Wondering why those who do not HATE the president are labeled Obama-lovers? I voted for him, but I certainly didn't think he was going to be the second coming of Christ.
Does anyone really believe one man has the power to fix all of our problems single-handedly?
To wish failure on our elected leaders is truly un-patriotic. I wasn't a supporter of G.W.B., but I wasn't hoping for him to screw up the country either.
There will be many sad people in this country if Obama does manage to pull us out of this mess we are in. How sick is that?
Does anyone really believe one man has the power to fix all of our problems single-handedly?
To wish failure on our elected leaders is truly un-patriotic. I wasn't a supporter of G.W.B., but I wasn't hoping for him to screw up the country either.
There will be many sad people in this country if Obama does manage to pull us out of this mess we are in. How sick is that?