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  • Boston Mike
    • Jun 2010
    • 59

    Wondering why those who do not HATE the president are labeled Obama-lovers? I voted for him, but I certainly didn't think he was going to be the second coming of Christ.
    Does anyone really believe one man has the power to fix all of our problems single-handedly?
    To wish failure on our elected leaders is truly un-patriotic. I wasn't a supporter of G.W.B., but I wasn't hoping for him to screw up the country either.
    There will be many sad people in this country if Obama does manage to pull us out of this mess we are in. How sick is that?


    • dxh
      • Jun 2010
      • 340

      Originally posted by Boston Mike View Post
      Wondering why those who do not HATE the president are labeled Obama-lovers? I voted for him, but I certainly didn't think he was going to be the second coming of Christ.
      Does anyone really believe one man has the power to fix all of our problems single-handedly?
      To wish failure on our elected leaders is truly un-patriotic. I wasn't a supporter of G.W.B., but I wasn't hoping for him to screw up the country either.
      There will be many sad people in this country if Obama does manage to pull us out of this mess we are in. How sick is that?
      Well said


      • cj
        • Jul 2009
        • 1563

        he will never pull us out of this mess he is making it worse and worse every day all you have to do is look around and you cant place the blame on anyone else obama is the one who did all this that is going on now and every one knows it


        • timholian
          • Apr 2010
          • 1448

          I wasn't going to comment but here it goes:

          Bush;Obama omg they both have a B in them

          B... B... Bureaucrat... omg Crat like Democrat

          D... D... Democracy.. omg Racy like

          DICK Tracy... see I knew they were both Dicks!

          Who is in charge will always change but the shite people complain about will stay the same. If you don't like the political climate...... wait 5 mins.

          PS. Palin is an Idiot and couldn't even serve her full term in office.... I know for a fact there are soldiers over seas wishing they had the same luxury. She gets no credit from me.


          • dxh
            • Jun 2010
            • 340

            Originally posted by cj View Post
            he will never pull us out of this mess he is making it worse and worse every day all you have to do is look around and you cant place the blame on anyone else obama is the one who did all this that is going on now and every one knows it
            I am having a hard time understanding what you just said. Not trying to be a dick, but that sounds like a 5th grader wrote it.


            • cj
              • Jul 2009
              • 1563

              bad grammar skills is what i have but what i wrote is not hard to understand


              • danielan
                • Apr 2010
                • 1514

                Originally posted by lxskllr View Post
                1 - You answer truthfully. lxskllr, what do you read to get your news? I don't read as much as I used to. I get my news primarily from NPR and BBC radio. When I do read, I like Arstechnica online for the technology centered news which covers new trends, as well as their interaction with old laws.
                What did she lie about? She said she got it from multiple sources. Here's an example of an "Early Bird" I'd be VERY surprised if any US Governor did not get a daily news brief.

                Originally posted by lxskllr View Post
                2 - It's not my job to know. I'm not in public office with aspirations to the highest office in the land who'se job it is to uphold the constitution ;^)
                And the vice-president of the US doesn't need to have personal opinions on individual Supreme Court cases. Just like cops don't have to have personal opinions of the laws they enforce.

                Originally posted by lxskllr View Post
                3 - She should just STFU about foreign policy instead of making up bullshit. The correct answer, is "I don't have foreign policy experience, but I do have advisors who are well versed in foreign policy". This shit isn't too difficult if you have half a brain....
                I don't think it's really BS. I suppose it depends on your definition of "Foreign Policy experience". IMO, being commander of the national guard, particularly one that actually does intercept foreign military aircraft counts. But I can see a definition where this wouldn't I guess. But IMO, that definition would also preclude military Generals, CIA directors, etc from having "Foreign Policy" experience. Because they don't establish policy, they merely enforce it.


                • lxskllr
                  • Sep 2007
                  • 13435

                  Originally posted by danielan View Post
                  What did she lie about? She said she got it from multiple sources. Here's an example of an "Early Bird" I'd be VERY surprised if any US Governor did not get a daily news brief.
                  I named 3 specific sources. Where were hers? "multiple sources" doesn't mean a damned thing. She's either lying, or ashamed of her sources. I guess I'd lie too if I only got my news from SnusOn :^D

                  And the vice-president of the US doesn't need to have personal opinions on individual Supreme Court cases. Just like cops don't have to have personal opinions of the laws they enforce.
                  The VP certainly does need to be well versed in constitutional law, especially when your presidential running mate has 1 foot in the grave, and the other on a banana peel.


                  • dxh
                    • Jun 2010
                    • 340

                    Originally posted by lxskllr View Post
                    The VP certainly does need to be well versed in constitutional law, especially when your presidential running mate has 1 foot in the grave, and the other on a banana peel.
                    That is a great line.


                    • bipolarbear1968
                      • Mar 2010
                      • 1074

                      Originally posted by Boston Mike View Post
                      You may not agree with Obama's politics, but a "moron"? Please.
                      I love the dragging up sound-bites to prove who is more stupid threads.
                      Oh I could spend days on telling you how much of a moron Obama truly is. I'll give you one instead...he signed the damn PACT bill into law.
                      'nuff said.

