Ed Schultz "Psycho Talk": Glenn Beck - 06/22/10

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  • truthwolf1
    • Oct 2008
    • 2696

    Originally posted by tom502 View Post
    It seems the Left, with it's backings of world Communism, in the Dem party, usurped the so-called civil rights movement, but with a new philosophy of not equality, but of replacing proletariat with black, in their effort to create more social division, with the agenda to install welfare liberal socialism, which it's led to know, like connect the dots. And the ethnocenric racism, even seems to be upheld the most by the left, with the La Raza, the Nation of Islam, and the New Black Panther Party being catered to and pandered and protected by the left Dem party, as well as more panderings and promises of more preferences and quotas, and calls for racist unity when Michelle Obama speaks at the Black Klan Rally(naacp). So, I'd say this is all more a left tactic.

    The so-called "corporatism" of fascism, is not based on capitalistic selfish greed of the private corporations as it is here, but the running of the nation itself as a corporate, with it's "profits" going to providing social programs for contributing citizens.
    On my lunch hour I caught 10 minutes of FOX news showing NAACP members rallying something about the TEA PARTY members being all racists and wanting to create a resolution. These types of groups and political moves in todays world just seem to really backfire any support for them in my eye's.



    • Darwin
      • Mar 2010
      • 1372

      It is a bit difficult to slot Hitler in modern terms because right/left, conservative/liberal had rather different connotations in the early part of the last century. That being said things like ethnic cleansing, hyper-nationalism, and dictatorships in general were hardly the exclusive province of "right wing" politics--however you define them. In fact if you subtract the rhetorical boilerplate Hitler's Nazi Germany and Stalin's Soviet Union were virtual twins in terms of the prodigies of terror and oppression they wielded over their own populations. Hitler hated Stalin's guts and Stalin hated Hitler's. Odd since in every way that matters at all they were lunatic peas in a pod. Both imposed their own personally bizarre and toxic psychopathologies on their respective populations and victims and both make hash of any attempts to pigeonhole their lunacies into even vaguely approximate political categories. What is ironic is that many in the west, mostly on the "left", but a few on the "right" as well admired the Soviet Union while despising Nazi Germany when in fact there was absolutely nothing to admire about either one. Sure there were a few nutbars that admired the Nazi's here and in the west in general, but they were always few in number and negligible in affect on public policy.

      As far as businessmen in the country colluding to support Hitler don't make me laugh. They only "colluded" to get contracts with the German government like any business would have. The same companies would have been delighted to sign contracts with the Soviets, if they had had any foreign exchange reserves available worthy of the name. Many who did do business with the Soviets ultimately discovered that the Soviets had stolen them blind and or copied their technology with no compensation.


      • truthwolf1
        • Oct 2008
        • 2696

        In fact if you subtract the rhetorical boilerplate Hitler's Nazi Germany and Stalin's Soviet Union were virtual twins in terms of the prodigies of terror and oppression they wielded over their own populations.

        Very well said.


        • danielan
          • Apr 2010
          • 1514

          Originally posted by sgreger1 View Post
          Backing of corporations: Technically this would be to the right, as the right is more pro-big business, though modern right wingers tend to want smaller government and less regulation for large industries (which can lead to fascism, corporatism, oligarchy etc) The left tends to hate corporations and wants the government to have ultimate control. SO this one goes ot the right.
          Even this one has quite a bit of left-ness in it. While they supported business and were supported by businesses, but they were also strongly anti-capitalist and they freely nationalized businesses if/when they thought it appropriate and exerted control over those they they did not nationalize.

          At one time, in America, the liberals were for individual freedoms and against the "tyranny" of the state. This has shifted since the 60's. Liberals in the US now tend to support state expansion and intrusion on a large variety of issues.

          The Nazi's also instituted plenty of populist social programs, "Living wage" policies, etc.

          Anyway... The terms are, IMO, too large and inexact to be particularly useful in a historical context.

