Weight Loss

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  • bsd777
    • Nov 2009
    • 261

    Weight Loss

    I notice the topic of weight on these boards quite a bit. Based on my own personal experiences, I'm a firm believer in reduced carb diets, specifically South Beach, which promotes reduced carbs as well as reduced fat. Until Dr Atkins came along, it seemed all anyone ever talked about was fat reduction and I assumed, based on personal experience these recommendations were outdated, behind the times or misguided. Now it occurs to me that the emphasis on fat or carb reduction might be dependent on the individual. The news is a little old, but I don't think it received much coverage, so I'm posting it here. There's a company that claims through genetic testing, they can identify the primary cause of an individual's weight gain and whether they would benefit most from a restricted fat, restricted carb or restricted both diet. They claim that individuals who stick to the best diet for them, loose two and a half times more weight than individuals who diet without knowing which diet they should follow. The test costs $150 and I think I'd probably do it, if I where not convinced I already know my answer.

  • tom502
    • Feb 2009
    • 8985

    I know the answer for me too. Carb.


    • Randall
      • May 2010
      • 753

      From my experience, when I consume less calories than I burn, I lose weight. I don't get the whole diet thing.


      • tom502
        • Feb 2009
        • 8985

        Some people are more sensitive to certain foods than others. Me, now officially being called diabetic, and over 50 lbs heavy, the carbs effect my weight the most, as well as it would blood sugar, and blood pressure. Calorie control is basically quanity control, and yes, 1 donut is better than 12. But, foods are made up of different things, carbs, fat, and protein. Calorie is just a unit of measure basically. But if one is overweight just from overeating overall, then yeah, a calorie approach should work well.

        I have just decided starting tomorrow, I am starting a new "diet" plan, called Fast 5.

        I really gotta stick with it, and I believe I may be able to do this "easier" than restricting certain foods(the ones I really like).


        • ratcheer
          • Jul 2010
          • 621

          I have lost about 10 lbs since I started using snus in mid-May (2 months ago). I attribute this to the fact that when I have a snus portion in my mouth, I am not continually looking for snacks. First, it is not pleasant to eat while "snus'ing", but also I am getting taste stimulation from the snus instead of seeking it from foods.



          • ratcheer
            • Jul 2010
            • 621

            But, yes, the only successful diet I have ever done was the very low-carb Atkins Diet, which I followed pretty closely for about five years (ca 1999-2005). I lost from around 235 lbs to around 180 lbs. I lost 10 lbs in the first two weeks.

            Why did I quit? 1) I simply got sick of eating so much meat and closely inspecting the carb content of everything else I ate. 2) Pressure from the wife for multiple reasons.



            • bsd777
              • Nov 2009
              • 261

              Originally posted by ratcheer View Post
              But, yes, the only successful diet I have ever done was the very low-carb Atkins Diet, which I followed pretty closely for about five years (ca 1999-2005). I lost from around 235 lbs to around 180 lbs. I lost 10 lbs in the first two weeks.

              Why did I quit? 1) I simply got sick of eating so much meat and closely inspecting the carb content of everything else I ate. 2) Pressure from the wife for multiple reasons.

              I think South Beach is less of a diet than a life style guide. Better choices. I don't go without desert but given the choice, I'll take no sugar added turtle tracks ice cream over a piece of cake. I don't feel as if I'm depriving myself, I'm satisfied.


