Ed Schultz "Psycho Talk": Glenn Beck - 06/22/10

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  • justintempler
    • Nov 2008
    • 3090

    Originally posted by bsd777 View Post
    Anyone including you, me or Beck can easily determine their intent utilizing reason and logic and reading the Constitution, Federalist's Papers etc.,
    Sorry Justin, but Ariana Huffington has no credibility with anyone other than looniest, leftist 5% of the population.
    Oh I see, just because it's on the Huffington Post it's an automatic fail?
    Arianna Huffington wasn't the author, Chris Rodda is. Unlike you I listen to both sides of an argument and don't just dismiss it because it comes from someone I don't like.


    • Joe234
      • Apr 2010
      • 1948

      Originally posted by danielan View Post
      They're different terms.

      Left is synonymous with Liberal
      Right is synonymous with Correct.
      Left is synonymous with progress
      Right is synonymous with Sieg Heil

      Rush Limbaugh's Penthouse Sells For $11.5 Million

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      • tom502
        • Feb 2009
        • 8985

        The Nazis seem very leftist to me, in their socio-economic areas. Plus a central figurehead, seems to mimic the left-socialist/communist standard, Chavez, Castro, Mao, etc.


        • RobsanX
          • Aug 2008
          • 2030

          Notice Glen Beck leaves out the church in his list of organizations that are indoctrinating Americans. Remember that he is a Mormon. He belongs to the church that didn't think the Bible was good enough, so they wrote their own. It's not surprising that he also wants to rewrite American history to fit his beliefs...


          • LaZeR
            • Oct 2009
            • 3994

            i love joe's thraeds!!!111


            • Joe234
              • Apr 2010
              • 1948

              Originally posted by tom502
              The Nazis seem very leftist to me, in their socio-economic areas. Plus a central figurehead, seems to mimic the left-socialist/communist standard, Chavez, Castro, Mao, etc.
              From Wikipedia:

              Nazism is a politically syncretic variety of fascism, which incorporates policies, tactics and philosophic tenets from left and right-wing politics. Italian fascism and German Nazism reject liberalism, democracy and Marxism.[66] Usually supported by the far right (military, business, Church), fascism is historically anti-communist, anti-conservative and anti-parliamentary.[67] The Nazis' rise to power was assisted by the Fascist government of Italy that began to financially subsidize the Nazi party in 1928.[68]

              Sounds like Glenn Beck


              • wadetheblade
                • Jul 2009
                • 572

                bsd777 really! Ha what a joke! Glenn beck is an idiot. And nazis were to the right not the left people! Go read a history book!


                • tom502
                  • Feb 2009
                  • 8985

                  Is Stalin and Kim Jong Il left or right? What about Chavez and Mao?


                  • truthwolf1
                    • Oct 2008
                    • 2696

                    Glenn really is a anomaly for FOX news and he has done a complete flip from his Neocon days.
                    What I think is happening is that they are tapping into the internet chatter and making themselves out to be just like the opposition voices but in reality they will be the one's sticking the bayonet in your back when the time comes.


                    • wadetheblade
                      • Jul 2009
                      • 572

                      Commies left, fascist right.


                      • StuKlu
                        • Feb 2010
                        • 1192

                        Originally posted by wadetheblade View Post
                        bsd777 really! Ha what a joke! Glenn beck is an idiot. And nazis were to the right not the left people! Go read a history book!
                        False - NAZI - National Socialists. Fascism government control of private industry. Both Fascists and Communists are about more government, not less which is what is at the right. The farthest right is Anarchy - no government. Farthest Left is Communism - total government control. The history books are written by Leftists. Nazis are leftist, with a bit of nationalism thrown in.


                        • tom502
                          • Feb 2009
                          • 8985

                          I know Mussolini was once leader of the Italian Socialist Party.


                          • sgreger1
                            • Mar 2009
                            • 9451

                            I'm not sure that the American concepts of "left" and "right" can adequately explain what happened under hitler. First of all, hitler was extremely against marxism/communism. In Mein Kamphf he says that there are two things which he despises most of all, and that is marxism and jewry.

                            Hitler was a fascist, he had backing of corporations and other big money players (some US in origin), and used that to establish a totalitarian government which he then used to start a massive war and ethnic cleansing. He accomplished this through establishing a strong sense of uber-nationalism and pride in the country and race.

                            How do we describe that in American left/right terms?

                            Backing of corporations: Technically this would be to the right, as the right is more pro-big business, though modern right wingers tend to want smaller government and less regulation for large industries (which can lead to fascism, corporatism, oligarchy etc) The left tends to hate corporations and wants the government to have ultimate control. SO this one goes ot the right.

                            Totalitarian government: This one I would say is more towards the left. Again, using contemporary portraits of what left/right means, the left seems to be the ones wanting an expansion of government. We know republican elected officials also expand government, but the party base I believe rallies around the concept of reduced government. So the gov dictating everything I think falls for the most part towards the left in this scenario.

                            Starting a massive war: To the right, hands down.

                            Ethnic cleansing: This also depends on what left/right means to you. Historically the left was the pro-slavery crowd, and even into the early 1900's the republicans were the ones fighting for civil rights and many of the big civil rights figures like MLK were republicans. However, at some point the parties flipped on this issue. The southern democrats became the southern red states and the civil rights movement's torch was passed over to the democrats. So using contemporary left/right terms, ethnic cleansing would technically fall onto the right for this one imo (not that the right today wants ethnic cleansing).

                            So in total, I think it is fair to say that Hitler's regime ran things more "to the right" in most (but not all) aspects. Again it's hard to compare to what we believe to be left/right in today's day and age because there is nothing really to compare it to. Hitler was a blend of both, and ran on the NAZI platform, (national socialist), and did have a very socialist mindset at times, however his reall motive was fierce nationalism and pride in his country and race, which to me is more of a right wing concept in today's day and age. He rallied around patriotism, pride in the country even though it sucked, and staged events to create common enemies to turn the proud nationalists against, someone they could blame all the woes of their country on (jews.)

                            So not that modern American right wingers favor any system even resembling NAZI germany, if you had to put it in one catagory or another, I believe it would fall to the right.

                            Just because it has the word socialist in it doesn't mean that's what they actually believed. It's like when dictators call their land "the people's republic of...", or names like "The Patriot Act", they are pruposely decietefull.


                            • tom502
                              • Feb 2009
                              • 8985

                              It seems the Left, with it's backings of world Communism, in the Dem party, usurped the so-called civil rights movement, but with a new philosophy of not equality, but of replacing proletariat with black, in their effort to create more social division, with the agenda to install welfare liberal socialism, which it's led to know, like connect the dots. And the ethnocenric racism, even seems to be upheld the most by the left, with the La Raza, the Nation of Islam, and the New Black Panther Party being catered to and pandered and protected by the left Dem party, as well as more panderings and promises of more preferences and quotas, and calls for racist unity when Michelle Obama speaks at the Black Klan Rally(naacp). So, I'd say this is all more a left tactic.

                              The so-called "corporatism" of fascism, is not based on capitalistic selfish greed of the private corporations as it is here, but the running of the nation itself as a corporate, with it's "profits" going to providing social programs for contributing citizens.


                              • wadetheblade
                                • Jul 2009
                                • 572

                                Stuklu you are sadly mistaken. You do not know your history Nazism is a kind of fascism with a different view on economy (Socialist).

