Riots in Oakland

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  • bsd777
    • Nov 2009
    • 261

    Originally posted by shikitohno View Post
    Roo, I disagree with the statements about anti-white discrimination, but I've heard all sorts of stupid shit justified by slavery. I've heard in New York City, more rural areas of NY and I've heard it along the northeast coast from New York to Maine. I had a kid in my class in highschool, who would show to 30 minutes into a 44 minute class with no excuse for why he was late, having just been hanging out in the hall. When the teacher gave him detention (he did this a lot), the inevitable response from Andrew was, "Oh, miss, you doing this because I is black, ain't you? That's why you doing this, cause you a racist!" A brief not, this kid really did talk that way, I'm not taking a shot at black people with those lines. I've had black guys in New York City accuse me of being a racist who probably wants to enslave black people again because I refused to pay $10 to him to buy he's crappy CD he was selling on the street in Manhattan. Yes, slavery was bad, I get that. But, I never owned a single damn slave myself. It's not a large part of black people who do this, but there is a consistent group amongst the African-American population (drawing from people I've met) who simply use slavery as an excuse. Discrimination still exists, yes. African Americans tend to get screwed with low paying jobs, living in bad sections of town. But not all of them do. There are plenty of black people who work their ass off and get ahead in live. They make their life and the lives of their families better by doing something about the situation rather than bitching and moaning about how the white man is keeping them down. I just get tired of hearing stupid crap from those few who blame everything on slavery and the white man.

    It's like how you see some white people who constantly complain about "dirty Mexicans and Pakis" coming and stealing their jobs. It's not the Mexican or the Indian guy's fault that they are just as qualified as you and willing to work for less money than you are. It's your own damn fault you don't have a job because you saw these guys getting hired, and you didn't do anything to make yourself a more attractive hire then they were. I'm all for equal opportunity, but equal opportunity doesn't mean I'll treat you as special or above the law because once, over a century ago, some man who had no relation to me enslaved one of your relatives. I lived in a number of places, and I've heard black people justify riots for such stupid reasons as slavery. Most black people are smarter than that, but like I said, there's that one group that's very vocal that just makes black people as a whole look stupid. For one such ass, look at Al Sharpton whenever he makes a speech after a white guy does anything to a black person. No matter the circumstances, cop is guilty.

    And I understand a small part of the discrimination against white people argument that I do agree with. Say Irish me is selling large quantities of drugs. I get shot by a black guy in a drug bust. Nobody gives a damn because if I wasn't engaged in a crime, I very likely would not have been shot. A black guy in the middle of committing a crime gets shot by a white cop, though, and suddenly the news is awash in reports of how much cops hate black people. Feel free to insert other historically oppressed ethnic group into that second sentence, and it largely holds true. If it's a case like Amadou Diallo, than there's likely a good deal of merit to claims of racism. But you get no pity from me with the racism card when the guy was in the midst of committing a criminal act. White cops don't just drive around Compton or Brooklyn picking off black people from squad cars. You don't want to get shot by police, not committing crimes goes a long way towards lowering the odds of it happening.

    It happens all the time. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton make their living playing the race card and encouraging others to do the same. I find the situation we have in FL very interesting, where you have a very large population of native born blacks, many of which are bitter and haven't been very successful. They find themselves living next to first generation immigrants from Haiti and Jamaica. These immigrant tend to bust their hump, the minute they hit our shores, and as a group have been fairly successful. There's quite a bit of animosity between native and immigrant blacks in FL.


    • Mr. Snuffleupagus
      • Dec 2008
      • 2781

      Actually, I must give Oakland props for keeping the lid on this one so far. Oakland is way off the hook in general (I lived there for 8 years), but 75% of the arrests from last nite were not from there. Of course there's UC Berkeley and Richmond and a lot of suburbs of wanna be's close by.


      • f. bandersnatch
        • Mar 2010
        • 725

        Roo, nice post. I am not really saying anything but that here. Once again, sgreger and the gang miss the point: slavery is not a justification for the violence, but a 500+ year history of enslavement and marginalization of a people is an explanation for the violence. No one is saying that slavery is a get out of jail free card, only that the position of blacks in American society is not something you can understand by reversing the races in any given situation. You are allowed an opinion on the merit of any man's action, but you are not allowed to ignore this history in the process.


