Originally posted by f. bandersnatch
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But the problem is that they use the fact that slavery existed everywhere in the world (including America) as a basis to commit crime and use it as a scapegoat for their actions (only a select few idiots do this). For example, I sell crack in the hood because whitey enslaved my ancestors. Meanwhile in my office there are countless African Americans ( many from similar backgrounds as the crack dealer) who acknowledge the absolute injustice opposed upon their race but make light of the oppertunity they have in todays world and get a job like everyone else.
We all agree slavery was bad, but we must also agree that it was the way of the world at the time, and America did not invent slavery. Since then we have reformed our country to be a more equal and just place to exist for a minority, and oppertunities and freedoms are available to people of all races and backgrounds. So when I hear people looting, killing, or doing anything illegal in the name of "white man is keeping me down", I can only laugh.
I mean they are upset because someone committed a crime and didn't get a harsh enough sentence. So in retalliation they go commit crimes against innocents. Does that make sense, does it make them any better? I think crime of all sorts should be punished equally. Though there seems to be a high instance of cops shooting unarmed people because they think they can get away with it, but this is not restricted only to blacks, so again it's an abuse of power issue and not a racial one.