If I don't get my snus soon, I'm going to get hideously fat.

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  • darkwing
    • Oct 2007
    • 415

    Whew! For a minute there you had me thinking you were a couple or the same person or something... I gotta get more sleep, can't go on like this. :?


    • Xobeloot
      • Jan 2008
      • 2542

      Sleep is for the weak! (meanwhile I am oh so ready for a nap! :lol


      • yummi4tunekookie
        • Feb 2008
        • 277

        Xobe! Xobe! Xobe!!!

        I got my package, and I've got a portion in right now! It's not exactly stinging my gums so much as making them feel all...tingly. Not bothersome in the least. The flavor isn't bad, and it isn't as salty as I was fearing. My only complaint is that I've swallowed a bit of the juices, and it's making feel a wee bit queasy. Other than that...YAY, I'M TRYING MY FIRST SNUS! :lol: :!:


        • Xobeloot
          • Jan 2008
          • 2542

          Yeah. They are strong portions. may need to go light on them or they will make your head spin at first. The less you play with it, the less it will drain/run on you.


          • Zero
            • May 2006
            • 1522

            So what are they?! Strong portions? Skruf/N&J? :shock: :shock: :lol:


            • Xobeloot
              • Jan 2008
              • 2542

              OR Cran


              • The Cook
                • Aug 2007
                • 166

                TropicalBob, what exactly are e-cigar(s) and e-pipe(s)?


                • Xobeloot
                  • Jan 2008
                  • 2542

                  Kinda like a faux cigarette/cigar that has reloadable nicotine inhaler cartridges.


                  • TropicalBob
                    • Feb 2008
                    • 316

                    Correct. They're relatively new, electronic devices that atomize a nicotine solution to produce a vapor that's inhaled. Each puff produces about half as much nic as a cigarette puff. I use both all day, but still want a cigarette, to tell you the truth. There's no smoke, no tobacco, in them, so they can, theoretically, be used anywhere. I say theoretically because they draw a lot of attention! My e-cigar was $34; the pipe was $65 with shipping from China.


                    • darkwing
                      • Oct 2007
                      • 415

                      The e-cigs do actually have you produce "smoke" which is a kind of odourless vapour, right Bob?


                      • TropicalBob
                        • Feb 2008
                        • 316

                        Yes. And it's that vapor that startles people. It looks rather like smoke. It disappears in about a second and leaves no odor behind. I think it's propylene glycol that is used to carry the nicotine in vapor form.

                        The big absence for me with e-smoking is the feel of smoke and the aroma of smoke. The vapor hits the back of the throat and might initiate a short cough, much as a medical nicotine inhaler does. It does provide quite a nic hit, however. That's partly because it isn't "timed" like a cigarette that burns out. You just keep on puffing the e-cigar, cigarette or pipe. Pretty soon, you're spinning.

                        Still, I love to puff my briar pipes and the reason is not because of addiction, but because of the fantastic taste and smell good pipe tobacco produces. A cloud of latakia-rich smoke in the mouth is a wonderful thing ... But, one more thing, with practice you can blow vapor rings from e-smoking.


                        • yummi4tunekookie
                          • Feb 2008
                          • 277

                          Damn, I get more and more interested in those e-cigs every time I hear about them! Too bad I'm broke again :cry:

                          And Zero, it's the Offroad Strong Cranberry portions that I'm trying right now, courtesy of the wonderfully generous Xobeloot.

                          I have further opinions to give on these portions, too, having tried them for about a day. I enjoyed the cranberry flavor at first, but now it seems sickly-sweet and I find myself craving something more...subtle and savory, I guess. The nausea I'd get from swallowing a bit of the juices has more or less passed, and the portions are actually starting to sting my gums a little, as opposed to making them tingle, hehe. The stinging doesn't really bother me so much, though, as I just ignore it and deal with it, and the stinging passes pretty quickly. For a "strong" portion, however, I'm a bit disappointed--I WANTED my head to spin! Though I don't feel any noticeable nicotine "kick," I've only smoked 4 cigarettes since I've started using these portions, so I guess the nic's there and helping to curb my urges to smoke, which makes me very happy!

                          I can't wait for my package to arrive, though! Hopefully some of the portions I've chosen will have a less in-your-face fruityness to them!

                          Oh, also--I don't think I quite like the regular-sized portions. I tried to have one in during work today, but I took it out pretty quickly. There's a bit of a bulge that is very noticeable to me, and I can't really smile without the portion being obvious--and I smile a lot. And even if the portion isn't so noticeable to others, I act self-conscious enough to bring attention to it by not talking--and I talk as much as I smile :lol: . So yeah. The minis better be a lot more well-hidden, or I'm gonna throw a fit!

                          On a side note, I do have a portion in right now and I'm on campus, in a computer-lab full of people. I'm writing a paper, though, and as that hardly requires me to talk or smile, I feel safe with this portion in :P


                          • TropicalBob
                            • Feb 2008
                            • 316

                            Before long, you can narrow your choices based on your needs. From what you've written, I'd suggest any of the CatchDry products (they sell peppermint at my local tobacco store and you might love the menthol), Lucky Strike White mini, Mocca Pomegranate and the Wise products. None will knock you flat. All are discreet to use and not sickening to keep in your mouth.

                            Maybe you could grab a smoke, then pop a snus to delay needing another smoke for several hours!


                            • Shrewd
                              • Feb 2008
                              • 118

                              Satan hasn't grabbed your gums yet eh? That was like day two or three for me... Hopefully he won't get you badly. He almost stopped my snusing in my tracks Sounds like you're experience is much like mine - I've never really felt the nicotine kick, but that's because I was an ex-smoker - even from N&J and Skruf Stark. However, as I posted in a different thread - I accidentally brought Onico to work today, and I didn't know that they were fake snus (no tobacco, no nicotine) and I thought I was going to die (well maybe not that bad). When I got home I put in some skruf stark and that gave me the sweats for a couple minutes as my body re-adjusted to nicotine - but again no real head-spins.

                              I felt like you do with the portions at first. You'll see reference on this forum to your snus pouches (or something similar) in your gums. After you get used to snusing the regular portions will just sit there without any problems, and you'll get over the ackward feelings around people. Now and then I'll put in a mini portion in if I'm going to meeting with higher-ups, but those basically disappear and I don't even notice them. For me I started exclusively with mini's at work for a couple weeks, but after I got comfortable I switched to regular size without any problems. I've only gotten one weird look 8), but I reminded him how much better my clothes smell! He didn't mind anyway.

                              Catch brand was pretty nice - I've had most of their mini types. The cassis menthols were good. Remember I'm the one who hated menthol cigarettes, so they don't taste at all like menthol to me - more like cherry (cassis?).


                              • yummi4tunekookie
                                • Feb 2008
                                • 277

                                I only hope I can grow used to it. I actually had one in during my first class this morning, as we were taking a test (so I didn't have to worry about speaking or smiling), but I took it out for my next class, in which I talk a lot.

                                The burning sensation was a lot worse yesterday, but so far I've had no problems with it today.

                                I actually ordered the Catch Cassis Menthol, and I'm hoping it's not as sweet as Offroad, though I'm looking forward to it! I want my package NOWNOWNOWNOWNOW :evil:


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