YEEEHAW! My computer is computing stuff. What a f%%%ing surprise, eh? Ever since Windows 95 became "obsolete" (technically I think it's better than Vista, haven't tried 7) I've hated computers more and more each OS "upgrade." Turns out my problem is Windows, the software that couldn't operating system itself out of a brown paper bag. There are more complicated operating systems in my ass. I've got a million of these.
So basically my computer stopped downloading files successfully. After a painful 5-10 hours on the phone with Microsoft Technical Blowhards they told me my only option was to reinstall Windows. Thanks guys. So I reinstall Windows and SUPRISE! it won't boot up. Sweet! Well I backed up all my files and called Dell. This support guy was an even bigger prick. He tells me my hard drive is shot and at the end of the call is like "Did I resolve your issue?" I said "No." and it got all awkward... he was like "Well I dispatched a technician" and I was like "Then what are you asking me for?"
Being the arrogant, smarter-than-these-morons kinda guy I am I decided to prove him wrong by installing Linux. It worked. I don't have words kind enough for this software. I'm literally giddy. And no, you stupid motherf&&&ers, my hard drive is NOT broken.
any techies around here know how to reinstall windows WITHOUT letting it take over my computer gestapo style? I heard it tends to get rid of linux. sadly I need to have that POS installed so that I can use my Universities network in about a month.
So basically my computer stopped downloading files successfully. After a painful 5-10 hours on the phone with Microsoft Technical Blowhards they told me my only option was to reinstall Windows. Thanks guys. So I reinstall Windows and SUPRISE! it won't boot up. Sweet! Well I backed up all my files and called Dell. This support guy was an even bigger prick. He tells me my hard drive is shot and at the end of the call is like "Did I resolve your issue?" I said "No." and it got all awkward... he was like "Well I dispatched a technician" and I was like "Then what are you asking me for?"
Being the arrogant, smarter-than-these-morons kinda guy I am I decided to prove him wrong by installing Linux. It worked. I don't have words kind enough for this software. I'm literally giddy. And no, you stupid motherf&&&ers, my hard drive is NOT broken.
any techies around here know how to reinstall windows WITHOUT letting it take over my computer gestapo style? I heard it tends to get rid of linux. sadly I need to have that POS installed so that I can use my Universities network in about a month.