        • bsd777
          • Nov 2009
          • 261

          Originally posted by f. bandersnatch View Post
          Roo, nice post. I am not really saying anything but that here. Once again, sgreger and the gang miss the point: slavery is not a justification for the violence, but a 500+ year history of enslavement and marginalization of a people is an explanation for the violence. No one is saying that slavery is a get out of jail free card, only that the position of blacks in American society is not something you can understand by reversing the races in any given situation. You are allowed an opinion on the merit of any man's action, but you are not allowed to ignore this history in the process.
          I guess I missed the point too, but it sounds like an excuse to me. If marginalization and not opportunism explains the riots, why isn't every group that's ever felt marginalized out rioting?
          We should see rioting midgets and dwarfs too right?


          • Mr. Snuffleupagus
            • Dec 2008
            • 2781

            Originally posted by bsd777 View Post
            I guess I missed the point too, but it sounds like an excuse to me. If marginalization and not opportunism explains the riots, why isn't every group that's ever felt marginalized out rioting?
            We should see rioting midgets and dwarfs too right?
            The little people are hard to spot, but they are rioting.


            • danielan
              • Apr 2010
              • 1514

              Originally posted by mr. Snuffleupagus View Post
              the little people are hard to spot, but they are rioting.


              • shikitohno
                • Jul 2009
                • 1156

                Originally posted by f. bandersnatch View Post
                Roo, nice post. I am not really saying anything but that here. Once again, sgreger and the gang miss the point: slavery is not a justification for the violence, but a 500+ year history of enslavement and marginalization of a people is an explanation for the violence. No one is saying that slavery is a get out of jail free card, only that the position of blacks in American society is not something you can understand by reversing the races in any given situation. You are allowed an opinion on the merit of any man's action, but you are not allowed to ignore this history in the process.
                I'm just saying that I know it isn't, but I do get tired of seeing it played like it should be. The few black people who do that make all the rest look bad.


                • EricHill78
                  • Jun 2010
                  • 4253

                  After reading this thread it reminded me of what happened to me in high
                  school. It was after a home football game and my friends (I used the term friends very loosely) and I decided to walk over to dunkin donuts and I got jumped by about 6 black kids. My friends ran like hell and left me to defend myself. I got a few punches in
                  but I was way outnumbered. I was in front of a strip mall and was lucky that someone pulled up hit their high beams and they ran. My wounds were pretty superficial except one. One of them got a punch in where my canine (whatever the pointy tooth is called)cut through my lip. I got stiches on my inner mouth and the outside. There's a faint line there which you could only notice if I point it out. There was alot of blood and a few bruises. Long story short where was my news coverage??? Why didn't anyone yell racism??? If the situation was reversed well you know...


                  • EricHill78
                    • Jun 2010
                    • 4253

                    Funny thing is is where I got hit... Is my snus sweet spot.. Go figure lol


                    • Bigblue1
                      Banned Users
                      • Dec 2008
                      • 3923

                      Race is a diversion, as is sports, tv, and movies. Keep the sheep calling each other names and slaughter them all the while.


                      • tom502
                        • Feb 2009
                        • 8985

                        Eric- sounds like a hate crime to me, which happens all the time against whites, yet is never, or extremely rarely reported as, because when a white attacks a black, it's an automatic hate crime it seems, yet if it's a black attacker, well, I guess their just acting within their nature. Seems more an insult to blacks that way to not have it be a hate crime, like it's their nature to randomly attack whites, yet the government and blackist extremists think that's normal behaviour.

                        And the slavery thing is so misused and has been a political wedge of coersion, it's sick. One, it's stright up racist, for current blacks, to blanket blame current whites, for some event that took place over 100 years ago. One of this nations biggest problems is the large black racist population, and the media and government that panders to them. Only the Fords and Oprahs of that time had slaves, yes, there were black slave land owners. Common people did not walk around with a slave. Brazil had the most imported African slaves, which it is the black Africans that sold their black slaves, to anyone. It was blacks that enslaved blacks, and whites that freed blacks.

