If I don't get my snus soon, I'm going to get hideously fat.

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  • yummi4tunekookie
    • Feb 2008
    • 277

    If I don't get my snus soon, I'm going to get hideously fat.

    I just made my first order about 3 hours ago, but I want it NOW. I'm eating delicious truffles and smoking like a fiend, trying to fill the hungry void that's appeared within me...

    I should go do some homework. Or learn to drive. Or get a boyfriend. Maybe activities like those would help me to endure this wait.

    Bah! I'm just being silly. I'm so bored, and I want to be a snus-monster right nowwww!
  • Shrewd
    • Feb 2008
    • 118

    Probably will be the end of the week until you get them... I'd get a boyfriend - I'm sure there are many here who would like a snusin' GF, although you might be a bit young (see "learn to drive" and "homework" comments - no offense). My wife is probably about the only thing that can truly distract me from nicotine, for both good and not so good reasons (chores).


    • Jason
      • Jan 2008
      • 1370

      Have you checked to see if there are any tobacco shops in your area that sell snus? If you find one, it will most likely cost you around $5 for a tin, but just one would last you until your order arrives. :wink:


      • yummi4tunekookie
        • Feb 2008
        • 277

        Hahaha, I'm 22, Shrewd. Just never learned to drive, and I'm still in college as I've changed my major yet again. :P

        I haven't found a single place here in Augusta that sells snus, Jason, otherwise I wouldn't be turning to the internet. But thank god for the internet anyway!


        • TropicalBob
          • Feb 2008
          • 316

          I understand the agony of waiting. But if you're smoking up a storm, there'll be a slight letdown when you begin snusing. NOTHING is the same as smoking a cigarette. Its popularity is precisely because it is the best, fastest way to satisfy with tobacco. You will miss cigs when you finally stop them. But stopping is the wise course.

          I think your initial order is a good one, but bet you'll find the stronger varieties just too yucky to tolerate. Yes, some tastes are acquired, but why bother when tasty varieties exist? Once you find something you like, you can add similar products and rotate among them each day. Variety is the spice of life.

          Also try some other options to stay off cigarettes. I do portion snus partly because I do Oliver Twist every single day. Very powerful little tobacco bits. In Georgia, you can buy Stonewall dissolvable tobacco pieces. Buy some java flavored ones. I've been using an e-cigar and e-pipe for more than a month, inhaling nicotine vapor that will knock you flat with its kick. And I sometimes like nasal snuff. The flavors available are even better than for snus.

          Spread out your pleasures. Use what feels right. Just don't return to that beckoning cigarette. Before long, it will seem like the harshest, least sensible way to get your nicotine kick.

          BTW: Your photo looks like you're sniffing snuff! One hand to nostrils, one covering the act. But cute ...


          • yummi4tunekookie
            • Feb 2008
            • 277

            I actually tried the stonewalls, and they really do nothing for me. Perhaps I'm using them wrong, but they don't fully dissolve--even after I've had them in for over an hour! I've seen the Oliver Twists around here, but the only flavor in stock is the Tropical, and I'm not really a fan of anise :P I am curious about the e-cigar/cigarette, though. I'll definitely look up some info for that.

            It's funny that you say it looks like I'm sniffing snuff in my photo. Never done nasal snuff before...

            ...In other news, I just had some really, really, REALLY spicy Korean food for lunch. It was deliciously painful.


            • TropicalBob
              • Feb 2008
              • 316

              Gotcha. Stonewalls aren't for a kick (they're only 4mg nicotine). But they taste great and pass some time. I have no idea why yours don't dissolve. Mine dissolve completely in about 45 minutes.

              Your arteries appreciate the hot, spicy food, by the way. Seriously. Hot stuff is good for artery health. Ditto dark chocolate (not truffles). Also ditto one alcoholic drink a day. If you use nicotine in any form, artery health is and will remain important to you.

              I know. I had a neck artery cleaned out a year ago. I'm great now, but it was a shock to see what a lifetime of smoking and bacon/cheese sandwiches had done.

              Cheers. Got any jalapeno almonds, by any chance?


              • yummi4tunekookie
                • Feb 2008
                • 277

                I've never really thought much about my arteries... But I don't eat too many fried or fatty foods (apart from chocolate :lol: ), so I guess I'm not too worried. I *do* need to start working out or something, as my stomach isn't as flat as it once was. :x Once I cut back or quit my smoking I will. Maybe. Yeah. ops:

                Jalapeño almonds?! I've never heard of those, but they sound delicious! Gimme some!!


                • TropicalBob
                  • Feb 2008
                  • 316

                  Blue Diamond makes the great hot almonds. Should be in any grocery store. Excellent heart-friendly snack.

                  One more tidbit and I'll hush. I just ordered five more tins of Skoal Dry Cinnamon snus. Had to get 'em off the Net cause they're being test marketed only. They taste sweet like Dentyne chewing gum and have a minimal nicotine kick. Small dry portions. But ...

                  Go to your friendly liquor store and buy a bottle of "Hot Damn!" That's the name of a cinnamon schnapps that got its name from what everyone says after they take one gulp. Soak your Skoal Dry Cinnamon in Hot Damn. Refrigerate and you're ready for a double whammy from a really tasty, potent little 100-proof snus.


                  • yummi4tunekookie
                    • Feb 2008
                    • 277

                    I'm wondering why so many of the snus I've seen have more of a licorice flavor? I absolutely loathe licorice. But cinnamon sounds awesome, as does dipping it in the schnapps!

                    Now I wanna go out and try some spicy almonds...


                    • Shrewd
                      • Feb 2008
                      • 118

                      You won't see me with licorice ever, but I have tried one or two licorice snus (catch I think) - and they didn't taste like licorice to me. I was convinced that they wouldn't work for me, but they weren't half bad.


                      • Zero
                        • May 2006
                        • 1522

                        I'm wondering why so many of the snus I've seen have more of a licorice flavor?
                        Liquorice, particularly the salty variety, is a very common sort of confection in scandinavia and northern europe. Read about it




                        • yummi4tunekookie
                          • Feb 2008
                          • 277

                          Originally posted by Zero
                          I'm wondering why so many of the snus I've seen have more of a licorice flavor?
                          Liquorice, particularly the salty variety, is a very common sort of confection in scandinavia and northern europe. Read about it


                          Iiiiinteresting. "Somewhat of an acquire taste" indeed! I'm used to plenty of strange sweet/salty combinations (asians love pickling fruits ), but salted licorice would probably make me cry. And I've never liked black jellybeans.

                          I maaay give licorice-inspired snus a try, just to see what it's like. But that's after I receive my package and assuming I go crazy over snus!


                          • Zero
                            • May 2006
                            • 1522

                            Well, if you ever get the urge to try it, you can get some with a snus order from Northerner


                            All sorts of salmiak candies there! If you're brave enough, you might even try other scandinavian delicacies...like surströmming and lutefisk :shock: :lol:


                            • Xobeloot
                              • Jan 2008
                              • 2542

                              I have never been into black licorice either, but have tried a few things that are supposed to have licorice as part of their flavoring. I have found it to be quite enjoyable in snus. I have yet to try one that is solely licorice flavored. Maybe it is for fear of having to toss the whole can. As one of many flavors in a single can, it works well. My next order is some time off, but I will most likely add a can of pure licorice to it just to say I have tried it. If I dont like it, I'll ship it off to someone who does.


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