got our asses wipped by some british marines, and kicked the ass of
the royal guard. They got lost in the mountains and made them selves
look like idiots. they came 4 hours late, and used 1,5 hours to take our position.
They where aprox. 115, we where like 16 - 30 men.
the only thing they know is how to fold clothes and salute really preaty.
apart from that, I'll been working a lot.
Lot of late nights and missed meals. But generaly it's allright.
Going home tomorrow, willprobably pack in a little wile,
but now I'm relaxing at the computer listening to some music,
and having a big snus of course.
I don't think Norwegians have anything to worry about when it comes to Mountain terrain. Next time kick their queen loving asses in.
well, the problem is that it was costal terrain.
(not that that helps much, there are mountains everywhere here)
and the fact that those guys have served in iraq and afghanistan.
We where conscripts, just done with our three first months of service.
the royal guard men had no excuses though.
soon done with their year, and doing fundamental mistakes.
They had their god damned headlamps on when they approched
our position!
Good luck you you in your military service. I'd say we should do the same in America but the U.S. is used by Israel and other foreign interests to fight their wars. So, it would just get our kids killed for profit.
it doesnt sound like your joking, which is a shame really.
id ask you to back it up but then you'd probably just quote a bunch of conspiracy theories, i would get annoyed, we would get heated and then we'd both need to snoos up to calm down.
BUT just so you know i think thats a ****in loada bullshit and id happily argue the case with you.
but i suppose we shouldnt, were here for the snoos :lol:
it's probably ok to speak some politics in this forum. after all, it is under the people and world around us category.
i am always open to other opinions and realize that I could be wrong and it is good to listen to both sides of the story.
what I was suggesting is that mandatory military service could be a good thing to straighten American kids out. I joined when I was still in high school. My basic training in the infantry at fort Benning Ga was between my junior and senior year and after I graduated, there was AIT AB AA school. It surly straightened my ass out and taught me how to think and act for myself. It made me very self sustaining. I did my part for this country but really felt that my orders did more for corporations than they did for the people of America.
Having a draft of mandatory military service would be great over here if we had the same discipline for foreign policy as the Norwegians and Swedes do. However, we do not and forcing our youth to join the Army and fight a war for Israel and Oil would not be in our best interest. It would be just like Vietnam. Well, Iraq is a lot like Vietnam. Only without the draft. Our soldiers need to defend our country from harm not protect the corporations by enforcing policy. Iraq is nothing more than a police effort to enforce policy which protects our oil investments. We never declared war in congress as we are required to by our constitution. If we were attacked by Iraq and we declared war, our troops would have leveled Iraq in about three months and we would be rebuilding them like we did with Germany, Japan and other occupied countries around the world.
I would be interested in what your opinion is on this matter. Don't worry about grudges or whatever. We are just speaking politics and don't need to be enemies because of it. Sometimes it is much better to respectfully disagree with each other instead of resorting to violence or hate.
to a great extent i agree with you, military service can be a great way, as u know, to give people discipline and stamina which are both really valuable tools in life.
the issue i had with your post was the assumption that americas war in iraq was some sort of 'zionist agenda' by the israeli government using the USA as a tool to fight its own wars. the assumption is wrong man.
its wrong because you give the israeli government alot more credit then it actually realisticly has, as if they were able to order your government into action. (unless you buy in to the most simple and vulgur of scapegoats of "the zionist illuminati" controlling the world).
The reason your assumption in my opinion is easily made and can even seem concevable is because your country and Israel are fighting the same wars. Youve merely decided that america would not be involved were it not for israel.
the battle in iraq, afghanistan, clashes in chechnya, bombs in indonesia, kidnappings in yemen, hungry regimes in iran, volatile pakistan, divided lebanon, anti-western syria (the list goes on) are all fuelled by the same fundamental issues the world has with "the west" and manifests itself religiously as islamic fundamentlists.
to think this worldwide struggle is just for israel is, and i mean this as no disrespect to you man, its just stupid.
the same people who dont want israel to exist dont want a strong america (if one at all) and would prefer iran to be the superpower.
i dont like american policies all that much, BUT i do know id much prefer a strong america then a strong iran.
