagan was a dick about a lot of things. While you can blame the cold war for his MASSIVE spending and growth of government, again he was in charge and it was his decision. That and taxes were super high and of course the one I hate the most, THE AMNESTY.

        The sad thing is we never learn. Reagan agreed to give amnesty if the border was secured afterwards. We got amnesty but an even less secure broder. Now Obama says he wants amnesty first and he will secure the border afterwards. I WONDER HOW THIS WILL PLAY OUT. /not

        But frankly tracing things back to presidents from previous admins does little good, since what's done is done, and I could blame george washington for everything if I followed that train of logic. The point is Obama has the throne and he is calling the shots and has been for 18 months. So far I see reagan/bush on steroids in this Obama guy. He says one thing than does the exact opposite, and he does it with the straightest face i've ever seen.


        • danielan
          • Apr 2010
          • 1514

          Originally posted by sgreger1 View Post
          Yah reagan was a dick about a lot of things.
          Remind me.

          Was it ending the cold war that was a dick move?

          Or was it fixing Carter's economic disasters?

          I want to understand.

          I like the top tax rate not being 70% - I want the productive in our society to be encouraged to produce.

          I'm glad he stopped inflation and ushered in a long period of prosperity. (Liberals like to call this the "Clinton boom" in their usual revisionist ways).

          I like that my kids don't have to do "duck and cover" drills, discuss the policy of mutually assured destruction or wonder if there will be a future.

          I like that he tried to fix social security - he's the last one that did anything useful in this regard.

          I also like being able to pursue the American dream, such as it is now, and own a home. At least I am not paying 14% interest on my mortgage like my parents tried to do.

          Hell, I like that he found a way past the bs red tape to help the anti-communists in Nicaragua.


          • sgreger1
            • Mar 2009
            • 9451

            Originally posted by danielan View Post
            Remind me.

            Was it ending the cold war that was a dick move?

            Or was it fixing Carter's economic disasters?

            I want to understand.

            I like the top tax rate not being 70% - I want the productive in our society to be encouraged to produce.

            I'm glad he stopped inflation and ushered in a long period of prosperity. (Liberals like to call this the "Clinton boom" in their usual revisionist ways).

            I like that my kids don't have to do "duck and cover" drills, discuss the policy of mutually assured destruction or wonder if there will be a future.

            I like that he tried to fix social security - he's the last one that did anything useful in this regard.

            I also like being able to pursue the American dream, such as it is now, and own a home. At least I am not paying 14% interest on my mortgage like my parents tried to do.

            Hell, I like that he found a way past the bs red tape to help the anti-communists in Nicaragua.

            You mean the BS red tape of not allowing the president to authorize the selling of cocaine in the united states to fund revolutionary terror cells in foreign soverign nations, just because it served his immediate purpose of fighting communism?

            As for him ending the cold war, it's not like he really ended it himself. The USSR went bankrupt from the Arm's Race, the War in Afghanistan and trying to hold together an empire whose component countries wanted independence.

            For much of Reagan's two terms, he had top marginal tax rates of 50%

            Maginal tax rates for 2008 are as follows:


            Obama marginal tax rates:


            A statistical breakdown of presidential spending to GDP ratio from 1981 to present day. As you can see, there seems to be a trend, and no one of either party is excluded from this trend.

            Overall I like Reagan and he is my favorite president, but more because of who he was as an individual and not based on his actions as president. Kind of like how people like Obama because of his personality. I agree with his speeches and his "shining light on the hill" view of America.

            I also liked his 4 point plan:
            1. Reduce government spending,
            2. Reduce income and capital gains marginal tax rates,
            3. Reduce government regulation of the economy,
            4. Control the money supply to reduce inflation.
            What I really didn't like:

            Reagan's tax policies pushed both the international transactions current account and the federal budget into deficit and led to a significant increase in public debt. National debt more than tripled from 900 billion dollars to 2.8 trillion dollars during Reagan's tenure.


            • RobsanX
              • Aug 2008
              • 2030

              Hey! Now I'm proud that I was able to help America's banks from my new home in my car.


              • dxh
                • Jun 2010
                • 340

                Originally posted by sgreger1 View Post
                You mean the BS red tape of not allowing the president to authorize the selling of cocaine in the united states to fund revolutionary terror cells in foreign soverign nations, just because it served his immediate purpose of fighting communism?

                As for him ending the cold war, it's not like he really ended it himself. The USSR went bankrupt from the Arm's Race, the War in Afghanistan and trying to hold together an empire whose component countries wanted independence.

                For much of Reagan's two terms, he had top marginal tax rates of 50%

                Maginal tax rates for 2008 are as follows:


                Obama marginal tax rates:


                A statistical breakdown of presidential spending to GDP ratio from 1981 to present day. As you can see, there seems to be a trend, and no one of either party is excluded from this trend.

                Overall I like Reagan and he is my favorite president, but more because of who he was as an individual and not based on his actions as president. Kind of like how people like Obama because of his personality. I agree with his speeches and his "shining light on the hill" view of America.