              • Roo
                • Jun 2008
                • 3446

                I prefer to eat whatever I want with reasonable portion sizes and exercise. I don't eat deserts, nor do I snack, but I do eat a lot at dinnertime in particular and I drink lots and lots of beer. Even so, if I run for 30 minutes 4 to 5 times per week I lose about a pound a week. At that rate it takes a lot of patience and hard work (exercising is a pain in the ass) but its well worth the health and weightloss benefits and I still get to drink my beer and eat hashbrowns, eggs, buscuits and gravy like I did this morning. I think exercise is the best approach for us americans who spend absurd amounts of time on our asses and drive everywhere we go. Think about all the people in small towns and suburbs who wake up, drive to mcdonalds on their way to work, sit on their asses for 9 hours, drive home and eat slop, then sit on the couch until it's time to lay down for bed. Nothing against rural folk, but the fact that much of america virtually walks nowhere except the aisles of walmart twice a week and back and forth to the copy machine twice a day at work has much to do with why americans are so fat, and even more so outside of big cities where there is nowhere to walk to. We drive everwhere, then when we get there, we sit down again. Just an observation and part of my ongoing musings as to the rural/urban divide and its correlation to body size, physical fitness, and eating habits. I live in the city and I'm overwight so I should shut the **** up. But I do have more opportunites to walk places, and I think that makes a big difference.


                • timholian
                  • Apr 2010
                  • 1448

                  Originally posted by Randall View Post
                  From my experience, when I consume less calories than I burn, I lose weight. I don't get the whole diet thing.


                  • Randall
                    • May 2010
                    • 753

                    I like the book 'smart excercise' by covert bailey. explains everything about food and excercise.



                    • dreed2
                      • Jul 2010
                      • 256

                      I've lost weight since I started riding my exercise bike again. I eat like a bird, so cutting calories was getting me nowhere. Body goes into starvation mode and I hit a plateau. Still have a long way to go to drop the extra 20 pounds I've put on, but I'm making some progress by drinking a lot of water and exercising every day.


                      • Ainkor
                        • Sep 2008
                        • 1144

                        Originally posted by Randall View Post
                        From my experience, when I consume less calories than I burn, I lose weight. I don't get the whole diet thing.
                        Yup. No sense going into a fad diet. Eat less, eat good food, get out and move and you will be fine. I've lost 24 pounds so far and about 50 more till I am comfortable with were I am.


                        • Randall
                          • May 2010
                          • 753

                          most people do not count calories, so they have no real idea how much they consume. you would lose a pound a week just from eating 500 less calories a day, without any excercise. 3500cal=1lb.


                          • PipenSnus
                            • Apr 2010
                            • 1038

                            Originally posted by tom502 View Post
                            Some people are more sensitive to certain foods than others. Me, now officially being called diabetic, and over 50 lbs heavy, the carbs effect my weight the most, as well as it would blood sugar, and blood pressure. Calorie control is basically quanity control, and yes, 1 donut is better than 12. But, foods are made up of different things, carbs, fat, and protein. Calorie is just a unit of measure basically. But if one is overweight just from overeating overall, then yeah, a calorie approach should work well.

                            I have just decided starting tomorrow, I am starting a new "diet" plan, called Fast 5.

                            I really gotta stick with it, and I believe I may be able to do this "easier" than restricting certain foods(the ones I really like).
                            Sorry to tell you this, Tom, but that diet plan is NOT good for diabetics. The goal in diabetes management is to keep your blood sugar as level as possible throughout the day -- never too high, never too low. The Fast-5 plan will spike your blood sugar way too high during and immediately after the 5 hours in which you're allowed to eat, and then your blood sugar will drop way too low toward the end of the 19 hour fast. You don't want that, believe me.

                            You need to talk to a diabetes educator about diet and nutrition before you make a decision on a diet plan. Here, follow this link: http://www.nortonhealthcare.com/body.cfm?id=241 or call 629-2604 tomorrow.


                            • bsd777
                              • Nov 2009
                              • 261

                              I've been active my whole life. I run and lift weights and for the most part stay pretty fit, but I hit a point were I just wasn't able to trim that small belly pooch. I didn't know why or what to do. I ran, lifted weights and only ate low fat foods, then one day I was introduced to South Beach. I hit it hard, phase 1/2 for 3 months, I wanted that belly fat gone. Everything else remained the same, but I stopped eating bread and started eating lots of nuts, low fat cheese, chicken etc. I lost about 25-30 pounds most within the first two months. Two years ago, I had 6% body fat. I've not been as disciplined lately, let myself slide and partake of baked goods far more than I should and it shows. But I've begun bucking down again. I don't count anything. I eat when I'm hungry and try to make better choices in what I eat.


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