Originally posted by sgreger1
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Riots in Oakland
Originally posted by f. bandersnatch View PostThis is a foolish argument. Blacks have not enslaved and objectified whites for hundreds of years.
Originally posted by sgreger1 View PostBut the problem is that they use the fact that slavery existed everywhere in the world (including America) as a basis to commit crime and use it as a scapegoat for their actions (only a select few idiots do this). For example, I sell crack in the hood because whitey enslaved my ancestors. Meanwhile in my office there are countless African Americans ( many from similar backgrounds as the crack dealer) who acknowledge the absolute injustice opposed upon their race but make light of the oppertunity they have in todays world and get a job like everyone else.
We all agree slavery was bad, but we must also agree that it was the way of the world at the time, and America did not invent slavery. Since then we have reformed our country to be a more equal and just place to exist for a minority, and oppertunities and freedoms are available to people of all races and backgrounds. So when I hear people looting, killing, or doing anything illegal in the name of "white man is keeping me down", I can only laugh.
I mean they are upset because someone committed a crime and didn't get a harsh enough sentence. So in retalliation they go commit crimes against innocents. Does that make sense, does it make them any better? I think crime of all sorts should be punished equally. Though there seems to be a high instance of cops shooting unarmed people because they think they can get away with it, but this is not restricted only to blacks, so again it's an abuse of power issue and not a racial one.
To revisit Rand Paul's opinion of the Civil Rights act, equality before the jaw is perfectly compatible with the constitution and bill of rights but applying radical egalitarianism to private property in the form of dictating to others whom they must hire,fire, rent to or do buisiness with is a gross violation of property rights and a guaruntee of totalitarian fascism.
Originally posted by Jimbob_Rebel View PostNo, but historically blacks have enslaved everyone they could (each other)and so really have no grounds for complaint on that score. As a matter of fact, slavery is still being practiced in africa today.
All- yeah, I did not really intend to spark a debate about whether or not hundreds of years of slavery was justifiable, nor did I want to hear anyone's bullshit "heritage not hate" spiel. I simply meant to point out that the contemporary African American perspective and the contemporary white perspective are so different that to put your hypothetical hat on and say "well, a white guy never woulda done that" is a)counterproductive and b)offensive
Originally posted by f. bandersnatch View PostJimbob- what the hell does this have to do with slavery in America? Are you saying that because Africans enslave each other it is okay for whites to go and get some o' they own? Is that really the argument? What is the point? If you intended to blow my mind friend, you did. As far as I can gather you are practicing a line of logic that has lead to the genocidal treatment of ethnic groups worldwide since the beginning of time. Congrats. You are better than the African. Lets pick up the rifles and fight the civil war again.
All- yeah, I did not really intend to spark a debate about whether or not hundreds of years of slavery was justifiable, nor did I want to hear anyone's bullshit "heritage not hate" spiel. I simply meant to point out that the contemporary African American perspective and the contemporary white perspective are so different that to put your hypothetical hat on and say "well, a white guy never woulda done that" is a)counterproductive and b)offensive
Rationalizing or supporting extremism and violence under the guise of "but we were mean to them in the past" is a) counterproductive b) flawed logic, and c) offensive.
I understand why they may FEEL a certain way, but the fact is that we are past that and we are all trying to go about our business in an equal and organized manner. To legitimize looting stores as "getting whites back for slavery" is a non-argument and is just an excuse to commit crime. Many people were oppressed throughout history. Should we be racist against Europeans because we felt they oppressed us? No, because today is a new age and we are all trying to just get along. I expect the same from ALL ethnic groups, and I expect that ALL citizens of America be for the most part law obiding or face the consequences. If your caught speeding and then yell at the cop that he's racist fo rgiving youa speeding ticket, it's no one's fault but your own and your just trying to use your skin color as a scapegoat or an excuse for breaking the law (which is racist).
Originally posted by myuserid View PostSo they riot when they disagree with a verdict AND when the Lakers win the NBA Finals.
It was not that long ago that whites were the ones rioting to stop the advancement of civil liberties for black people, and lynching them. I hate senseless acts of vandalism and looting, but I know people in my family tree have done worse. Not making excuses, but it seemed like you were referring to a specific group of people when I feel all races have played the evil side at some point.
Slaves before america were prisoner's of war.
slaves in america were prisoners of war that were sold, then the europeans got greedy and pillages the coast and took as they pleased.
there is a difference in winning then taking the remaining as your own and robbing a bank because you don't have as much of something that you would like to.
All of this crap though is the fault of our government, which started the whole mess with welfare and endless liberal government aid, and pandering to and escalting as social heroes agitators that only cause a greater racial divide, it all teaches people that are on that list of "special" that they are never equal because they get treated preferencially, pandering to the idiots and think they are "OK" with invites to the white house, allowing "official" representation for certain groups yet not allowing a voice for others. It may be a conspiracy. Of course if we know peoples of various backgrounds, you know there is good and bad in all types. yet this bad image does persist, because it's catered to, and if it was anyone else, I think it would not be allowed. So, in short, these people act like this, because it's been instilled in them that it's OK, and to be expected. It's sad our nation has fallen so.
Jesus -- black people do not riot because white people enslaved their ancestors hundreds of years ago. It happens when severe injustices are leveraged against black communities as a reaction against a system in which the black community is at an inherant life-long disadvantage for the procurement of resources. I am not justifying violence and stealing, I just want to say it has nothing to do with avenging slavery for Christ's sake. It has a lot more to do with pent-up anger toward a social system in which equal opportunity does not exist, despite what some people (person) here claims about the "legal discrimination" against whites, and the natural reaction to go out and get yours when the opportunity presents itself at the expense of the perceived oppressors. Now of course, the owner of the Footlocker in downtown Oakland is not the oppressor. But that is why "race riots" occur, albeit with very misguided rationale; an opportunity to take what has been denied through fewer legitimate channels of societal and material gain. If you don't think it's a lot harder for minorities to excel academically and fiscally when their families and peers have been relegated to the lowest sector of society by way of discrimination, lazy stereotypes, socio-economic status or their own life decisions, and if you think that it's hard to be a white man these days what with affirmative action and all..... where the **** do you live? Rioting and looting is never acceptable, and I am in no way supporting that kind of response to this incident, but some of these responses cry out for an understanding of motive beyond the severely outdated context of slavery.
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