Ed Schultz "Psycho Talk": Glenn Beck - 06/22/10
Glenn Beck. Delusional and drunk on ego. Legend in his own mind. He speaks of "indoctrination" from the hands of gov't, yet wants to abolish public schools. What better way to indoctrinate our children than a private school system. A school system that the idea of secularism cannot touch. Indoctrination....I guess it depends on what side of the fence you're standing on.
Originally posted by Ainkor View PostHow about this..... They all are idiots.
Originally posted by bsd777 View PostNo, anybody who discusses the constitution, the founders intent and encourages his audience to read up on the same, is the farthest you can get from being an idiot. Unless, you believe the founders were selfish, evil, racists and Castro, Che, Chavez and Mao where great, altruistic men instead of psychopathic, megalomaniacs they really are/were. Then I guess you might hate Glenn and everything he represents and revert to calling him names, like idiot. But if that were the case, I don't know what you're still doing whining here. Get a move on, paradise awaits you in Venezuela!
Well you being a Glenn Beck fan explains a lot..... I don't hate Glenn Beck, hes just kind of a joke to me. Bill O has more credit with me than this guy and thats saying something. I like how the right will dismiss any criticism as communist or hating freedom, yet tend to dole out their fair share. For the record, I have tried to watch Beck but found him to be more than a little loony in his discourse.
Originally posted by bsd777 View PostNo, anybody who discusses the constitution, the founders intent .....
example... http://www.huffingtonpost.com/chris-..._b_598698.html
Originally posted by timholian View PostLOL
Well you being a Glenn Beck fan explains a lot..... I don't hate Glenn Beck, hes just kind of a joke to me. Bill O has more credit with me than this guy and thats saying something. I like how the right will dismiss any criticism as communist or hating freedom, yet tend to dole out their fair share. For the record, I have tried to watch Beck but found him to be more than a little loony in his discourse.
Originally posted by justintempler View PostThe problem being how does Glenn Beck know the founders intent. Glenn Beck has a bad habit of teaching a revisionist history...
example... http://www.huffingtonpost.com/chris-..._b_598698.html
Sorry Justin, but Ariana Huffington has no credibility with anyone other than looniest, leftist 5% of the population.
Originally posted by bsd777 View PostAnyone including you, me or Beck can easily determine their intent utilizing reason and logic and reading the Constitution, Federalist's Papers etc.,
Sorry Justin, but Ariana Huffington has no credibility with anyone other than looniest, leftist 5% of the population.
There's bullshit on both sides of the pathetic two-party system, and as much BS coming from their commentators who say what they say more for money and less because they actually believe it.