I'm in the army now......

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  • Stargazer
    • Aug 2007
    • 225

    I'm in the army now......

    hello, snusing friends all over the world. 8)

    I haven't been posting here for a wile.
    An dthe reason for that is the fact that I'm serving my
    year in the army.

    here in Norway we have mandotary military service.

    Right now I'm having my first weekend off, and
    here I'm posting again.
    I bought a laptop yesterday, so I will be posting regulary
    again hopefully, if I get the time.

    to your information.
  • chainsnuser
    Senior Member
    • Jan 2007
    • 1388

    Welcome back and sincere condolences!



    • Stargazer
      • Aug 2007
      • 225

      it's not that bad.

      But the march I had to go through to get my black beret
      was rather unplesant.

      If people are interrested in military life I can post ocasinal updates
      in this thread.


      • The Wolf
        • Oct 2007
        • 132

        Is the full year mandatory in Norway? Us Finns have a mandatory of six months nowadays (used to be the full year) but obviously you can be there much longer if you want to.


        • lxskllr
          • Sep 2007
          • 13435

          It's good to see ya back Stargazer. I'd definitely be interested in hearing how things are going. Keep us updated :^)


          • Stargazer
            • Aug 2007
            • 225

            Originally posted by The Wolf
            Is the full year mandatory in Norway? Us Finns have a mandatory of six months nowadays (used to be the full year) but obviously you can be there much longer if you want to.
            yeah it's a full 12 months.

            but you have a lot of time off.

            And the thing is that very few get called in for service after the
            first level of prossesing. Most get siffed out for a reason or another.

            And it's really easy to get away from too, if you really want to.

            But I never bothered to try, and kind of wanted to do my year for king
            and country.

            I will try to update when there is something interresting going on.
            tell a few stories and sutch. pictures also maybe.


            • Zero
              • May 2006
              • 1522

              A bit of military training isn't so bad, as long as you're not at war, of course. 8) Welcome back, though, mate - good to see you're alive and well.


              • drippingdream
                New Member
                • Feb 2008
                • 3

                Wow, we Americans seem to have it lucky. We have mandatory service only once a draft is implemented, and we're called upon.


                • Stargazer
                  • Aug 2007
                  • 225

                  been back for a few days now.

                  got the weekend off.
                  Then on Monday it's off to a two week excersise
                  where will will be living in tents and doing "war-games".
                  Some dutch and british soldiers are here to play along.

                  I have the responsability (together with som other guys)
                  to run and mentain the comand site.
                  when where not out in the forest, I'll be in charge of the
                  weapons and expensive crap that my skvadron has.
                  Things like night optics, normal high powered optics
                  and alike.

                  since I'm not a "normal" patrol man, I'll be sleeping in a better tent
                  and getting a slightly easier life (physicly that is), but I'm
                  in charge of milions of kroners worth in gear.

                  on a more snus forum friendly note, I got a little pocket for
                  snus to put on my battle vest. quite neat but, it neads some usage
                  to make the can fitt snugly.

                  ps. the internet on the barraks are out, so I'm using the computer in
                  the cafeteria. Hoping it will be back up in two weeks time, so that I can
                  use my own computer instead of this shit.


                  • STORM6490MT
                    • Mar 2008
                    • 138

                    Good luck you you in your military service. I'd say we should do the same in America but the U.S. is used by Israel and other foreign interests to fight their wars. So, it would just get our kids killed for profit. I was 11-B infantry from 1995-2001. It probably kept me from a life of heavy drugs and crime. I don't regret it. But, I wouldn't suggest it to anybody!

                    Try to stay high and dry.



                    • The Wolf
                      • Oct 2007
                      • 132

                      I just got the 'invitation to army' papers yesterday. So that means I'll be going to the army either in July 2009 or January 2010. They sure don't wait till the last minute when it comes to sending the invitation papers.


                      • chainsnuser
                        Senior Member
                        • Jan 2007
                        • 1388

                        Originally posted by The Wolf
                        I just got the 'invitation to army' papers yesterday
                        Civilised people! I'd send them a cancellation with deep regret and best regards. :lol:



                        • lxskllr
                          • Sep 2007
                          • 13435

                          Originally posted by chainsnuser
                          Originally posted by The Wolf
                          I just got the 'invitation to army' papers yesterday
                          Civilised people! I'd send them a cancellation with deep regret and best regards. :lol:

                          LoL :^D


                          • The Wolf
                            • Oct 2007
                            • 132

                            Originally posted by lxskllr
                            Originally posted by chainsnuser
                            Originally posted by The Wolf
                            I just got the 'invitation to army' papers yesterday
                            Civilised people! I'd send them a cancellation with deep regret and best regards. :lol:

                            LoL :^D
                            LoL, indeed. Six months of jail doesn't quite appeal to me, so I guess I'll stick with the army.


                            • Stargazer
                              • Aug 2007
                              • 225

                              came back a week ago from two weeks in a tent.

                              "playing" war for the most of the time.

                              got our asses wipped by some british marines, and kicked the ass of
                              the royal guard. They got lost in the mountains and made them selves
                              look like idiots. they came 4 hours late, and used 1,5 hours to take our position.
                              They where aprox. 115, we where like 16 - 30 men.

                              the only thing they know is how to fold clothes and salute really preaty.


                              apart from that, I'll been working a lot.
                              Lot of late nights and missed meals. But generaly it's allright.
                              Going home tomorrow, willprobably pack in a little wile,
                              but now I'm relaxing at the computer listening to some music,
                              and having a big snus of course.