                I also liked his 4 point plan:
                1. Reduce government spending,
                2. Reduce income and capital gains marginal tax rates,
                3. Reduce government regulation of the economy,
                4. Control the money supply to reduce inflation.
                What I really didn't like:

                Reagan's tax policies pushed both the international transactions current account and the federal budget into deficit and led to a significant increase in public debt. National debt more than tripled from 900 billion dollars to 2.8 trillion dollars during Reagan's tenure.
                My point 100%
                Reagan started a new trend in politics. He did it under the bold face lie of reducing government.
                That same liar had cops in our schools telling us how our citizens that use drugs are the enemies.(yet people bitched about Obama's speech to kids...LMFAO)
                He was the start of the fall. Worlds worst person IMHO


                • LaZeR
                  • Oct 2009
                  • 3994

                  G.W.B. was the most "Fair & Balanced" with his spending.



                  • danielan
                    • Apr 2010
                    • 1514

                    Originally posted by sgreger1 View Post
                    You mean the BS red tape of not allowing the president to authorize the selling of cocaine in the united states to fund revolutionary terror cells in foreign soverign nations, just because it served his immediate purpose of fighting communism?
                    No, the sales of arms to Iran to fund the Contras - do you have some secret evidence that we need to know about?

                    Originally posted by sgreger1 View Post
                    As for him ending the cold war, it's not like he really ended it himself. The USSR went bankrupt from the Arm's Race, the War in Afghanistan and trying to hold together an empire whose component countries wanted independence.
                    Um, yeah... It was the policies under his administration... You know like funding the war against the Soviets in Afghanistan, massive military build up, diplomatic actions, etc. Are you really saying that the actions of the US between 1981 and 1988 didn't set the stage for the fall of the Soviet Union?

                    Originally posted by sgreger1 View Post
                    For much of Reagan's two terms, he had top marginal tax rates of 50%
                    Do you have a point?

                    1971-1981 70%
                    1982-1986 50%
                    1987 38.5%
                    1988-1990 28%

                    So, his first year he had dropped the top bracket to 50% from 70%. By the time he left it was 28% and you say that is bad? That's a freaking miracle - he spent 8 years fighting a liberal house.

                    Originally posted by sgreger1 View Post
                    A statistical breakdown of presidential spending to GDP ratio from 1981 to present day. As you can see, there seems to be a trend, and no one of either party is excluded from this trend.
                    I won't stoop to defend the morons since 1991. Reagan's _investment_ was supposed to be paid back by the "Peace Dividend" that somehow we have failed to realize after the end of the Cold War.

                    Originally posted by sgreger1 View Post
                    Reagan's tax policies pushed both the international transactions current account and the federal budget into deficit and led to a significant increase in public debt. National debt more than tripled from 900 billion dollars to 2.8 trillion dollars during Reagan's tenure.
                    Yeah, completely turning around our economy in 8 years and ending 40 years of detente costs a bit of money. But it's the difference between having a mortgage or student loans and buying crack with a credit card.


                    • bsd777
                      • Nov 2009
                      • 261

                      Not again with this revisionist liberal history lesson. One more time boys and girls, CONGRESS set the budget and spends the money, not the president. So it's Reagan's fault your looser parents voted for Tip Oneil and Ted Kennedy? Reagan pleaded with congress to cut spending, Obama continues to plead with congress to spend MORE.

                      Reagan implemented tax cuts that led to massive economic growth. Obama implemented tax increases, many begin Jan 1 2011, which will cause even greater economic contraction.
                      Reagan supported freedom around the world and was successful in Nicaragua, Russia and the Soviet Republics. Obama, supported the socialist/marxist wannabe, in El salvador, didn't even provide moral support to students in Iran, can't wait to help the communist cuban regime and has taken an openly hostile approach toward the only free republic in the entire middle east.

                      Reagan was a great president. One of the top five of all time.


                      • f. bandersnatch
                        • Mar 2010
                        • 725

                        Reagan had really great hair, don't ya think?

                        And the most erudite analysis I have ever seen of Reagan-era policy can be found in a little gem titled "Rambo III".


                        • bsd777
                          • Nov 2009
                          • 261

                          I wonder how much of the GDP "growth" during the Clinton administration was machine tools and factory equipment shipped to China?


                          • bsd777
                            • Nov 2009
                            • 261

                            The ONLY problem with Republicans, is when they act too much like Democrats.


                            • Joe234
                              • Apr 2010
                              • 1948

                              Originally posted by danielan View Post
                              Remind me.

                              Was it ending the cold war that was a dick move?

                              Or was it fixing Carter's economic disasters?

                              I want to understand.

                              I like the top tax rate not being 70% - I want the productive in our society to be encouraged to produce.

                              I'm glad he stopped inflation and ushered in a long period of prosperity. (Liberals like to call this the "Clinton boom" in their usual revisionist ways).

                              I like that my kids don't have to do "duck and cover" drills, discuss the policy of mutually assured destruction or wonder if there will be a future.

                              I like that he tried to fix social security - he's the last one that did anything useful in this regard.

                              I also like being able to pursue the American dream, such as it is now, and own a home. At least I am not paying 14% interest on my mortgage like my parents tried to do.

                              Hell, I like that he found a way past the bs red tape to help the anti-communists in Nicaragua.

                              From Sho-gun to Rea-gun. Gil Scott Heron lays it all out for you in this one

                              Gil Scott-Heron - B Movie ( history of Reagan)


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