                        And the blanket blame thing against whites, well then, it's not much different then for all whites to blanket blame all blacks for all the crime. Just because Lil Dejuan at 16 with a stolen gun, robbed a liquor store and shot and killed the clerk, does not mean Derrick, who works full time, doesn't commit crimes, and does the right thing, is the same as Dejuan. And just because over 100 yrs ago, black Africans sold black slaves to all kinds of people of the Americas, and the whites eventually freeing the blacks, it's not right Dejuan and his spokesman Al Sharpton blame whitey for his actions because maybe, some distant relative was a slave(could have been a slaver, or owner too), and so black people need another free check for being black.

                        It's all crazy, and it saddens me, my nations has fallen so.


                        • Boston Mike
                          • Jun 2010
                          • 59

                          Love the way slavery is referred to as "some event that took place over 100 years ago".


                          • truthwolf1
                            • Oct 2008
                            • 2696

                            My problem with slavery, the Jewish holocaust, native Americans, Mexican land grab and even the Jewish bolsheviks holocaust of the eastern europeans (in my case) is that these events are all before my time. I should really not care or dwell on what happened to my grandparents family or some event before my time. We are living for today and not for historical guilt or hate for some old regimes that set into motion where we might be sitting today. This is our history in the making and we need to focus on what is really going on now and how it is shaping our lives.


                            • Jimbob_Rebel
                              • Jun 2010
                              • 169

                              Originally posted by f. bandersnatch View Post
                              Jimbob- what the hell does this have to do with slavery in America? Are you saying that because Africans enslave each other it is okay for whites to go and get some o' they own? Is that really the argument? What is the point? If you intended to blow my mind friend, you did. As far as I can gather you are practicing a line of logic that has lead to the genocidal treatment of ethnic groups worldwide since the beginning of time. Congrats. You are better than the African. Lets pick up the rifles and fight the civil war again.

                              All- yeah, I did not really intend to spark a debate about whether or not hundreds of years of slavery was justifiable, nor did I want to hear anyone's bullshit "heritage not hate" spiel. I simply meant to point out that the contemporary African American perspective and the contemporary white perspective are so different that to put your hypothetical hat on and say "well, a white guy never woulda done that" is a)counterproductive and b)offensive
                              My point is that whites are not the authors of a unique "evil", in fact, this same "evil" was practiced and is practiced still by those who might point to the supposed "guilt" of whites to justify institutionalized anti-white racism in this country. Sure, the black/white narratives in this nation exist in stark contrast to one another, but whites do have a narrative, it ought to be heard, and is seldom if ever given a voice in public debate.

                              By the by, it's more than a little molodramatic to equate slavery with genocide. While I do not wish to see slavery revived as an institution here in america, it has been practiced by all cultures accross the world at some point in history. For anyone interrested, slavery is never condemned as "sin" in the bible although the topic is addressed in defining the proper "servant"/master relationship. I would assume that the Torah and Koran likewise address the topic without condemnation.


                              • Jimbob_Rebel
                                • Jun 2010
                                • 169

                                Originally posted by sgreger1 View Post
                                Rationalizing or supporting extremism and violence under the guise of "but we were mean to them in the past" is a) counterproductive b) flawed logic, and c) offensive.

                                I understand why they may FEEL a certain way, but the fact is that we are past that and we are all trying to go about our business in an equal and organized manner. To legitimize looting stores as "getting whites back for slavery" is a non-argument and is just an excuse to commit crime. Many people were oppressed throughout history. Should we be racist against Europeans because we felt they oppressed us? No, because today is a new age and we are all trying to just get along. I expect the same from ALL ethnic groups, and I expect that ALL citizens of America be for the most part law obiding or face the consequences. If your caught speeding and then yell at the cop that he's racist fo rgiving youa speeding ticket, it's no one's fault but your own and your just trying to use your skin color as a scapegoat or an excuse for breaking the law (which is racist).
                                Excellent points, I can't see where "blood guilt" is compatible with anglo-saxon common law, enlightenment ideals of justice, or any christian understanding of the concept. One might easilly imagine the kind of world we would have if everyone embraced the concept of blood guilt. Any mob, tyrant or criminal could justify any act by flipping through an history book.


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