I was looking at drink recipes for what I could make with my bottle of Hot Damn, and the names alone are fascinating. These are true names: Lay Down and Shut Up, Roadkill, Naked on the Bathroom Floor, Fat Girl, Hot Georgia Peach, and, my favorite, Pissed Off Mexican.
Now, snus' names are just boring compared to these. We need some imaginative names to go along with new flavors more suited to today instead of 100 years ago. If there were a jalapeno-flavored snus, we could tell people we were snusing a Pissed Off Mexican. That's a lot better than CatchDry Menthol.
Ever had hot pepper flavored ice cream? Your eyes water and you get a brain freeze at the same time.
I suggest snus makers peruse the potato chip aisle for inspiration. Just grab a chip flavor and pop it into a packet. See how it sells. Betcha barbecue would sell real well where Yummi goes to college. Heck, I'd try it.
I've still not tried snus yet , but I don't see how most potato-chip flavors would work with tobacco. Maybe barbecue... And as hilarious as those drinks' names are, I like the snus' names; I'd be confused if the names got too creative!
Anyway, I have had some spicy ice cream. There's a restaurant here that serves flavors like chocolate-wasabi and strawberry-habanero. They were pretty good, but I prefer my ice cream to not burn and cool my tongue at the same time!
But I do bet someone in the R.J. Reynolds board room is saying right now, "You now, we've got to move cigarette smokers to another dependent form of tobacco addition. How about snus? You know, those Swedish thingamajiggies that the European Union has banned. Trouble is, they taste like hell. We've got to give Americans something .. yummi! That's it. We need 'mercian flavors. Licorice is so foul even kids won't eat it. We need to go even beyond the hideous new Skoal Bandit flavors. We need to go .. to barbecue. Now, I draw the line at Sour Cream and Onion, but we can strike an agreement with KC Masterpiece today and both of us will get a stock boost tomorrow. What say you, ladies and gentlemen? Let's revolutionize this quaint but stagnant little custom that rhymes with lose."
Is that hard to imagine?
And, no, I don't want it to happen. Just having fun.
My fav flavor in life is BBQ - I can put BBQ sauce on just about anything (ok, reasonably anything ). When I saw your original post I thought, "hmmm... I wonder what would happen if I took some "Devil's Spit" from Famous Dave's and soaked some portions in it for a day or two?" I'd probably want to use some other minimally flavored snus, but I bet I'd actually like it!
Shrewd: Lucky Strike White might be perfect. I don't have any non-flavored snus on hand, so let us know if you try it. I mean ... that just popped into my nicotine-addled brain, but I might like it too!