I dont want to assume why you assign all your governments actions as bowing to the needs of israel (who have actually learnt not to rely on any country for help - foe example going themselves and blowing up the nuclear reactors in iraq in 1981- while all of the world shouted them down for it "how dare they", but later thanked them and were greatfull for) over any other liberal democracy...but maybe you could explain it to me?
well, one of the reasions that I like mandotary military service
is the fact that then you are insured with the fact that the governments
ultimate tool to use their violence monopoly is a bunch of kids. That
don't really feel the need to fire into a croud just beacouse they are protesting the government.
in my opinion it's better to have a large portion of the armed forces made up of normal people instead of payed killing machines.
to a great extent i agree with you, military service can be a great way, as u know, to give people discipline and stamina which are both really valuable tools in life.
the issue i had with your post was the assumption that americas war in iraq was some sort of 'zionist agenda' by the israeli government using the USA as a tool to fight its own wars. the assumption is wrong man.
its wrong because you give the israeli government alot more credit then it actually realisticly has, as if they were able to order your government into action. (unless you buy in to the most simple and vulgur of scapegoats of "the zionist illuminati" controlling the world).
The reason your assumption in my opinion is easily made and can even seem concevable is because your country and Israel are fighting the same wars. Youve merely decided that america would not be involved were it not for israel.
the battle in iraq, afghanistan, clashes in chechnya, bombs in indonesia, kidnappings in yemen, hungry regimes in iran, volatile pakistan, divided lebanon, anti-western syria (the list goes on) are all fuelled by the same fundamental issues the world has with "the west" and manifests itself religiously as islamic fundamentlists.
to think this worldwide struggle is just for israel is, and i mean this as no disrespect to you man, its just stupid.
the same people who dont want israel to exist dont want a strong america (if one at all) and would prefer iran to be the superpower.
i dont like american policies all that much, BUT i do know id much prefer a strong america then a strong iran.
I dont want to assume why you assign all your governments actions as bowing to the needs of israel (who have actually learnt not to rely on any country for help - foe example going themselves and blowing up the nuclear reactors in iraq in 1981- while all of the world shouted them down for it "how dare they", but later thanked them and were greatfull for) over any other liberal democracy...but maybe you could explain it to me?
take care, danny
I just see it differently since I am a part of it. I know how my Government operates and what happens when AIPAC lobbies. You should look into AIPAC, ADL, CUI and other organizations and see who has the most power in D.C. and what happens if you don't support the same policy as israel. I don't blame the Jews and as a Christian I love all God's people. I am talking about the government of Israel and it's deep and intimate relationship with the U.S. government. Not America and the People, the U.S. corporation nation.
They call it television PROGRAMMING for a reason.
As you can probably tell, I am a bit biased on the subject. Perhaps it would be best if you went outside the box and read about the other side of the story. Both left and right views on the same event or subject. You will be amazed at what you learn when you can admit you have been lied to all your life and you could be wrong.
Sorry for not posting in a while.
The net in the barracks has been crap, and I haven't been able to log on.
but now that I am able I thought that I could give you guys a up date.
staff life is in for full force, a lot of clearing and organising of
depoes. a bit of shooting, tried the m72 (only practise ammo though).
having fun for the most part.
at evenings during our time off, I have been doing a lot of snusing (that's
during time on as well), watching scrubs on my computer and being lazy.
spring is coming, so there is a lot of sun, almost 24hrs a day.
Sounds like your haveing some fun Stargazer. Don't worry, the Royal Marines got their buts handed to them on the regular at the National Training Center in Fort Irwin's Mojave desert while I was stationed there. (U.S. Army medic, 11th Armored Cavalry. '95-'99). STORM6490MT knows what I'm talking about, OPFOR! "Ants taste like sugar" -Xobloot. And worms taste like chicken :lol:
eaten some sea snails (looks like big barnickals) and a little fish.
only one ant and no worms.
there was straight rain all week, got wet as h*l* and frose my ass off.
and beacouse of the wet condisions fire was nearly impossible to make,
so there was far to little sleep.
and when it all seamed to be over we got the mud obstical course after around 20km of walking through the mountains.
at times it was quite nice, but mostly it was hell.
Gled to have done it tough and glad to be finished.
Koos, I agree with your sentiment. I'm in the US, and although I understand that many in the world disagree with the war in Iraq, and I can see why many hold this position, I disagree with the "war for oil" or "war for israel" characterizations. Hussein never held up his end of the bargain after the Persian Gulf War. In my opinion, enough said. Unfortunately it was not "sold" in these terms, though I can't understand why.
As far as mandatory service in the US goes, I'm torn. I believe it would be a good thing overall, especially with the Fundamentalist Islamic threat, but I also don't believe the government should have the power to force individuals into military service. I wish I would have served, but that is a personal regret I carry, and not one that I would wish forced on others.
For all of you military folks that are not Marines, just thought this was funny but want you to know that I appreciate your service. Just a little partial...