                      Edit- Enjoy paying those excess taxes.


                      • lxskllr
                        • Sep 2007
                        • 13435

                        Originally posted by bipolarbear1968 View Post
                        Oh I could spend days on telling you how much of a moron Obama truly is. I'll give you one instead...he signed the damn PACT bill into law.
                        'nuff said.
                        Not to defend Obama, but who wouldn't have signed off on PACT? Not signing wouldn't be shooting yourself in the foot as far as political careers go, that's a 12ga blast to the head. Not only would he(or any sitting president) reap all the shit for being "against the kids", and "pro terrorism", the veto would have been overridden by self serving congressmen.


                        • timholian
                          • Apr 2010
                          • 1448

                          Palin was governor of Alaska for 2 years 7 months.(a portion of which was spent campaigning for VP)
                          She went to college from 1982-1987 ending her education with an emphasis journalism, thats 5 years and 3 different schools.
                          She didn't get a passport until 2006.

                          I don't know about anyone else here but I don't have a problem with any of the above for just some chick I know. But for the above statements to apply to a VP candidate, that doesn't work for me.


                          • danielan
                            • Apr 2010
                            • 1514

                            Originally posted by dxh View Post
                            No. That was complete bullshitery.

                            Originally posted by dxh View Post
                            I am sorry, but I just think she is leaps and bounds dumber then Obama.
                            I don't necessarily disagree. Unfortunately, as Obama seems to be intent on proving beyond a shadow of a doubt, raw intelligence is not the most important quality for a president. Although it might be helpful if our national challenges end up being Trivial Pursuit or Scrabble.

                            Originally posted by dxh View Post
                            She could have been truthful, I would respect her for that.
                            I suspect your version of "truthful" is whatever you pre-determined to be the "truth". i.e., "giggle, giggle, I only read the National Enquirer and People Magazine, giggle, giggle..."

                            Again, I expect that like other executives she received a daily news brief of some sort from staffers.

                            Originally posted by dxh View Post
                            But she supports the murder of wolves from planes.
                            The great thing about Federalism is that laws can differ according to the real differences between states. While from Santa Cruz it may seem appalling to kill a "majestic" wolf. In Alaska, where there are plenty of wolves, you might imagine the laws would differ. As far as doing it from airplanes... I have to assume you have never been to Alaska... Break out your Google Maps and check out the insanely large areas without roads at all. Add to this that you basically get 2 seasons in Alaska - Winter and "Bugs". If you want to manage your population of wolves you basically have to use airplanes.

                            Originally posted by dxh View Post
                            She made Alaskan women pay for their rape kits...what kind of f'd up person does that? Pay to prove you were assaulted? what the hell is she smoking.
                            It's not just her. In fact, Illinois seems to have had the same problem. I wonder if a certain State Senator would have taken a stand in Illinois they would be better off too.

                            Victims rights is a large issue (and I have no solutions), and unfortunately this doesn't only happen in Alaska. It still happens in a lot of places - even though, as of a couple years ago, it shouldn't. There are laws against this practice. Some Federal, some State. Some people still fall through the cracks. Localities don't like the unfunded mandates (Federal and State). States don't like the Federal unfunded mandate. Hospitals just want paid (anecdotally some of this billing seems to happen due to slow state payment). Insurance ends up paying for a lot of them (which I kind of also have a problem with). Many more get reimbursed by victims compensation funds, but it is still a reimbursement (so you have to pay first). I'm not sure this is more screwed up then having to pay for your own ambulance ride and surgery when you are shot or your family having to pay for your burial if you are murdered (happily victims compensation funds help here too - and insurance.) Not that it makes it any better, but you can certainly sue for these sorts of things when they catch the perpetrator.



                            • danielan
                              • Apr 2010
                              • 1514

                              Originally posted by lxskllr View Post
                              I named 3 specific sources. Where were hers? "multiple sources" doesn't mean a damned thing. She's either lying, or ashamed of her sources. I guess I'd lie too if I only got my news from SnusOn :^D
                              Or, maybe, she gets a news brief every morning with 50 different sources on it and doesn't want to publicly express a preference for any particular commercial news organization.

                              Originally posted by lxskllr View Post
                              The VP certainly does need to be well versed in constitutional law, especially when your presidential running mate has 1 foot in the grave, and the other on a banana peel.
                              For what? VP's don't enforce laws. VP's don't write laws. VP's don't determine the Constitutionality of laws. The Executive has a massive number of lawyers to review whatever needs reviewed. I completely object to the opinion that the President or VP needs to be a lawyer or legal scholar.

                              While we are at it. The question was, "What other Supreme Court cases do you object to?" Not, "Can you describe the role of the Supreme Court?". You do not need opinions on Supreme court cases to uphold the law. In fact, if you let your opinions drive your enforcement, or lack thereof, you are kind of a bad executive.


                              • danielan
                                • Apr 2010
                                • 1514

                                Originally posted by dxh View Post
                                That is a great line.
                                Yeah, because this inexperienced guy is doing SO well. Before him, I never realized that "Leadership" was mostly a matter of blaming the last guy and playing basketball.

                                I'm gonna have to run for president now.

